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Hobi's pov
What the hell is he doing here I looked at kai and give him a questionable look he mouthed me Mr.park is our business partner. Oh wow just wow how can I face him now. He played his side very well I can't even say anything because it's appa's order.i sighed and looked at him to see him smriking at me God he look damn hot and sexy while smriking and he is looking me from up to down and licked his lips which give me shiver. Now what will he do with me after that party incident I'm damn sure he will not gonna let me go that easily. I was in my thoughts when kai called me
Kai: hobi it's time .he whispered near my ear. I looked at jimin and saw he fisting his hand giving death glare to kai because he is hell jealous of him I internally smriked and nodded to him.
Hobi: so let's start the meeting Mr.park
(he nodded) and kai please inform others to come to the meeting room.
Kai: ok hobi he said and left me with jimin I'm internally praying God that the others come fast so I don't have to be alone with him . So for distract my mind I went to some files that I have to sign according to the partnership with Mr.park I mean jimin. I was reading the file very careful and without knowing I stand up from my seat and started to walk towards window for fresh air for a minute I forgot about jimin who was with me in the conference room, when the wind blows to my face I closed my eyes with a little smile but I startled when strong arms wrapped around my waist.
End of hobi's pov
With jimin
Im very excited to See my babyboy's reaction after Seeing me in his company and like I thought he become shook after he saw me . Now I will make you pay for what you done to me at the party. But who is that guy with him he is too touchy with my baby I don't like when someone try to take something which mine. That guy said something to hobi near his ear which made me more angry like why the hell is he being so close to him and why is my baby not complaining about it. After he left from the room to bring others. I want to talk about the party incident I was started to walk towards him but suddenly he went towards the table and Start reading the contract. I know very well why he is doing this because my babyboy is getting nervous because of me I smriked feeling proud of my effect on him. But then he started to walk towards the window, he look hot when he concentrate on something he stopped near the window he slowly closed his eyes and smiled when the wind blew through his face. God I think he is trying to kill me with his smile because it first time I'm seeing like this like not caring about anything which made me feel to protect him from every evils and problems. I went towards him and back hugged him which made him startle.
Hobi: wh.. what are you doing Mr.park? Leave me before someone come and see us like this. He said trying to loose Jimin's grip around his waist.
Jm: Mr.park huh.... But I remember you calling me something else at the party babyboy. He whispered near hobi's ear which give him goosebumps.
Hobi: i.....i....tha....that
Jm: Now what happened to you cat caught your tongue huh....where is my confident babyboy. He asked and snuggled into hobi's neck while smirking.
Hobi: ji....jimin..... ple.... please.... someone will see us let me go......he said breathing heavily due to the hot breath hitting on his neck which give him Shiver.
Jm: Not that easy baby you made your daddy hard when I already warned you not to play with me but you choose wrong baby.(he went near ear and said) I think my babyboy need punishment so now onwards he don't play with his daddy. He said in dominance which made hobi whimper. Jimin turn him around to face him who is looking down breathing heavily and he was hold the file tightly because of nervous. Jimin smriked at hobi by seeing how h he submitting to him.
Jm:And one more thing who is that guy with you sometime ago and why is he so clingy too you huh....
Hobi: He is my..... before he could finish what is he saying he heard a small growl from the other. jimin bring him closer by his waist and held him tight this sudden action made hobi gasp.
Jm: your what huh... because of his dominance the file fall down from hobi's hand and held Jimin's coat tightly he can scene that jimin is damn jealous of kai.
Hobi: ple... please first hear me out. Hobi pleased. Jimin nodded his head standing still in the same position holding hobi near to his body.
Heismysecretaryandmycousinbrother. He said it in one breath which take some minutes to register jimin what hobi said.
Jm: it's good to hear that because you are mine and I don't like when someone came near what's mine especially when it's come to my love understand (hobi nodded but filnched when jimin pinched his waist) words babyboy.
Hobi: ye...yes...
Jm: yes what...
Hobi: before hobi could complete the conference door swang opened suddenly making hobi slowly push jimin from his while breathing heavily and blush creeped around his cheeks Which made jimin smrik at hobi's state.
Kai: Hobi everyone is hery let's start the meeting. Hobi only nodded because he I registering what happened a few minutes ago. Seeing this kai went towards hobi in worry.
Kai: Are you okay? Why are you sweating and breathing like this. He said moving closer to hobi who immediately move back and said.
Hobi: ofcourse kai let's start the meeting. He said and looked at jimin who is smirking at him.
After the meeting both of them shaked their hands and said
Jm: I'm looking forward to work with you Mr.jung. He said holding his hand tightly but not that much to hurt hobi.
Hobi: yes Mr .park it will be our pleasure to work with you too. He said professionally which surprised jimin because of his duality few minutes ago he was submitting to him but now his confident babyboy is back. After sometime later jimin went to his company and before going he warned hobi not to be close to other and hobi nodded like a cute puppy.
With yoongi and kookie
After their exam they went to jin's cafe to meet their hyung . Because he already told them to come cafe directly after exam because he was worried about yoonie after hearing yesterday incident he became scared. So they went to cafe to meet jin but also they meet with joon there.
Jk: joonie hyung what are you doing here? He asked showing his bunny smile which made joon cooed at him.
Joon: just miss my boyfriend so I came to meet him. He said winking at kookie and yoonie which made them giggle.
Yoongi: I think now onwards our cafe will be in lose.
Joon/jk: why??
Yoongi: Because our Jinnie hyung will only focus on his boyfriend. He said teasingly which made joon blush slightly but yoongi hissed when someone pulled his ear from his back.
Jin: dare you to talk something like that huh....
Yoongi: Aaah.... hyungie leave my ear it's hurting.
Jin: Then why are you saying something like this you naughty cat.
Yoongi: yah...I'm not a cat .he said and pouted seeing this others cooed at him and jin let go of his ear and hugged him.
Jin: My baby is not hurt right that bastard didn't do anything to you right yoonie.
Yoongi: I'm fine hyungie nothing happened to me.
Joon: what happened to you yoonie. He asked confusingly,jin explained everything to him which made him angry.
Are you okay yoonie you are not hurt right.
Yoongi: yes hyungie hobi hyung save me from that bad guy. He said and smiled brightly
Joon:. Hobi you mean Jung Hosoek ?
Jk: how do you know hobi hyung hyungie ?
Joon: He is my  best friend kookie we went to the same uni and also he is the ceo of Hope industries.
Jin:  he is the ceo of Hope industries wow.....
Joon: yes and how do you guys know him.
Yoongi:we met him at xxx mall.
Jin: okay enough now tell me how was your exam went huh...
Yoongi/jk: Good hyung. Both of them said with a smile.
Joon: okay baby I have to go now because tae will be waiting for me. He said and pecked jins lips. Bye love you
Jin: love you too. He whispered
Yoongi/ jk: Uwu.......
Joon: bye guys see you later.
Jk/ yoongi: Bye hyungie.
Jk: hyungie can we help you by taking orders.
Yoongi: yes hyung please. They showed their puppy eyes which no one can resist.
Jin: okay you can my babies but don't get in trouble and we will leave early because you have to study for tomorrow's exam.
Yoongi/ jk: okay.......
Jin: But when will your exam will over huh...
Yoongi: two more days hyung after that we can rest peacefully right kookie.
Jk: yes holidays..... They both giggled and started to take orders from customers
With jimin
After meeting with hobi he directly went to kim industries to meet with tae to explain about the meet with his babyboy. After reaching there he went inside out Knocking.
Tae: he sighed and said jimin how many times I told you but before he complete it cutoff by jimin
Jm: oh shut up you alien and how many times I told you that I don't have to knock coming to meet my soulmate. Tae shaked his head and again started to work on his laptop.
Jm: tae you remember right after two days we are going to trip.
Tae: I know jimin you don't have to always ask about it I remember.
Jm: That's good by the way tomorrow is the project presentation right.he asked
Tae: yes and I'm damn sure we will get that deal.
Jm: That's good. They were discussing about tomorrow meeting but joon interept
Joon: so how is everything going
Tae: Good hyung but where were you you left early from home when I asked for you
Jm: Ooo tae you have to understand now hyung is not a single man he have other responsibilities right hyung. He said teasing
Joon: look who is saying the one who beg for us to make a partnership with Hope industries to see his baby. He said making jimin zip his mouth. Tae started laughing at their little fight. Hearing his laugh joon & jimin looked at him and smiled seeing their bear laugh. Like this they discuss about tomorrow's project.
Jm: Guys I have to leave now eomma and appa are coming after their vacation.
Joon: Really I miss them so much.
Jm: Don't worry hyung we will visit uncle & aunty. They also miss you guys so will visit there as soon as possible.
Tae: okay jimin but you have to come early here don't forget that.
Jm: I know you pabo. He said and rolled his eyes. Bye
Tae/joon: Bye.
After that jimin left to office but in the way he stop near a cafe to buy something for his parents because both of them like sweets very much so he decided to buy some. So he went inside the cafe to order something.
Jm: purple world cafe intresting name. He said and went in side meet with a handsome man at counter with a smiling face.

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