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"(y/n)...(y/n) wake up...wake up." Deku whispered in my ear. I shot up from my bed and I breathed heavily from the sudden awakening. I placed my heart over my chest and I tried to soothe my breathing. I thought something was about to happen to me. As I calmed myself down I looked at Deku, who laid next to me. He blushed and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked. I only shook my head, not giving a verbal response. He smiled and he sat up. But it hit me. Eri...what about Eri? She must be so cold, alone, and scared, I thought. I turned to Deku and my heart sank. His eyes were red, demon arrived.

"Deku...what's wrong?" I asked fearfully. He got up silently and he left the room, not saying anything. He heard my thoughts. I began to panic and I sprung up from my bed, running to the door.

"Deku! Deku what are you gonna do?!" I yelled, pounding on the metal door. I kept hitting the door until I heard loud footsteps on the other side. I backed away from the door and Deku swung it open. He was dressed in the white button up shirt, black tie, and black vest with black pants...and his eyes were red. Eri was in his grasp but...there was another woman with him.

Deku threw Eri to the ground and I rushed to her side. She hugged me, silently sobbing. I held her tightly and I stared at the mysterious woman. She was tall, had long black hair, grey eyes and she wore a short black dress. Deku grinned evilly and he circled around me.

"(y/n) I would like you to meet Maboroshi. She's a...great woman." He noted. I kept eyeing the woman until Deku was by her side.

"She's a good partner in crime and she knows how to get things done. It's a special trait of hers." He bragged as the woman began to mess with his tie. I stared in envy and...slight anger. Deku smirked and he took out his pocket knife, toying with it.

"But of course...people have their faults...I know you don't have any (y/n), right?" He hinted, letting the knife fall to the ground. What was he getting at? Eri let me go and she stared up at the woman. Deku glared at Eri and she whimpered. Something wasn't right.

"Stop being a little tease." the woman said as she pulled Deku into a kiss. My world stopped. Everything went dull...everything just...stopped. The woman forced her tongue into Deku's mouth but the worst thing was...he didn't stop her. Instant hatred and anger took over me.

"Get away from him! He's mine!" I screamed, grabbing the knife and charging at the woman.

What am I doing?

The woman grabbed my wrists, preventing me from stabbing her. I spun around her and I pounced on her back. I wrapped my arm around her neck to prevent her from breathing. She was struggling to get me off of her, clawing at my skin and hitting me against the walls. She must be quirkless. I raised the knife in my hand high in the air, ready for the kill.

Why can't I stop?

The woman screamed in pain as the knife pierced through her heart. Blood spilled everywhere and her body went limp. I got off of her back and I turned her body over.


"Leave him alone! He doesn't belong to you!" I screamed once again, stabbing the knife into her chest again. Anger, hatred, and jealousy blinded me. The pit of my stomach twisted in the worst pain and adrenaline rushed in my veins.

"Stop it (y/n)! Stop it!" Eri pleaded as she sobbed. I ignored her and I kept stabbing the corpse. Blood spilled out for every stab I made, making a bigger mess. I kept stabbing her...I couldn't stop. It was like something possessed me. All I could hear were Eri's screams and pleads, nothing else. But then I stopped midway.


I stared down in shock and disbelief. I looked at my hand that grasped the knife. Blood was all over me, on the floor, and the walls. The woman's corpse was mutilated and her stomach was opened enough to see her organs inside. I began to shake, knowing what I just did. I took...a person's life. There was a sudden applause, followed by a dark chuckle.

"That was an amazing act you put on." Deku spoke up. The woman's body faded into a black smoke and so was the blood. I looked up at him, having my mind blank.

"It's just one of my quirks. Illusion. I hope you learned your lesson. But, like I said, I would never cheat on you. It was just an illusion." Deku said sternly. Tears escaped from my eyes and I looked down at my hands.

"I...took a person's life..." I muttered. Deku sighed in disappointment.

"You always have someone on your mind. You always care about others' safety. You never have me on your mind. But...that entity is around your heart. It's making you fight for me, making you blind by negativity of everything around you....making you love me. It's your fault." He explained. He kneeled down to my level, being next to my ear.

"Remember how you said I was a monster? Well,...I don't want to be the only one. So if I'm a monster then...I'll make you a monster too."

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