♦︎57♦︎ One day left...

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Your p.o.v

My heavy eyelids struggled to open after this heavy slumber I was in. I didn't have any dreams which was kind of odd...but I believe it was for the best that I didn't. I turned my head to the side of me, having my eyes widened. Izuku sat on the bed with Eri, her arms were extended while he wrapped new bandages on her. Sitting up immediately, I grabbed Izuku's wrists. I could feel my anger build up in my chest.

"What the hell did you do?!" I suddenly questioned him, only for him to look down to his lap. Before I could throw a remark to him I felt a small tug on my shirt, making me look towards Eri. She shook her head to me and kept pulling my shirt.

"He didn't do anything wrong, (y/n). He was helping me." Eri reassured me. That weight on my chest was lifted after hearing those words and I slowly let go of Izuku's wrist. I sat next to Eri and hugged my legs to my chest.

"Sorry..." I mumbled, not looking them in the eye.

"It's okay (y/n), I understand why you were upset. Eri's wounds opened, and she asked me to help her since she didn't want to disturb your sleep." Izuku explained to me as he proceeded to tend to Eri's wounds. In the corner of my eye, I saw that Izuku was done, he got up as he picked up the used bandages with him and tried to leave the room without saying another word. I was relieved in a sense but then I suddenly felt a sting of pain in my ankles. I hissed lowly and reached to my ankle, softly caressing the area that hurt. Izuku stopped in front of the door, and I saw he turned his attention to me.

"Is your ankle hurting you, hun?" He questioned me. I averted my eyes away from him and nodded slowly. He gave a short hum before he said he would be back. But I don't understand, my bones should have been healed from Eri's quirk, why is it suddenly hurting?

"I'm sorry..." Eri apologized quietly. I looked towards her and gave her a small smile.

"It's okay, it has nothing to do with you." I tried to comfort her, but I could see her eyes being filled with more doubt.

"It's not that. There's something I can't say-" Eri was cut off by our door suddenly opening. We both flinched but it was just Izuku. He had a plate with cut apples, (f/f) and three white pills on the side. My stomach growled as soon as my eyes landed on the (f/f) but I was also concerned with the pills.

"This is all I could get you guys for right now. If I have an opportunity before tomorrow, I will get you more food." He said as he sat on the edge of the bed in front of me. Izuku placed the plate in the middle of Eri and I, folding his hands together. I didn't move a single muscle and I had my eyes on the pills.

"Don't worry, you and Eri just need to take one. They help with the pain you guys are in," he took one away from the plate and held it out for me, "Although, keep this one until you need it again for tomorrow." He finished saying. Wait...until tomorrow? Eri slowly reached for the sliced apples and the pill, placing it in her mouth as well as taking in her food. I took a deep breath, slowly reaching out to one pill, holding it in the palm of my hand. I swallowed in anxiety, and I could feel my breathing getting heavy.

"(Y/n), I promise you that this will help with the pain. I swear to you on my life." Izuku declared, leaning in a bit to show that he was true to his words. I stared into his eyes, having those pretty green eyes stare right into my soul. I sighed a bit and placed the pill in my mouth, swallowing it with my saliva. I took the other pill that was on the plate and placed it next to my pillow. Reaching to my food, Izuku got up once more and walked to the door.

"Once you guys are done eating, please go back to sleep, okay?" That was the last thing he said before he left the room. But as for me...I needed some answers.

Small timeskip

After hours of lying-in bed, night finally arrived. Although there weren't any windows to see, I had a gut feeling that it was. Eri laid passed out next to me as I could see that she was in a deep sleep. I unraveled the blanket that Eri tried to share with me and stood up from the bed. Surprisingly, that pill Izuku gave me did relieve the pain I had. But it also made my muscles relaxed and my headaches gone as well. I took a deep breath to calm my thoughts and walked to my door, opening it slowly. I looked in the dark hallways, seeing the door to the old room I used to be in. Maybe Izuku is in there? I walked past my door frame and walked toward the old room, but I felt a small tap on my shoulder, making me gasp loudly. Izuku stood before me, holding an index finger in front of his lips.

"Sweetheart, what are you doing out here? You know it's dangerous out here." Izuku reminded me with a worried look. I looked away for a moment, telling him that I knew the dangers to being out.

"Come on, let me take you back to your room-"

"Before you do that," I interrupted him, "you keep hinting at things. What's that about?" I boldly asked, having him title his head.

"You once mentioned that you would make up for everything one day, that I need my strength for the next day, Eri mentioned once that we should trust you and earlier today, you said that I needed that pill for tomorrow. What's that about? Just please...tell me." I tried to pursue him to tell me the truth, but he looked to the floor.

"I can't say it." He replied. I felt my chest feel tight.

"Trust me on this, please. As much as I want things to happen, it has to be done this way," he took a step closer to me, raising his hand up to my face, "I promise you dear, things will change." His voice shuttered, making my eyes water a bit. Why am I...suddenly sad?

"Before anything changes tomorrow...can I make a selfish request? You don't have to do it if you don't want to." Izuku asked. I leaned my face against his palm, allowing his touch as I nodded.

"Can I kiss you one last time?" I froze at this. The feeling of Izuku's hand pulled away from my face and he held his gaze to the ground. One last time...huh? Is the demon officially taking over his body? Is this the last time...I'm ever going to see him like this...? If that's the case...this life doesn't matter anymore.

I placed my hand underneath his chin to lift his face to meet eyes with me, before I slowly placed my lips to his. I leaned onto him, showing that I wanted him to accept my kiss. One hand snaked around my waist while the other was gently on the back of my head, deepening the kiss we shared. Although his body was cold as ice, his lips spread a warm passion that I could feel throughout my body. I could feel us both pull away, locking our gaze. He has tear streaks on his face, but he wiped his thumb on my cheeks. I, too, had tears falling. Before I could say anything, Izuku pulled me into his chest, hugging my figure. I could feel the desperation from his touch.

"Words cannot describe how much I love you. (Y/n), I love you with all my heart and soul, do you understand?" I nodded, "When I finally take responsibility, I want you to always know, no matter what happens in this world or to me, that I will never stop my undying passion for you. In whatever life we are in, I will always love you. I'm sorry so everything...and if I have an opportunity to change, I will do it for you and however you see fit." Izuku confessed, making more tears fall from my eyes. My arms wrapped around Izuku's torso but when I tried to speak, my head suddenly felt light. My vision was blurry, and I started to feel dizzy. I could feel myself hold onto Izuku as I could feel he also held up my body.

"You must rest my dear, you just have tomorrow." He muttered in my ear. Just tomorrow...just only tomorrow.

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