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Deku's p.o.v and flashback

"Stop it! Let me go!" I screamed. The villains stood in front of me, eyeing me down as I struggled to get free. They tied me to a chair and there was a small light that shined on me. They just invaded the U.S.J and I had no idea what they were planning next. All I remember...was that (y/n) was trying to help me. She was trying to reach me, to save me. I was saddened by the thought, it hurt me to think about how much (y/n) is in pain right now.

"Hello, my name is Kurogiri," A man with the warping quirk said "That is Dabi, Toga, and Muscular." he went on. Now I had their names.

"Do you know why you're here?" Shigaraki asked me. I had to be cautious, who knows what kind of move they will pull. I shook my head no.

"It's plain and simple. You, Izuku Midoriya, have the power of One for All." Shigaraki concluded. I froze in fear. How is this possible?!

"How do you know!" I snapped. Muscular went up to me, punching me in the face from my remark. The strong punch busted my lip and I spit out blood. The girl, Toga, squealed in excitement.

"Deku baby! You look so cool when you bleed! But you would be even more cute if you bleed more!" She shrieked, bouncing up and down. These villains were insane. I wanted to go home.

"What are you gonna do to me! Why do you want me?!" I demanded. Dabi sighed in annoyance

"Lets just get this over with." He complained as he shoved a tube down my throat. I gagged and I struggled to breath. I couldn't fight back, my hands were tied. I didn't want to die.

"You'll see why we need you." Dabi said, shoving the tube more down my throat. My eyes watered up and my vision turned black.

End of flashback

"Deku...Deku...Midoriya!" Shigaraki called me. I snapped back into reality and I faced towards him.

"What is it?" I smiled. He crossed his arms.

"You've been distracted all day. What are you thinking of?" He asked me. I stared down at the table that we sat at. It was only us two. All the others were out for now.

"It's nothing. Just thinking of the past." I replied to him.

"Bring me back." A voice said. I growled in anger and I held my head. Why does 'he' have to be back? I opened my eyes and I looked around fearfully. Shigaraki sighed.

"Not this shit again." he mumbled. I looked around the room and I just remembered. (y/n)! I began to panic and I bolted out the meeting room, heading to (y/n)'s room. What have I done? She's not thinking of anything. Something's wrong. I quickly turned the knob and I swung open the door. My heart dropped. (Y/n) laid on the floor, knife in hand and blood stained her hospital gown. My legs trembled, making me fall on my knees.

"(Y/n)...?" I stuttered. No response. No...no, no, no! I quickly crawled by her side, lifting her upper body. I breathed fast, feeling light headed.

"Why? Why would you do this?! I'm...I'm sorry (y/n)! Please forgive me!" I pleaded. Wait. her heartbeat. I have to hear her heartbeat! I placed my ear to her chest and I listened carefully. I was relieved. Her heart was still beating, slowly, but she was still alive, still breathing.

"Deku..." (y/n) whispered. I held her close to my chest, rocking her to comfort her.

"I'm so sorry (y/n)...I'm so sorry baby. I wish I could stop all this but he hurts you. You can't escape." I mourned.

"It's all your fault." She spoke in a raspy voice. I was taken back.

"W-What?" I replied. (y/n) took slowly and deep breaths.

"You did this to me. You've caused...me...nothing but pain and fear. You're...a monster." She muttered. I was devastated. She...thinks I'm a monster. I stared in disbelief and I settled her back on the ground.

"No...no! I'm not a monster! He is! He's the one you did this to you, not me!" I claimed. She shook her head no.

"I don't know what to believe anymore." (y/n) whimpered.

"She's not gonna believe a damn thing you say to her." A voice said in my head. It was 'him'.

"No stay out! Don't come back!" I begged, placing my hands on my head. Not here! Not now!

"No matter what you do I'll always come back. Sweet (y/n) doesn't trust you anymore. She doesn't forgive you. She doesn't love you anymore." 'he' said. I shook my head and I kneeled next to (y/n).

"What can I do for you?! Is there anything you want!? Anything!" I offered. She looked at me with sad and dull eyes.

"Let me die." She confessed. My heart broke in a million pieces. I can't let her die like this! I wanted...to live a life with her, I wanted to be there for her, I wanted...to love her. A sharp pain spread throughout my head. I cried, scared that he was coming back. The pain stopped and I opened my eyes. My red eyes trailed down to (y/n)'s fragile figure.

"Oh (y/n), I can't let you die here, not now or ever." I told her as I picked her up. Her thighs and stomach bleed...she harmed herself, her beautiful body. I frowned at the thought and she smiled.

"See you...later." she muttered, sighing and smiling. That entity must have drained her energy. I stared down at (y/n)'s peaceful face, admiring how beautiful she looked even if she was cut up, bruised, or scarred. She doesn't know how I would still love her even if she was this way.

"Don't try anything to hurt her!" a voice warned. I smirked, knowing that 'he' wouldn't do a thing.

"What if I did? It's not like you could do anything." I mocked. 'He' went silent, not having anything to say. I smiled in victory. I laid (y/n) down on her bed and I sighed.

"(y/n)...even if you try to die...I'll be that dark angel to save you." I said out loud, stroking her cheek. My heart raced as I did so. I was interrupted when I heard the door open.

"Midoriya, we need to get going. They're waiting." Chisaki informed me. I sighed and I kissed (y/n)'s cheek.

"You won't be alone. You'll have company." I whispered calmly in her ear as I made it for the door. Chisaki and I walked down the hall, heading out the building.

"You think you're okay with this plan? You could get caught." Chisaki warned. My lips formed into a big smile, just excited for the thrill.

"Don't worry. I know everything about (y/n). They wouldn't suspect a thing. This plan is gonna go by smoothly. Remember how I sent out (y/n)'s school profile?," Chisaki nodded, "I sent it to a few other villains so they would have my back during this plan."

"If you get caught it's your loss. I'm not helping you out of jail." He said sternly.

"Well...in the meantime, I'm gonna need you to watch (y/n) for me. But if you try anything with her I'll kill you." I threatened, widening my eyes with excitement just at the thought. He nodded, not saying anything else. Oh trust me Overhaul, this plan is only the beginning.

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