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Five months passed since the U.S.J incident happened and there were no signs of Deku being found. Right after he was kidnapped the authorities have been on an investigation to where the villains might have taken him. I was...completely out of it and I hardly went to school.

I couldn't bear the thought of him being gone...taken away from me...separated from me. All villains are heartless and they're probably giving him an experience that no human should face. They're probably using him as a genie pig, torturing him, or worse...they killed him.

My eyes watered up just the thought of him being dead. He couldn't leave me in this world. He's too young to die and...I wanna live to see the future with him. I've liked him for so long that I never got the chance to tell him how I felt. I didn't just like him....I loved him. I stared blankly at my ceiling and my mind was blank. I turned my head and looked at my pictures that were displayed on my dresser. There were pictures of Deku and I when we were young. There was one picture of us when we went to the beach, a picture of us camping, and us asleep on a couch together. Also...a small music box...a box that played our favorite song. My heart sank and I pulled the blankets over my head. I heard my door open.

"Sweetie...it's time for dinner. Do you want to eat? I served you (f/f)." My mother said. I kept quiet for a moment.

"Mom...I just wanna sleep." I declined her offer. She was about to leave but I stopped her.

"Where's dad?" I suddenly asked.

"He's at a job interview...he'll be back soon," she replied, "are you sure you don't wanna eat?" She asked again. I declined once more and she said okay as she left my room. Tears escaped my eyes and I cried myself to sleep.


"(y/n) are you scared?" The young boy asked his best friend.

"Nah I like the dark." The young girl replied to her best friend. The boy moved closer too the girl, his green eyes filled with fright.

"Is it okay if I sleep next to you?" He asked.

"Of course you can Deku!" (y/n) whispered loudly. Deku moved closer to (y/n) and he hugged her.

"Do you promise not to leave me?" Deku asked, hoping (y/n) would promise.

"Yes. I'll promise with life." (y/n) declared.

"Can you...sing for me?" Deku asked. (Y/n) nodded.

"It's a world of laughter, a world of tears
It's a world of hope and a world of fears
There's so much that we share, that it's time we're aware
It's a small world after all
There is just one moon and one golden sun
And a smile means friendship to everyone
Though the mountains be wide and the oceans are wide
It's a small world after all."


I shot up from my bed and I breathed heavily. 'Just a memory...that was a dream', I said in my head. I sighed and I ran my hand through my (h/l) (h/c) hair. I looked at the time and it read 9:45 p.m. I got up from my bed and I put on my (f/c) sweater. I slipped on my shoes and I walked out of my house. I decide to go for a night walk to get my mind off of things. I miss him...so much. I looked up at the sky and I stared in awe. The stars shined bright and the moon shined as well. I looked down at my feet and I went into thought.

"Hey (y/n), is that you?" A familiar voice asked. I turned around and there stood Kirishima. Along with Denki, Todoroki, and Tsu. They walked up to me with concerned looks.

"How come you haven't answered any of our texts?" Denki asked. I looked down, not answering for a second.

"We're really worried about you, you know." Tsu added.

"We're here for you." Todoroki said. I took a deep breath.

"I've just been...really depressed lately...I can't stand the thought of Izuku being gone for so long. I've been by his side for so long that it kills me to know that he's gone...who knows what those villains are doing to him. I just...don't want him to die." I confessed as my eyes watered up. Kirishima wrapped his arms around me and so did everyone else, including Todoroki. They hugged me for a good thirty seconds until they pulled away.

"I know you're going through a tough time but hang in there (n/n)." Tsu comforted me. I thanked her and everyone else gave me some encouraging words.

"Oh and that reminds us. We were supposed to tell you that the sports festival is happening in two weeks. Aizawa advises us to train during this time." Tsu informed me.

"Alright...thanks for the news Tsu and...thank you guys for the support. I really appreciate it." I thanked them. We went our separate ways and I was heading home. I looked up at the sky one more time. Izuku...I hope you're still out there...alive...so I'll train hard for the festival...and I'll do it for you!

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