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"(Y/n)...(y/n)..." A voice called to me. It was a bit muffled but it shortly faded out. It was just dark.

"(Y/n)...please wake up." The voice asked of me as I could feel my body shake. I groaned and lazily opened my eyes.

"(Y/n), please wake up. It's time to go." The voice said again. This voice was surely a male's voice. It was gentle and soothing like you could instantly fall asleep to it. That person's voice seemed like a kind soul that wouldn't hurt a fly. Wait...that voice...Izuku!

"Izuku!" I yelled as I instantly sat up from my bed. My breathing was rather shaking and I looked around my room in a panic. I was in my own room. No...this can't be.

"(Y/n)? Are you alright? Did you have a nightmare?" Izuku asked me. My eyes drifted to him slowly and I held my attention towards him. Izuku stood there frantically and he looked at my arms, his eyes widened.

"You're arms are bruised! What happened?" He tried to reach out for my arms but I backed up from him and moved to the corner on my bed. He stopped and backed away, holding his hands up in caution. This can't be real, not at all. I'm just dreaming, that's all. I let my nervous laugh out and jumped off my bed. Now I was pacing back and forth.

"This can't be real. This is all a dream. A sweet dream that will turn into a nightmare if I let my guard down." I tried to convince myself while hugging my arms. I shut my eyes tightly, still walking back and forth in my room. I reopened my eyes, still seeing that I was still in my room and Izuku still stood there with major concern on his face.

"(Y/n), are you sure you're okay? This isn't a dream-"

"Yes it is, just- just shut the hell up for a minute!" I snapped, trying to open my door. Before I could even hold onto the doorknob my mother showed herself at my door frame, looking between Izuku and I.

"(Y/n), quit your attitude and come to the kitchen. We need to talk." My mother scolded me. Confusion struck me and I followed her orders, walking behind her. I could feel Midoriya's presence behind me, he was close. Walking down the hall I could now see my dad at the table with his arms crossed, a blank expression on his face. My mom took the seat next to him while Izuku walked around me to sit in front of my parents. This was not right, not in the slightest. If this really wasn't a dream, then all the memories I have aren't real? I don't know! I groaned in frustration and rubbed my head in annoyance.

"(Y/n), we think somethings wrong with you." My dad suddenly said. That took me by surprise. I looked towards Izuku but he lowered his head in some guilt.

"What the hell do you mean? I'm the one with something wrong?! What about him," I pointed to Izuku, "he's the one with the real problem! Look what he did to me." I brought up my arms to show the bruises but...there was nothing. I turned my arms around to see if there was any trace of a scar or even a small bruise but there was nothing. Bringing my hands to my head, I grabbed a chunk of my hair and I felt my heart rate increase.

"You've been acting out of character, sweetheart. You claim to be saying that Midoriya hurt you and being violent towards him. What's going on with you?" My mom explained. My head is spinning. This is too real and confusing, what should I do? I know...

I kept my silence. Not even looking into anyone's eyes in the room. Calmly, I walked to the kitchen, opening a drawer. This can be the only way to tell if this is a dream or not.

"What are you doing?" Midoriya questioned. I grabbed the handle of a knife and placed the tip to my neck. The cold contact sent a shiver throughout my body. Without hesitation I put more force onto the knife, feeling the blade penetrate my skin. Cold liquid slipped on my hands and forearms. This is...a dream after all.

"(Y/n)! Have you completely lost your mind?!," I was turned around, now facing Izuku with wide eyes, "what have you done?!" He shouted in my face. I let out a half hearted laugh.

"Even in a dream you still lie to my face." I mocked. Gasping suddenly I looked around me in fright. But I was instantly put at ease when my eyes laid on Eri's sleeping face. Letting out a sigh I buried my face into my hands. These dreams keep fucking with my head. I know it's not his doing but only my own at this point. I felt movement next to me that made me look towards the sudden motion. Eri snored a bit in her sleep and twisted her body the opposite from me. A small hum lumped in my throat and I looked in front of me, meeting eyes with Izuku. My body froze and my shoulders tensed up. Although there was sincerity plastered on his face as he stared at me.

"Don't mind me. I was just going to...," he hesitated, "I'm sorry...I just wanted to check if you were still sleeping or not." He confessed with a blush on his face. His green eyes shifted between me and the floor. He was clearly too embarrassed that he got caught. I looked to the edge of the bed with an unreadable face.

"I had a dream that I woke up from just now. Did you have anything to do with it?" I questioned boldly. My heart rate increased drastically but I didn't feel scared. He must feel anxious, since this heart rate I feel isn't my own.

"No, I had nothing to do with your dream. Although, I couldn't help but feel your distress during it. That's why I wanted to check on you." Midoriya explained. I lifted my head back up at him and he started to close the door slowly.

"Please go back to sleep, dear." Izuku excused himself. Before I could even get a word out he closed the door. There were a few moments that past where I just stared at the door, wondering what Izuku was in the mix of plotting next. He's been kind to Eri and I...it's only a matter of time before demon shows up again...

Third person p.o.v

School had already passed and all the students had packed their bags to leave for the day. Well, almost all the students. Around the back of the building, six teens were huddled by the walls of the school. Monoma had mentioned to them that the pro heroes were going to be discussing (y/n)'s rescue in the principal's office so they all decided to snoop around to hear the information. Uraraka had used her quirk on herself, having Sero's tape around her ankle to keep her from floating away. The brunette looked down, motioning her hand to Sero to lower her down a bit. Nodding, Sero pulled down on his tape, allowing Uraraka to be hidden below the window.

"Now, let's get down to business." Nezu was the first one to speak amongst the heroes.

"We haven't had much intel on the exact location on where (y/n) may be held but students have come forward to say that she is being held in the city of Hosu. In approximately two days from now I want you all to scout every corner of Hosu. If not, then we will try the hometown of where Midoriya used to live." Maintained Nezu, leading everyone to nod their heads in agreement. Uraraka looked down once again and Sero began to tug on his tape, bringing her down to the ground.

"So? What did they say?" Asked Todoroki. There was a determined smile that formed on Ochako's face.

"They're planning to go to the exact city we are. Since we know where (y/n) is being held, one of us can reach out to the heroes after we get her out of the building so they can ambush Deku and the rest of the villains with him." Uraraka explained.

"Sounds good enough to me, round face." Bakugou agreed with a sly smile. Todoroki, Momo, Sero, Uraraka, and Shinso exchanged looks to one another with determination and drive. Two days. Just two days and their friend can be with them once again.

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