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Your p.o.v

I laid in my bed wide awake, not bothering to move a single muscle. Throughout the whole time I was awake I was wondering where Deku went off to...why he disappeared so suddenly. But why...was I still alive? Why does he still want to torture my mind and hurt innocent people? I just...wanted to leave. I looked down at my clothes and they were still the same. The same rags that I haven't changed in. Everything was the same. Why can't there be one change? I stared in thought until I heard my door open causing me to move my body to look. Chisaki walked in but...there was a child next to him, struggling to get free from his grasp. She had long bluish off-white hair, big innocent red eyes, and she had a small horn that was sticking out of her forehead. She wore a plain short-sleeved dress, which was a dirty pale yellow color. Bandages were wrapped around both of her arms and legs, stopping at her wrists and halfway down her shins. I could already tell that she was a prisoner. Chisaki threw the girl to the ground, looking down at her. The child looked up at him in fear.

"This will be your new friend. Make yourself at home," Chisaki told the girl and he looked at me, "Midoriya said I have to watch over you for a while, what a pain." He complained as he examined me up and down.

"And the one damn thing that he leaves me with is a girl who's filthy....I'll get you some clothes and don't try anything, Midoriya order me to hurt you more than you already are if you do anything stupid." Chisaki explained as he headed out the room, slamming it. The child got up, trying to open the door but it wouldn't budge.

"Please...let me go...I don't wanna be here..." The girl pleaded in a soft tone. I should try to calm her.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. My name is (y/n)." I reassured her. The girl turned to me with fearful eyes.

"A-Are you going to hurt me too?" she asked fearfully. I shook my head no.

"No, I'm not. I would never. In fact...I'm being hurt to." I told her. Her eyes filled with ease and she slowly moved close to me. As she walked to the foot of my bed she stopped in shock, seeing my body. She put her hand over her mouth and her eyes watered up.

"You're...hurting...because of me." she whispered. My heart hurt as she said that. She must have gone through hell. Poor girl.

"No, it's not your fault. None of this is. It's my fault. Please don't put the blame on yourself." I tried to reassure her. Is she Chisakis daughter or was she kidnapped as well?

"Hey...what's your name?"


"And...how old are you?"

"I'm six."

"Are you Chisaki's daughter or...were you kidnapped?" I asked. She shook her head no. I felt so bad.

"But...why did you say that...I'm hurt because of you?" I asked. Tears fell from her eyes and she held her gown tightly.

"He said...I'm cursed. My dad is gone because of me, my mom gave me away and...Chisaki said everything is my fault because of my curse." Eri whimpered. I sat up slowly from my bed, trying my best to ignore the throbbing pain that was on my stomach and legs. I didn't want to say anything that would upset her. I can tell that she's in pain...a pain that no child should be in.

"Eri...whatever Chisaki said to you, it's not true. You're just a kid, you couldn't do anything to cause harm on others. I know you're a good kid...," I trailed off, "You know what...I don't know how long we'll be in here but...I'll help you to be free." I vowed, smiling at her.

"What about you?"

"I only care about everyone else's safety. I want to help people before I help myself...I want to be a hero. I'll be your hero." I smiled brightly. Eri burst into tears and ran up to me, embracing me. I was hesitant for a second but I hugged her back slowly. I heard my door open and I looked up. Eri looked as well. Chisaki stood by the doorway with some close in hand. Eri's grip on my gown tightened as she saw him.

"Eri." he called, holding out the clothes and bandages. Eri let me go and walked up to Chisaki, grabbing the items and running back to me. Dabi and Shigaraki walked behind Chisaki and they stared at us in silence.

"You're lucky Midoriya is our boss. We could have killed you right on the spot. But at the same time...you're a good tool." Shigaraki told me. I stared at him with no reaction. After a moment of silence, they left the room. Eri looked up at me with curiosity in her eyes.

"Why are you...a tool?" she asked. I sighed, knowing that it would be hard to explain it to her.

"They're doing bad things. They're gonna use me for their plans. I have no choice but to follow. It's how I'm gonna survive in here." I explained to her the best I could. Eri looked down in sorrow, handing me the extra clothes and bandages. Even though Eri and I made a small connection right now, I had one goal in mind. I was gonna help her through this hell and get us both to freedom.

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