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Your p.o.v

All of us were warped back to our hideout, away from the endless sea of fire and disaster that was all over the country. This was a nightmare. A nightmare I could never escape from. I can't die, he'll only do everything in his power to save me. I didn't know what to feel right now...was he even still there? Am I nothing to him but a toy to abuse for his own sadistic pleasure? I just don't know...

As I was pulled through the building I hung my head low. He brought me back into my new room and he looked throughout the closet. I stood there, not saying a word. I suddenly heard his footsteps come towards me and he lifted my head up, making me look into his eyes. Those emerald green eyes...that could fool anyone.

"Here. I want you to put this dress on and meet me in the dining room, okay (y/n)?" He told me. I stared back with a blank expression. He hummed, turning his heel and left me in the room. I looked down at the dress in my hands. It was (f/c), with long sleeves, and it wasn't knee height. It was just right. I slipped my clothing off and put the dress on me. I turned to look in the mirror. How could he ever love a broken and ugly girl like me? Was this dress...just for show?

Feeling sickened by my own reflection I walked out of the room, staring down at the ground. My mind was blank, I couldn't think. As the purple light came into my view I lifted my head up, still having my blank expression. Deku sat at a large dinner table with that damn smile on his face. There were plates of meat...and just meat. The sight was mouthwatering. Chicken, ribs, steak, beef, you name it and it was there and (f/f) was there as well. My stomach growled loudly and I licked my lips. Deku got up from his seat and he walked up to me, wrapping his arm around my waist, bringing me close to the table. His eyes were green, good.

"Eat anything you want! You must be starving considering how you haven't eaten much..." he offered. I sat on the chair that was across the table from him. No way I was sitting next to him. He could snap at me. Without a moment sooner, I began to dig into my food, realizing how hungry I really was. I could feel Deku's eyes locked on me as I ate, making me feel a strong wave of uneasiness. I stopped midway when I was about to take my next bite when I began to slowly raise my gaze to his. His blood filled eyes stared at me with admiration as he held his chin on his palm, swaying a bit side to side like he was daydreaming. It made me cringe.

"I'm so glad you're enjoying your meal, darling. I made this feast very special for you, ya know." He smiled softly, his voice with reassurance that things would be okay. Even if he was hinting at me to let my guard down, I wasn't going to let that happen. I wiped my hands with my napkin and rested them on my lap, lowering my head back to my plate. Deku hummed softly in slight disappointment and he went quiet for a moment. I kept my eyes on my plate still.

"(Y/n), dear, tell me about your father. I know I used to be around your parents a lot but I don't know who he really is. Do you?" He told me, tapping the table with his index finger. What was he hinting? What trick was he trying to pull now?

"My father is a respectable man. A man that would risk anything to protect me at all cost," I lifted my head once more and glared into his eyes, "more than your father could ever be, considering your situation." I insulted, seeing the rise of anger boil in his eyes. We held eye contact for what seemed like an eternity before he forced a grin, holding his chin again.

"If only you knew sweetie...if only you knew the truth of everything." He tried to hint again. I had enough of this game and I slammed my hands on the table, standing up from my seat.

"If I knew what?! Whatever you're trying to pull isn't gonna fucking work right now! You know what, I wish I knew nothing of you! All those moments I've ever spent with you, I wish they all weren't real!," I stared at the table, not wanting to look into those evil eyes, "My life would have been perfect without you! I wish I never listened to your fucking problems! You're just nothing but a monster the world doesn't want!" I screamed with my hands clenched tightly. I began to breathe heavily from my outburst and I looked up finally. I froze, only to see Izuku stare with wide eyes with tears streaming down his face. A knot twisted in my heart and I could feel a heavy feeling on my shoulders. The feeling made my legs weak, causing me to fall back in my chair. Midoriya chuckled painfully and wiped his tears, only causing more to fall.

"Heh...you're right, (y/n)...I really shouldn't have put you through all that trouble all those years. I'm sorry," he got up from his seat and walked toward me, stopping in front of me, "I can make it up to you one day, I promise." He told me with his hand extending out to me. I stayed silent, only staring into his eyes. His eyes always held me in a trance...it's what I loved but also feared. I cautiously reached out to his hand, which he carefully wrapped his fingers around mine. With a small tug he got me to my feet and walked alongside me...still holding his fake smile that hid his heartbreak. We both walked down the hall that led to my room, hand in hand still.

"You must be tired honey. I'm sorry to keep you up." Izuku apologized to me, keeping his eyes on his feet. I merely hummed, squeezing his hand for a bit. I couldn't muster up the courage to apologize...this cycle of feeling bad, then apologizing seemed to be bothering Izuku a lot. It was best to stay quiet for now. We finally made it to my room, only for Izuku to open it for me. I was taken back by his actions a bit but I walked in without questioning.

"Goodnight, my love. Please get plenty of rest." Midoriya wished me with a small spark in his eye. He stared at me, staring in desperation in hopes I would say something. I merely nodded, grabbing the knob of the door and shutting it.

Izuku's p.o.v

I watched (y/n) close the door without saying a word to me, making the ache in my heart become more painful. I bit the inside of my lip to hold back my emotions but it wasn't any use. I turned my back to the stone wall next to the door, sliding down to the ground. Slowly, I hugged my knees to my chest, feeling my tears stream down my face.

"I wish I knew nothing of you!"

"My life would have been perfect without you!"

"I wish I never listened to your problems!"

"You're nothing but a monster this world doesn't want!"

"You should just die!"

Those remarks seemed to scream so loudly in my head, making me block my ears in hopes they would stop. That voice was so loud...I hated it. Why can't I be good enough? Why can't I just stay and help (y/n) like I want to? Maybe she's right...I should die. I shouldn't be on this earth anymore when I'm nothing more than a silent voice that sits on the side that can't control anything. I'm...nothing...

"Aww, but aren't you the darling (y/n) who loves you so much instead of me?~" The voice in my head taunted me. I felt my body tense up and I clenched my fists.

"Go away...you've done enough already." I muttered, only for the voice to laugh at me.

"I haven't done much and you know it. Maybe spare me the expense and give this body fully to me? Just face it, (y/n) can't even stand the sight of you. It is all your fault and doing anyway. She'll love the better version of you and that's me!" The voice kept nagging.

"No! It's not my fault! I never wanted any of this! I've been trying so hard to pull you away from the surface for so long but you only let me take control when you want (y/n) to feel bad for your actions!" I yelled as I got up, shivering from the freezing temperature that covered the whole building.

"Believe what you want. Just know that all of it will always lead to you. This is just the beginning." He whispered towards the end, sending a shiver down my spine. I waited a few moments to see if he was still there but he wasn't. I sighed with relief and I began to walk down the dark hallway. I brought my hands to my arms, trying to heat up my hands with one of my quirk but they only felt more numb.

"This damn cold..." I shivered with a low voice.

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