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Combat training was awesome! I got to participate and I saw everyone's quirk in action. It was a really good experience for all of us and Deku. He was going to be the next symbol of peace...right? Anyway, after training was over we all went back to our classes as usual. The day was going by slowly and I wanted to be in class 1-A already. As the day struck in the afternoon I rushed to my next class. With quick speed I turned the corner and slowed my pace as I walked in front of my class and I opened the door.

"Hey it's (y/n). Good to see you back." A boy with spiky red hair said as he walked up to me, along with a few students.

"Man I don't know what you were doing but you were super cool."

"I can't believe you lifted up that giant piece of the building and threw it at Bakugou. He's super strong yet he got distracted." Another boy with black hair added.

"You did a great job getting Midoriya off of you and throwing that boulder at Bakugou." A girl with pink skin and horns said. They praised me left and right and I barely had time to say anything back.

"Hey, I'm Ejiro Kirishima. We've been going over training results before you arrived." He pointed to the boy with black hair.

"Hi I'm Hanta Sero-"

"More importantly, I'm Yuga-"

"I'm Mina Ashido and I gotta say that throw was awesome!" Mina cheered and a girl with green hair appeared behind her.

"Tsuyu Asui but please call me Tsu." The girl insisted.

"Wow, it's so great to meet you guys." I told them but I suddenly felt my skirt being lifted up slowly. I tense up and I see a small guy with purple balls on his head lifting my skirt. A sudden earphone jabbed into his head and he stopped. A girl with purple hair sighed in annoyance.

"That's Mineta and I'm Jirou Kyoka." The girl introduced herself.

"Hey what's your quirk?"

"Do you have double quirks like Todoroki?"

"Do you know Midoriya and Bakugou?" So many questions, like, damn!

"No I don't have double quirks like Todoroki. My quirk is telekinesis and yes I know Midoriya and Bakugou. I grew up with them." I answered all their questions. I saw Uraraka enter the room and she rushed to my side.

"Were you okay during your battle? You didn't get hurt off screen, right?" Uraraka asked with concern.

"No, I'm perfectly fine. There's not a single scratch on me," I reassured her, "By the way...where's Deku?"

"He's with Recovery Girl for some reason." Kirishima answered my question. Huh, I wonder why he's there?

The day ended and I waited in front of the school for Izuku. I waited for a few minutes and I saw him running to me.

"Thank you for waiting for me (y/n). I thought for sure that you would leave me." Deku exaggerated.

"I would never leave you Deku. You should know that by now." I laughed as I ruffled his hair.

"I can't believe we're in high school already. It was only like yesterday we were kids." Deku recalled. I smiled and thought back to all the memories of me and Izuku.

Flashback to when you were 7

I sat on the ground and I cried from the pain in my leg. I tagged along with Izuku because he was following Bakugou and I wanted to make sure he was safe. Bakugou pushed me down in a ditch but Izuku went down after me and tried his best to comfort me, which he was doing now. He held me close to his chest and he rubbed my back.

"It's okay (y/n). You're gonna be fine. We just need to get out of here." Izuku declared. He lifted up my face and wiped away my tears.

"Are you sure we'll be okay?" I asked him. Izuku nodded his head yes and he smiled.

"I promise to protect you and when we get older I...I wanna marry you!" Izuku blushed a deep red as he said that. My face got hot and I rubbed my eyes.

"Will you promise?"

"I promise on my heart and life!" Izuku declared. I smiled widely and I hugged him.

"Izuku...can you sing the song for me. The one that's our favorite since we were babies?" I asked, looking him in the eyes with my (e/c) ones.

"Um, yeah!" Izuku approved. He cleared his throat and he closed his eyes.

"It's a world of laughter, a world of tears
It's a world of hope and a world of fears
There's so much that we share, that it's time we're aware
It's a small world after all
There is just one moon and one golden sun
And a smile means friendship to everyone
Though the mountains are divide and the oceans are wide
It's a small world after all."

End of flashback

I laughed lightly at the memory.

"Remember how you would sing our favorite song. I miss those days. I also remember that silly promise you made me...how you would marry me when we got older." I recalled, blushing. Deku turned red and he looked away.

"I still wanna keep that promise." He muttered.

"What Deku?" I asked.

"Oh uh...I said that I still remember that promise." He covered up what he originally said. I heard but I chose to pretend not to hear him. Oh my god...he still wants to keep the promise! How does he even remember that?!, I scream mentally. We continued to walk home until we had to walk our separate ways. My house was down the street but Deku house was on the opposite end of the street.

"Will you be alright walking alone? I wouldn't mind walking you to your house." Deku insisted.

"It's alright Deku. Besides, you ask me that everyday." I chuckled.

"I'm just looking after you." He mumbled.

"It's getting late. I'll see you tomorrow Deku." I waved goodbye to him and I walked away.

"W-Wait, (y/n)!" Izuku called out to me. I turned around and raised my eyebrow in questioning. He seemed hesitant and troubled at the same time. What was up with him?

"What is it Midoriya?" I asked. Izuku didn't answer me, only sighing and looking up at me with...hurt on his face.

"I hope...you get back home safe." He smiled sadly at me before turning and walking away. Do I..go after him? What do I do? My gut feeling tells me he's a bit sad but...to give him space. With that I looked back at my best friend one last time before going down my own path

Deku's p.o.v

I lied...I can't believe I lied to her...why did I do that? I shouldn't have lied to her about how I felt...I wanted to confess to her there at that moment but...I threw that chance away with a lie...I can't forgive myself for that. I looked over my shoulder one more time and saw (y/n) getting further away. I can't believe she's been my friend until now...she's so amazing. She has great talent, courageous, strong, smart and beautiful. I just...only wish I could tell her how I feel...

Your p.o.v

I walked to the front of my house and I stared off into the sky. I smiled but it soon dropped when I saw a person in the corner of my eye. I turned my head and I saw a man standing by a light pole. He was just...staring at me. His skin was pale, he wore all black, he had blue hair and his lips seemed chapped and cut. What seemed like an eternity, he finally turned away and walked off. I quickly walked in my house and I tried to think nothing of it. But later that night...I couldn't get my mind off of that man who was staring at me.

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