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Starvation. Starvation is a painful way to die. That's what I was feeling right now. I tried to cope with it but it wasn't working. I still laid on my bed and my stomach growled loudly. I didn't want to do this but...I had to survive.

"Deku! Deku! Where are you!" I yelled. I kept yelling and screaming. I wasn't gonna give up yet. I heard the door open and I stopped screaming.

"What is it (n/n)? Do you need something?" Deku asked. I began to shake a little.

"Can I...could you...can I please have food?" I asked while I struggled to find the right word. Deku giggled in joy.

"You finally trust me! I'm so happy!" He blurted. He doesn't get it, I said in my head.

"I'll be right back (y/n)! I'll get you (f/f)!" He chirped as he ran out of the room. My mouth watered just of the name and my stomach growled louder. I groaned and I crunched into a ball. My wrists were still tied and I still had my blindfold on. All my other senses heightened and I had to rely on them. But I just wanted to be able to see again. I want to move around instead of being in one place. My thoughts were interrupted when footsteps entered the room. I knew it was Deku. He sat on my bed and he moved closer to me.

"Open wide." Deku spoke to me like a baby. I was gonna ask him one last time.

"Deku...could you please untie me. I want to see again. Please..." I asked him fearfully. He kept quiet for a moment before he sighed in defeat.

"Okay. I'll unblind and untie you but before I do that," He leaned next to my ear, "There are other villains here that will not hesitate to kill you. If you escape then you'll suffer the same fate as that woman." He whispered in a sinister tone. Shivers were sent on my body once more. I felt his hands on my wrists as he untied me. I sat up, rubbing my wrists to sooth the pain. His hands snaked at the back of my head and I closed my eyes. The blindfold fell and I slowly opened my eyes. I looked at my lap. I was wearing (f/c) shorts and a (f/c) shirt. I slowly looked up at Deku and my heart sank to my stomach. He looked at me with wide eyes, a wide smile that was planted on his face, and his eyes...his eyes were red. He looked insane. He began to chuckle and he brought his hand to my face.

"Your eyes...are so pure...so innocent...but I'm so glad that you can see me now!" He said. I couldn't move. I was too taken back by Deku, he lost all innocence in his face and it was replaced with pure evil. Deku kept eyeballing me, admiring every part of my body. I felt uneasy. He got up and paced back and forth. He couldn't contain his smile and he bit his nails. What's going through his head? He continued to walk back and forth until he stopped. He stared off, not blinking. I looked at him with confusion. Deku looked down and his eyes widened in terror.

"STOP IT! GET OUT! GET OUT! YOU DON'T BELONG HERE!" He suddenly screamed. I jumped and I sat in fright. Deku pulled his hair, ripping out small amounts of hair. He kept screaming at the top of his lungs and he began to scratch on his eyes. He dug his nails into his skin underneath his eyes, making him bleed. He dropped to the floor and he crawled to the stone wall. He banged his head against the wall as hard as he could. Over and over and over. Blood seeped from his forehead but he still continued to hit his head, screaming. I couldn't take this. I bolted off my bed and I rushed to his side. I pulled him on his shoulder but he ignored me.

"Izuku Midoriya! Please stop!" I begged. He stopped and he breathed slowly. He turned his head to me and his eyes were still in the state of shock. His eyes were...green now.

"(y/n)...please be careful what you say and do. Please! I'm begging you!" Deku suddenly pleaded. I was taken back by his sudden request. Why...did his eyes change? Why did his personality change as well? In a moment of slight hesitation I slowly nodded, taking his advice. He gave me a small smile and he groaned again, holding his head. I didn't know either to comfort him or not take any action. He continued to groan and he eventually stopped. He made eye contact with me and...his eyes were back to red. His small and sweet smile slowly grew into a creepy and eerie grin. He just stared at me. He ignored the blood that slid down his face.

"I hope you enjoy your meal. You don't want it to go to waste. " He spoke as he got up and headed for the door. I was left in confusion and deep concern. What just happened right now? Who was Deku talking about? But most importantly...who are the other villains?

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