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Third person p.o.v & flashback

"It's already midnight, how are you even still awake?" The (h/c) girl giggled, swinging her feet in the air with delight.

"I actually...don't usually stay up this late but I guess I decided to." A boy blankly said on the other side of the phone. (Y/n) hummed a bit and switched her position on her bed, getting into a more comfortable area.

"Hey, Todoroki."


"What made you decide to stay up with me?" (Y/n) questioned the boy. There was a silence that followed the question for a moment before he sighed.

"I just...wanted to try something different for once." Todoroki confessed, little did the girl on the other side of the phone know that he had a small smile placed on his face. A small chuckle escaped (y/n)'s lips. Two weeks after the hero vs villain training, it still was a shocker for Shoto that he was comfortable with being on the phone with someone he barely met. But it was a minor thing, right? The two teens talked about random topics for a while before (y/n) got quiet. Shoto asked what was wrong.

"Todoroki, if we're still on good terms when we're heroes, would you help save me? I mean, if we were in the same department of hero work and all." Suddenly asked the (h/c). The boy was thrown off by such a question but he hummed.

"Of course. That's what heroes are for." He replied to the question. (Y/n) could feel a small smile on her face.

"Thanks Todoroki...I know that was a random question but I feel like I need to clear that up for that day when it happens."

For that day when it happens.

End of flashback

"You really meant that...didn't you?" Mumbled Todoroki with his eyes glued to his shoes that were somewhat buried in the sand. The breeze flowed through Shoto's opposite colored locks, sending chills down his spine. He sat on a bench at the famous Takoba Municipal Beach Park, the park that was full of junk but was cleared out by a boy...although he already had a clear idea who it was. The moonlight reflected off the waves, making the boy feel a bit at peace with himself before his thoughts trailed back to that distinct memory he had with (y/n). The more he thought about it, the more his heart sank into guilt and hopelessness. The sounds of the soft waves crashing was added along with distant footsteps, making Todoroki turn with his guard up. Although, when he met eyes with the individual behind him, his tense body was overcome with ease.

"Why the hell are you out this late?" Asked harshly of the ash-blonde that stood before Shoto. The boy merely shrugged his shoulders before having his mismatched eyes go back to the water. A small 'tch' came from Bakugou and he placed a seat next to Todoroki with his eyes also looking towards the sea.

"Are you out training?" Shoto suddenly asked after a small moment of silence.

"Of course! Why wouldn't I be? We have a mission soon that could cost me my life!" Bakugou remarked in defense. Shoto gave a small sigh before looking at his feet again.

"Bakugou, why do you want to save (y/n)? It seems like you don't like her since you always fight with her, so why?" The teen asked genuinely. Katsuki was clearly annoyed by the question.

"Well, I have to?! Otherwise I wouldn't be seen as a hero." Bakugou replied, looking away from Todoroki.

"Are you...sure?" Lowly asked Shoto. He looked at Bakugou's form for a moment before he saw him lower his head, his shoulders loose and with a calm look.

"Look...don't take this the wrong way or whatever but I...I do see (y/n) as a friend. She's the only person who can put up with my shit, besides from Deku," Bakugou's eyebrows twitched into resentment, "They both were my friends. But right now, as much as I want to save both of them I can only save one..." The blonde confessed. Shoto sat in shock as he didn't expect an answer like that from Bakugou himself. But he knew it was sincere. In a blink of an eye, Bakugou stood up and turned his back to his classmate.

"You better not repeat this to anyone or I'll kick your ass, got it?!" Threatened the boy, same as usual. Todoroki nodded in agreement but Katsuki stopped in his tracks, turning his head over his shoulders to look at Shoto once more.

"Train hard and don't die when we rescue (y/n)." He ordered before walking away. Although the mission itself was suicide, it's the only option they had instead of having their friend suffer anymore. Shoto, left on the bench mentally pledged to try. Although not all promises can be kept, he was going to try. For the sake of his friend.

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