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I woke up on a soft surface. I looked around and I was in my original room. I cried and I looked down at my legs. They were purple and blue. It was painful to move them and it hurt just to look at them. I sat up and I looked down at my lap. I was still in a hospital gown but it was clean. I looked at my right arm and I froze. My arm was covered in bandages but...how did I survive? I'm sure Deku cut a vein in my arm and I lost a lot of blood so...how did I make it?

I looked to my left and I saw a small mirror by my side. I grabbed it and I raised it up to my face. My heart broke. I slowly raised my hand to touch my right eye. It wasn't (e/c) anymore. It was now (f/c). Tears now only fell from the left side on my eye and I stared at my reflection. Why...was I putting up with this? Why was I still...living? I was interrupted when the door opened. Deku was here. I moved close to the wall on my bed and I hugged myself.

"Get away from me!" I yelled at him. He looked up and his eyes were green. I kept quiet. He walked up to me and he sat on my bed. He hung his head low, not saying anything. But he held the bandage in his hands. The silence was nerve wracking. He could snap at any time and I wouldn't be able to keep my guard up.

"(y/n)...I've taken over you...you're broken because of me...I don't know what to do," He ran his hand through his hair, "I've snapped at you numerous times...I hurt you...I never wanted to put you in harms way but...I failed...it's all my fault." Deku blamed himself. His green eyes were filled with tears but also pain and regret. He gently grabbed my legs and raised it slowly. I hissed in pain and Deku stopped for a moment but he continued. He wraps my legs, gently wrapping them to the best of his abilities. He lifted my left arm and unwrapped the bandage. There was a long scar but it was healed. Questions wondered in my mind. I remember that he cut me but it would take days for it to heal so...how? The scar started at my wrist and ended in the middle of my arm. It was going to be a giant scar that will never go away. I'll live with this scar to the day I die.

"I can hear your thoughts." Deku spoke.

"What do you mean?" I ask. He finished wrapping my arm and he turned his body to me.

"That black glob you saw...was an entity that I produce in my body. If someone consumes it...then I can hear and communicate through people's minds. There's no end to it. It's stuck with you forever. I can...control them." He explained. I sat there, feeling disturbed by this. But I'll try it to see if he's telling the truth.

"You can...hear me?" I said mentally.

"Yes." Deku's voice said. He smiled at me softly.

"See. I can now hear you and communicate with you." he told me.

"But that's not possible. You only have one quirk, right?"

"My master...gave me more. Powerful ones too. I have multiple quirks now." He confessed. This can't be...he has multiple quirks? But...that explains it all. I needed to get more info from him.

"If you don't mind me asking Deku...who's your master?" His eyes turned red and he slowly turned his head.

"All for one" he replied, smiling widely. I backed away from him, fearing that he was going to harm me. Instead, he got up and he pulled out a pocket knife. He held it in front of me, waiting. I didn't move, I didn't want to risk anything.

"Take it." Deku insisted. I hesitated but I slowly reached out my hand and I grabbed it. I flipped the knife open and I examined it. What does he want me to do?

"I want you to stab me." He confessed.

"What?" I was dumbfounded. His smile faded into a frown.

"I said I want you to stab me." Deku repeated.

"But...why?" I asked, having my voice crack. Deku's eyes faded into green.

"Please...just end it all. It kills me to see that I hurt you. I caused you pain that no one should face. Just do it. Do it for the both of us!" He pleaded, tears running down his face. I looked down at the knife and back at him. I wanted to kill him. But at the same time...I feel that Deku was still here and...I still loved him. I stared at him, only shedding one tear from my left eye. We stared into each other's eyes, not saying a word. He walked up to me and he grabbed my wrist with both of his hands.

"It will be okay. I'll help you since you can't do it yourself." he whispered. He slowly brought the knife to his stomach. My body couldn't react. What the hell was he doing? The knife made it to his torso. It cut through his vest and pierced his skin. Blood seeped from his body and he hissed in pain. The knife made its way into his stomach, disappearing with every second.

"No stop!" I yelled suddenly, pulling the knife out of his stomach. Blood dripped from the corner of Deku's mouth as he smiled.

"Thank you...(y/n)" he said weakly, dropping to the floor. His back faced up and he didn't move. Blood spreaded out on the floor and there were no signs that he was breathing. I was shaking with the knife in my hand.

"Deku...?" I called. No answer. My heart began to race and my mind was flowing with thoughts.

"Deku! Deku please answer me!" I pleaded. I fell on the floor and I crawled next to his body, laying the knife next to me. I ignored the throbbing pain in my legs and I shook Deku's body.

"No, no, no! Deku! You can't die! Please!" I shouted. I moved him on his back, my hands shook violently. His face was peaceful but his body began to turn cold.

"Deku...no...please don't leave me! I...didn't get to tell you..." I cried, hugging him as I buried my face into his chest. I wouldn't dare say the words out loud. Suddenly, there was giggling. I raised my head from Deku's chest and I looked at him. He had a smile, and he laughed loudly. I dropped him on the ground and he kept laughing. I was pissed.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. Deku got up and he lifted his shirt. The wound slowly closed and it was healed. That's one of his quirks. He can recover from any kind of injury. I stared down at the pool of blood that was in front of me. His playing with my mind.

"Don't worry (y/n)! I'm fine now!" Deku reassured. I kept my head down, not looking up at him. Deku laughed slowly and he walked away.

"See you later (n/n)." Deku's voice whispered in my head. He walked out and shut the door. I didn't move. I couldn't think. I couldn't...feel. I slowly reached on the bed for my mirror and I stared lifelessly at my reflection. My eyes were dull. They lost all light in them. Even my (f/c) eye. My skin was pale, my hair was nappy and tangled, and my face was thin. I looked down at my wrists and I lifted up my gown. My stomach was skinny, I was losing weight from not eating. I allowed tears to slip from my eyes. I lowered the mirror and I looked at the knife that laid on the floor. This was going to be my escape.

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