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Deku's p.o.v and flashback

"So, when did all of this start?" my psychologist asked my mother.

"Ever since his father left overseas...he hasn't been the same since. He would tell me that he heard voices, telling him to harm others and to kill anyone that gets in his way. He would stay up late at night until I fall asleep just to sneak into the kitchen and mess with knives. But now that he has gotten older, it's just worse. It's gotten bad to the point where he's hurting himself but...when I stop him...it's like he doesn't remember a thing." My mother explained. I sat in my chair, keeping my posture.

"Please tell me what I need to do to help my baby!" my mom pleaded. My psychologist fixed his glasses and he looked down at his notes.

"Due to the lack of your father's disappearance and other pressures he's going through, I advise that you give more support, care, and attention. Don't let him bottle up his emotions and thoughts or else he will break. But Izuku," my psychologist looked into my eyes, "tell your mother when that voice says anything to you." he ordered. I nodded my head and I got up from my seat. I just wanted to go home. My mom filled in some more paperwork and we headed out of the building. This place gave me chills. We made our way silently inside the car and my mother began to drive home. There was silence.

"Mom...is something wrong with me?" I asked. My mom's expression turned troubled and pained.

"No, Izuku...you're only having small problems, that's all." She replied as she gave me a weak smile. I leaned my head against the window and I looked up into the sky.

"What if (y/n) finds out? Will she still be my best friend? Will she avoid me?" I panicked.

"It's alright Izuku, I'm sure that (y/n) will still be your best friend. You guys are thirteen years old, you've been friends for a long time. But...you can tell her if you ever want to." My mom suggested. I looked down at my arm, staring at the scars I had. Would she really be my friend?, I asked in my head. I felt my eyes get heavy and I allowed them to close, falling asleep on the way home.


Your mother knows, doesn't she? What will you do about (y/n)? Will you tell her or keep me hidden from her? You know what you have to do when someone hurts or claims (y/n), right? Kill them...kill them...kill them...make sure their screams can't be heard, make them fall to your feet, make them experience the worst pain, make their families suffer, JUST MAKE THEM SUFFER! DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! JUST KILL THEM ALREADY!


I shot up from my sleeping bag, breathing heavily. It's that voice. I wiped away the sweat that rolled down my forehead, trying to calm myself down. I was currently staying the night at (y/n)'s because...I felt comfort in her presence. (y/n) woke up next to me with a worried expression.

"Izuku, are you okay?" she asked, tilting her head to the side.

"Yeah...I'm fine...it's just a nightmare I had." I lied. (y/n) sighed with relief.

"What was it about?" she asked. My heart began to race. I'm caught!

"It was...uhh...it was...I fell off a cliff." I lied again.

"Tell her your deepest thoughts~"

"It was scary...it felt so real. One minute I was home and as soon as I blink, I'm falling off of a cliff. I saw...a black figure push me and say that I'll become a villain...a monster that no one can face alone." I quickly placed my hand over my mouth, just realizing what I just said. No...why did I just say that! (y/n)'s (e/c) eyes widened in shock.

"That's horrible!" she gasped. I nodded my head in agreement. I stared down at my lap in thought.

"Let's go back to sleep. We have school." I advised as I huddled in my sleeping bag. (y/n) did the same thing as well and we laid in silence.

"Hey Izuku, wouldn't it be cool if we met All might in person? Like, get to be his undercover sidekick, wouldn't that be awesome?" (y/n) spoke up.

"Yeah...I wanna be like All Might in the future. I wanna be the greatest hero of all time." I replied back. (y/n) smiled and she shut her eyes.

"Let's see."

2 years later

I...actually did it. I've obtained One for All from All might himself! I was much closer to my goal of being a pro. Everything was great! But...

"Wait, what happened?" I asked (y/n) again. It was the end of the day and everyone was ready to head home. I still sat at my desk in disbelief as (y/n) stood in front of me.

"I was asked out by Koichi Yuki at lunch in the library. Isn't that weird?" she chuckled, messing with the ends of her skirt.

"What did he say?" I asked.

"He said I'm the prettiest girl he's ever seen, how he wishes that I was his, and I have a wonderful personality. But I rejected him,..." (y/n) said, scratching the back of her head as she trailed off, "I like someone else." she finished.

"You already know it's you...but you know what you have to do...eliminate him." That voice urged me. My blood boiled and I turned my hands into fists.

"Hey (y/n)...why don't you walk without me today. I have to retake a quiz and I have to stay here for it." I lied. (y/n) seemed a little taken back but she went. She said her goodbye and gave me good luck. As soon as she left I got out of my seat and headed to the back of the school.

"It's finally time to do what's right."

I quietly walked out into the field that was behind the school. In my luck I found Koichi...kissing another girl. How disgusting. I walked along the school fence, avoiding being seen from his side view. He's under the bleachers, near the fountain, perfect, I thought. Koichi said his goodbye to the girl and he walked to the fountain, looking down. I slowly walked up to him, ready to pounce.

"Do it...do it...do it...DO IT!"

I grabbed a handful of Koichi's hair and I shoved his head down into the fountain. Koichi struggled to be free but he squirmed under my grasp. What am I doing?

"You'll...never have (y/n). She's mine. I've been with her longer than you have! DO YOU HEAR ME!" I screamed. Anger was all that blinded me. Koichi's body started to become limp and he stopped struggling. I breathed heavily but then sickness spread throughout my body. What have I done?!

"I took...a person's life..." I muttered. I felt sick to my stomach and I vomited on the ground. My heart was beating out of my chest and my head was spinning.

"You did it! Good job!" the voice cheered.

"Shut up! Shut up!" I screamed. Tears fell from my eyes and I looked down at my hands.

"I took a person's life...I've been entrusted by the number one hero, All Might, but..."

"How can I become a hero if I've become a monster?"

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