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Todoroki's p.o.v

"That was (y/n)! I know it!" I claimed. Yaoyorozu, Uraraka, Kirishima, Bakugou, and I were all in an alley where we all wanted to meet up. We were discussing about that girl we saw at the mall two days ago with that small child.

"Don't you all see? Just look at the note!" I insisted, handing over the napkin to Uraraka.

"You all know who I am. I'm in Hosu, trapped in an abandoned building between two buildings. An alleyway leads to it. Find me. Save me and Eri. Don't come alone. He has friends and more powers. Help me." Uraraka read out loud. We were all unsettled about the words. Bakugou growled in frustration.

"What the hell is going on?! First (y/n) comes back, the school gets bombed, and now this? This shit doesn't make any sense!" Bakugou complained.

"Keep your voice down." I said.

"So let me get this straight. Midoriya was kidnapped by villains. He was missing for a year and (y/n) went missing as well. In Hosu, up in the screens, there was Midoriya and he was holding (y/n) hostage. It's clear that he's become a villain and he said that he had a 'surprise' for us in Japan. Then (y/n) arrives and she seemed perfectly fine for a week until the school was bombed. That's when...Uraraka said that was not (y/n) at all...it was Deku all along." Kirishima explained.

"He's playing with our emotions and minds." Yaoyorozu concluded. All of us hummed in response. That sick and twisted bastard.

"You children are smarter than I thought." A voice said. All of us turned quickly to see who said that. Shock and fear struck us. It was that same villian that had that warping quirk. His name was Kurogiri I think.

"You children don't need to worry about (y/n). Midoriya is taking great care of her." He reassured us. I've had enough! I struck an ice attack at him but his shadow-like body floated around it. He summoned wraps under us, making us separated. Uraraka and Yaoyorozu screamed and Kirishima tried to reach Bakugou but failed. I fell through the warp, my vision filling with darkness.

Uraraka's p.o.v

I kept falling in the dark warp, waiting for my landing. Where was I going to land? Where are the other's? Are we all separated? Questions ran through my head until I saw a gleam of light. I drew closer and closer to it, having the light be bigger and brighter. I fell through, landing on an old mattress. I immediately got up, dusting off my shorts and shirt. I looked around to see where I was at, which was a dark alleyway. I pulled out my phone, looking to see where I was warped to. Hosu city. Perfect! I looked down the dark alleyway, having curiosity get the best of me. This alleyway...is between two buildings. I could only assume one thing. The building that (y/n) was being held hostage...was right ahead. I took a deep breath, stepping towards the horrors that awaited. As I kept walking I suddenly felt my phone vibrate. I stopped, pulling out my phone to see who was calling me. It was Todoroki.

"Hello?" I whispered.

"Where are you Uraraka?" Todoroki asked loudly. I shushed him, telling him to keep his voice down.

"I'm in Hosu. That villain warped me in an alleyway that leads to the building (y/n)'s in. Where are the others?"

"We were warped to Midoriya's house. Do you see the building?"

"No, but I'm going."

"Be very careful. Remember how the note said there were others? Don't get caught."

"You'll still be on the phone. I'm gonna record the whole thing." I replied as I went to my camera and recorded. I walked down the alley, keeping my footsteps faint. I kept my phone close to my chest, recording my surroundings. This could be our chance to save (y/n). The alleyway was put to an end when there was a large space with a large abandoned building. The walls were made of stone, the roofing was old, and there were metal doors.. This must be it. I walked around the building, looking for a window or side door. I suddenly heard the front door open, making me in a state of panic. I quickly ran to the side of the building and I used my quirk to make myself float. Thankfully the roofing was far off of the building. The roof stopped me and I held my breath. There were villains. There were 6...8...10...11 villains! They all were holding plain boxes in their hands. But a few of them went back to get more. I zoomed in on them with my camera.

"Do you know your way all around Japan, Kurogiri?" A man with a hand on his face asked.

"Of course I do. I also wrapped the children in a safe area like Midoriya asked." He responded.

"Why does he want them in a safe area? Isn't the whole idea to kill them off painfully?" A man with burned marks questioned.

"No. he wants them to suffer. He wants them to know that they have no way of saving their friend or others." Another man said. He had a strange mask on his face. A muscular man walked out with more boxes in his hands, dropping them on the floor. A man in all black danced around.

"Woah! Be careful! Those things can blow us up! Blow us away with fun!" he changed his attitude. The man with burns marks groaned in annoyance.

"Shut up Twice."

"Aw don't be a downer Dabi!" Twice said. Dabi rolled his eyes. Blow up...multiple places...safe area. They were gonna bomb parts of the city! I began to breathe heavily but I tried to keep my breathing low.

"Isn't Deku coming?" A girl with a school uniform asked.

"He's inside. He's talking to (y/n)." Shigaraki replied. I looked down at the boxes that the villains had placed on the floor. There were hundreds of them.

"How many do we have?" Dabi asked. The girl in the school uniform bounces up and down as she counts.

"Four hundred and twenty!" The girl claimed. My heart stopped. There's no way...that anyone was safe now.

"Uraraka, check for a window or something. You need to find (y/n). Now!" Todoroki commanded. I moved along the roof, looking for a window. I turned to the other side of the building and I hurried myself. There was a small window! I peeked through it, not making my head fully noticeable. There they were, Deku and (y/n)! I aimed my camera on the corner, getting a good view of them. What was gonna happen next?

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