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It was dead at night where we walked. Not a single soul was out of their homes. Everyone was sleeping peacefully...but little did they know that there was an insane killer wandering down their good-willed neighborhood. Izuku and I walked down the empty street, hand in hand. My heart pounded as we walked in silence in the night. What if someone sees us? What if we get caught? Will Inko call the cops on us?

"I can still hear your thoughts, (y/n). We'll be fine, I promise." Izuku suddenly reassured me. I forgot that the 'entity' was still in me. For once in a long time...I trusted him on this one.

"We're here." Deku interrupted my thoughts as he looked at the door in front of us. I looked at the door as well and inhaled deeply. Reaching his hand out, Izuku twisted the knob and he walked inside. I miss this house so much. The house was dark but Midoriya guided me around the house, heading to Inko's room. As we made our way we stood in front of her room. Without hesitation, Izuku entered and I followed behind him. There was his mother, sleeping peacefully but in her mind, she was having nightmares and terror repeating in her head. I could tell. Izuku stood over his mother as he watched her sleep. After being still for a minute, he tapped his mother's shoulder.

"Mom...mom." He whispered in her ear. Inko shot up from her bed and she looked around in horror. Her eyes landed on me and she stared in disbelief.

"(Y/n)...is that you? Is it really you?" she asked. She stopped talking and she looked at Izuku. Inko placed her hand over her mouth to hold back a sob.


"Hi mom...glad to see you again." Midoriya spoke softly to her. Inko couldn't hold back the tears and she sobbed, embracing her son. The scene made me shed a few tears. A mother, who has supported her son since he was little, who has fought for him and has been scared to death about his disappearance, has now welcomed him with open arms. I looked at Izuku's expression but...he had a blank face and only one tear fell from his right eye. As Inko pulled away she walked up to me, embracing me as well. I hugged her back, knowing how scared she must have been.

"I'm so happy so see you..." Inko cried on my shoulder. I smiled and looked toward Izuku but... stared at us in envy for some odd reason. Hopefully the demon wasn't coming back. Inko pulled away and she walked us to the kitchen. Izuku and I took a seat and Inko took a seat in front of us.

"What happened Izuku? Why have you and  (y/n) been missing for so long?" She asked. Deku looked down at the table, looking troubled. I grabbed his hand that rested on his lap. He looked at me in surprise and I nodded my head, signaling him to tell her. He smiled and he looked into his mother's eyes.

"I was kidnapped the day we went to the U.S.J. The villains...tortured me mom...they use me for their twisted experiments and...I'm afraid I'm gonna do something I really regret. But...I....," he trailed off, staring at the table.

"Midoriya?" I called him. My heart raced with fear as I saw Deku's eyes turn red.

"I saved (y/n), mommy. I protected her from the villains and we went into hiding. That's why we were missing. I was protecting (y/n) with my life." He lied. Under the table he squeezed my hand, digging his nails into my skin. I whimpered in pain.

"Don't show any pain. She'll be suspicious and I'll have no choice but to kill her." he communicated/threatened in my head. No...there's no way. He wouldn't kill his own mother...right? I bit my tongue to avoid sounds coming out. I was terrified. Deku closed his eyes and he grunted in pain.

"Izuku what's wrong?" His mother asked with concern. Deku opened his eyes and the red in his eyes faded to green. He released my hand and he got up from his seat.

"Mom...I just wanna say I love you and...I have to leave." He told Inko. His mother's eyes widened in shock and sadness.

"No! Izuku! Don't go-" She was stopped when Deku placed his hand on her forehead. She closed her eyes and her body went limp. Deku caught her before she hit the ground.

"What did you do to her? Doesn't she know that...you're a murderer?" I stuttered in fear. Deku shook his head no and he carried his mother to the room. I sat at the table quietly, waiting for Deku. He came back with tears rolling down his face.

"What did you do?" I asked sternly. He wiped away his tears with his arm.

"I manipulated her memory...I only wanted her to remember that I went missing. I'm sorry 'he' lied." he apologized. I felt...guilt for some reason. I walked up to Deku, hesitantly and I hugged him.

"It's okay Deku. It was 'his' doing. Not yours." I tried to reassure him. He hugged me back, burying his face into my neck.

"We have to go. I'm sorry." He apologized once more as he walked me outside. I had no choice but to accept.

"Kurogiri take us back." Deku requested. A black/purple warp appeared in front of us and Deku grabbed my hand, dragging me in.

As we entered the meeting room, Deku walked me to my room. Chisaki followed behind us. The more we walked near my room, the louder a scream and cry was heard from my room. I then remembered about Eri. I ran to my room and I swung the door open. Eri stood there with blood shot eyes, tears rolling down her face, and her knuckles were bloody. I picked her up and I hugged her tightly. She held onto me and she cried, gripping my clothes ever so tightly. She must have been hitting the door, begging to be let out.

"I thought you left me." Eri sobbed. I hushed her and I rubbed her back. I felt horrible.

"No sweetie, I would never leave you. I'm so sorry that I left without telling you." I apologized. Eri looked at Deku with fearful eyes.

"It's the bad man." She whispered.

"No, no, it's the good man. See? His eyes are green." I pointed it out to her. Deku waved at Eri but looked down in sadness.

"I'm sorry but...she has to be in a separate room tonight as Chisaki requested." Deku confronted us. Chisaki walked up to me, grabbing Eri. She kicked and screamed, not wanting to go with the monster that has hurt her for far too long.

"(Y/n) help me! Please don't go!" Eri screamed. She tried to hit Chisaki but it was no use. I was about to run after them but Deku stopped me.

"It's alright. She's only gonna be in the room down the hall. No need to fret." He reassured me. I stood there as I stared in despair. It really killed me to see Eri like this. Deku grabbed my hand and he dragged me into my room, pulling me away from a call for help. He closed the door and he stayed silent. His eyes were still green. I felt anxious.

"(Y/n)...is it okay if, I mean if you don't want me to then it's fine because its your day but...can I sleep with you tonight?" He asked, stumbling with his words. I was taken back for a moment and I blushed. Why is my heart racing? Why do I feel hot?

"Um...sure, Izuku... I don't mind..." I replied to him lowly. Deku smiled widely and he stepped outside of my room. Seconds later he came back with a (f/c) long sleeve shirt, fuzzy (f/c) pj bottoms...and my favorite sweater that went missing in my home.

"I got you this from your home...before I kidnapped you. But with this you can stay warm." Deku blushed lightly as he handed me the pjs. I stared at Deku, mentally telling him to look away.

"I-I won't look!" Deku blushed harder as he turned around. I removed my clothing and I slipped on the pjs. They felt so nice on my skin...it was pleasing.

"You can look now." I said. Deku turned around and he smiled. Now he told me not to look. I closed my eyes and I waited. After a few seconds, I opened my eyes and he was in a plain white shirt, fuzzy pj bottoms as well, and a big blanket. It must be his quirk.

"We should get some rest." Deku insisted. I laid on my bed and waited for Deku. His face turned red and laid next to me, spreading out the blanket for the both of us. My back was faced to Deku and I felt his arms wrap around me. It was warm...it was nice.

"I hope you enjoyed today...I love you (y/f/n)," he kissed my cheek, "happy birthday." He whispered. My heart skipped a beat and I smiled to myself.

"I love you too, Izuku Midoriya." I replied as my vision began to turn blurry and I fell asleep. But before I did...there was one question on my mind...why was I being affectionate to him after everything he's done to me?

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