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Izuku's p.o.v & flashback

I was slowly regaining my consciousness, groaning from the slight pain that throbbed in my head. My blurry vision began to clear up and I looked around, only to make me meet the eyes of a villain. His light blue eyes made me shiver to my core and I tried to flee but I had restraints on my arms and legs. In a panic I looked around me, trying to escape the chair.

"There's no use in getting away, Midoriya." A raspy voice told me, making me look towards their direction. A man with messy light blue hair with a hand on his face stood in front of me. I then remembered...these were the villains that kidnapped me from the U.S.J. Wait...(y/n)!

"(Y/n)?! (Y/n), where are you?!" I called out desperately while trying to get my arms out of the rope.

"You won't be seeing your friend for a while, Midoriya. Now, let's get down to business," I suddenly felt a hand grab a fist full of my hair that made me yelp, making me look up, "we know you have One for All. If you just cooperate with us, we won't have to include that friend of yours." The villain with the hand tried to pursue me. Wait...how did they know about One for All?

"Wait, how do you know about that?! Tell me-" I was cut off with a hard impact on my cheek. I could feel my lip tear from the punch and I held my head down. In the corner of my eyes I could see another villain. He had an eye missing, had blonde hair and was very muscular in his figure. He glared at me for a moment before turning to their main leader.

"Shigaraki, he isn't gonna talk soon. Let Dabi take care of things."

"Muscular, you can't call the shots from here." 'Dabi' butted into the conversation. Shigaraki, Dabi, and Muscular...there must be more villains outside the room.

"Dabi, do what you want with him. Just make him talk." Shigaraki gave his word. Dabi then came up to me, unraveling the knots around my arms and legs. The fear weighing in my chest made me sit still. I couldn't risk getting killed. A small smirk formed on Dabi's lips.

"Now then, let's have some fun." As soon as his sentence was over, he quickly grabbed my throat with all his strength. I gasped for air, immediately trying to put up a fight. I was dragged to the cold floor with his hand still around my throat. I screamed at the top of my lungs, digging my nails into his scarred arms but he didn't react whatsoever. He scoffed and I could feel a source of heat around my hips. Around his hand he summoned blue fire, burning my pants. I knew what he was going to do.

"No! No! Please! Stop it!" I yelled but he still didn't react to my words. With his free hand he unbuckled his belt. Please! NO! NO! NO!

End of flashback & your p.o.v

I could see Izuku's eyes slowly rise up from his long slumber, directly looking at me. But as I locked eyes with him I could see tears slip from the corners. Leaning over, I wiped them away but more tears kept falling. I looked to see if Eri was still asleep and sure enough, she was. With slow movements I kept wiping Izuku's tears.

"Why are you crying?" I asked with curiosity. The beautiful glow of his green eyes looked up at the ceiling, holding his gaze there.

"You were wondering where I got all these scars from...right?" He assumed. I shook my head yes. There was a sheet of shame that coated his face. It was easy to tell.

"I was tortured countless times by the villains when they first kidnapped me. But then...," he turned his head away from me and looked at the wall, "I was raped too...along with those times I was tortured." He finished his sentence. A sharp pain formed in my chest when I heard his confession and I looked to the edge of the bed. All that time he was gone...that whole year he experienced what no human should...

"Please, don't feel guilty. I can feel it in your heart." Izuku exhaled as he sat up. The sheets fell from his body, exposing his built torso and arms. He brought up his arms and looked at the scars he had. I kept my eyes down until I saw his fingers gently crease the burns on my wrists. My eyes trailed up to his gaze, seeing that coat of shame.

"I know my words of apologies seem old but...I'm so sorry for the things I've done to you. I understand if you hate me but please know that I never meant our fate to be like this," he lightly squeezed my wrist, "If things could be different...I would have been better for you. I'm so sorry." Midoriya kept apologizing. With my free hand, I placed my fingers over his.

"Izuku...you're a different person than the one who hurt me. You and Deku are two different people. I'll always forgive you, Izuku." I reassured him. After I said my sentence Eri groaned while she rubbed her eyes. Now she was wide awake. Her eyes trailed between Izuku and I like she was trying to understand what was going on. Her eyes finally laid upon Izuku and she nodded to him, laying back on me. What was that about?

"(Y/n), you and Eri need to rest. You're going to need it." Izuku winced a bit as he tried to get out of his bed.

"What do you mean?" I questioned. He froze for a moment before giving me a gentle smile.

"I just want you to have the best sleep possible. That's all." He replied to me. I was uneasy with his response but I shrugged it off. Eri got off my lap and I stood up, having Eri hold my hand as we walked to the door. I stopped, looking over my shoulder to Izuku.

"Is there anything else you need?" I asked. There was a bit of silence before I saw Izuku shake his head. He gave me another soft smile.

"No, it's okay. You don't need to do anything for me." He kept his smile. I know something's off with him but I can't pinpoint what it was. In reply I gave a small hum and left the room with Eri. We walked down the hall in silence before Eri spoke.

"We need lots of rest, (y/n). Trust Izu." She suddenly said. I stopped in my tracks and looked down at her. Those words caught me off guard. It's something she wouldn't really say. Ever.

"Eri, what do you mean?" I tried to get her to explain in depth of her wording but she looked to the floor. I sighed and we walked into our room. I couldn't just integrate her and scare her...although, I will take what she said to mind. I helped Eri onto the bed and I crawled into the blanket, wrapping both of us up. Small fingers wrapped around my thumb and pointer finger and I saw how Eri fell fast asleep again. Letting out a short laugh, I too started to see my vision fade to black. Going back into slumber once more. My last thought was, 'If things could be different...what would happen to us?'

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