Gift #1 (Buying)

281 6 2

(Requested by Alexis_Zach )

2pVanoss: *Looking through gift shops* Hmm. . .the fuck kind of gift can I give to make Y/N happy? Think. . .what do they like or need. . .shit. . .this is so much difficult than buying gifts for my crew! Fuck! . . .Should I attempt to MAKE something?

2pWildcat: *Looking through gift shops* Oh! This teddy bear is cute! B-But I don't know if Y/N would like it. . .hmm. . .maybe I could bake something? *Blush* B-But it should be their FAVORITE type. O-Or should I do both? Hmmm. . .I-I should ask Delirious for a-advice.

2pMiniLadd: *Looking through magazines for gifts* . . .Garbage. *Sigh, blushing* Why should I buy Y/N a gift anyway? It's so out of the blue. . .he/she might get creeped out. . .but. . .I. . .need to appreciate them more. . .though I doubt a little gift would do shit. . .maybe I should. . .get a ticket for a dinner or something. . .augh, fuck. . . *Puts his head down on his desk* I can't think of shit to give!

2pTerroriser: *Looking through internet for gifts* Hmm. . .oh! This might be good! Oh! This one is cute! And this is sexy! I can't choose what to give. . . *Blush* Y/N is just. . .so perfect~. *Hugs a pillow* Ahhh~! I can't believe I'm dating Y/N! I-I need to find a good gift!

2pMoo: *Looking through gift shops* . . .Shit. . .I really suck at these. . .ugh. . .I don't really wanna ask the others for help. . .fuck. . .why does Y/N has to be so. . .*blush* fucking adorable & complicated!? I can't think shit what to give him/her! Fuck it, I'll ask Bryce for help, and I swear if he makes fun of me, I'm gonna kill him.

2pNogla: *Looking through internet for gifts* Hmm. . .oh! This might come in handy. But just buying & giving wouldn't mean much. . .I should try to craft this. I want Y/N to know that I love him/her so much~. If I have time, I could craft something else~, all for love~.

2pLui: *Looking through gift shops* Ugh. . the fuck am I gonna do? I need to find a gift for Y/N. . .but the fuck can I give? What if he/she doesn't like something I give? I can't ask him/her what they want. . .money just seems rude & not caring. . .*blush* I care about Y/N. . .so much that I'm gonna fucking explode out of my mind! I need to get something!

2pBasically: *Looking through internet for gifts* . . .This may be good. *Writes on the notepad* Okay, I can combine this. . .and this. *Writes down* Alright, now, I need to buy some materials. *Blush* I hope Y/N will like this. . .

2pCaRtOoNz: *Looking through gift shops* . . .Huh. . .what was I here for? Oh yea! I was thinking of giving something to Y/N. I mean. . .he's/she's dealing with my insanity. . .maybe something to relieve stress might help. . .*Thinks of sexual items* . . .Yea, that's not relaxing.

2pBryce: *Looking through gift shops* What can I get for Y/N & express my love for him/her. It needs to be perfect, *Blush with a smile* I have the most perfect, beautiful lover ever, I must give him/her what he/she deserve. Hmm. . .but what can I get? . . .Maybe I should ask. . .nah. I should research stuff first. . .Marcel could help me.

2pDelirious: *Looking through gift shops* . . .? . . .? . . .? . . . (There's so many stuff I can give Y/N. . .but I can't get everything. . .should it be something useful? Like clothes? Or something like stuffed animals? I want to make Y/N happy. . .hmm. . .)

2pOhm: *Looking through gift shops* What would be the best gift? Hmm. . .I would usually like to gift myself~, but this time, I want to surprise them. . .I still might gift myself to my love. *Giggles* Oh, so many choices~, should the surprise be kinky~? Or something sweet~? *Blush* Oh, my love is so lovely~, I want to give my everything~!

2pDroidd: *Looking through internet for gifts* . . . *Sigh* This is difficult. . .I want to gift something to Y/N. . .but I. . .don't usually do anything like this. . .so I have no idea what to do. . .maybe I should ask Marcel for help. . .*Sigh*

2pJiggly: *Looking through gift shops* . . .I am quite troubled. . .my angel deserves much more than this, but. . .what can I give Y/N? . . .Hmm. . .it is getting warmer, maybe something to cool down? Or something he/she can use all season. Hmm. . .I should put more thought in this.

2p407: *Looking through magazines for gifts* Huh. . .goddamn, this is really cool! . . .Ahhh! *Throws the magazine* Pay the fuck attention, Scotty! You're searching for a gift to give to your babe! Not for yourself! *Sigh* God. . .what should I give Y/N? What does he/she like to have? Agh. . .I should ask Anthony for help. . .man, I suck. . .I wanna be a good boyfriend. . .

(Which of their reaction do you feel happy to know~?

Comment if you have any suggestions for the 2pBBS to react.)

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