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(Requested by kittycatcorndog & nobodys_cat )

You: *Crying*

2pVanoss: *Sees you crying, runs up to you* Y/N! What happened!? Did someone hurt you!? If they did, I'm gonna fucking kill them! *Hugs you softly* Don't cry, Y/N. I'm here for you.

You: *Crying*

2pWildcat: *Sees you crying, gasp, runs up to you* W-Why are you crying? I-I. . .who hurt you? W-Was it me? *Hugs you* Please. . .I'm right here for you, Y/N. *Tears up* I don't want you to be sad. . .

You: *Crying*

2pMiniLadd: . . .*Sees you crying, walks up to you* Y/N, why are you crying? . . .*Sigh, and hugs you* It's annoying, don't waste your energy crying. . .but if you really need it, cry in my chest.

You: *Crying*

2pTerroriser: *Sees you crying, runs up to you* Y/N! Oh my god, you're in tears! What happened!? *Hugs you* Y/N. . .please calm down, I. . .I. . .*Pats your head* It's okay, everything will be fine, I'm here for you.

You: *Crying*

2pMoo: *Sees you crying, runs up to you* Y/N, the fuck happened!? Who hurt you!? Who the fuck made you cry!? I. . . *Pulls you into his arms* Cry as much as you want, I'm here to listen & wait. . .right here for you.

You: *Crying*

2pNogla: . . .*Sees you crying, walks up to you* Y/N? Are you okay? What's wrong? *Pats your back* Oh, don't cry. . . *Wipes your tears with his thumb* Did someone hurt you? Or something upset you? *Hugs you* You can tell me, first, let it all out. It's okay. *Kisses your forehead*

You: *Crying*

2pLui: Y/N? *Sees you crying, runs up to you* What happened? W-Why are you crying? . . .*Takes your hand* Y/N, who hurt you? I swear I'm gonna make them pay for making you cry! I. . . *Hugs you* Y/N. . .don't cry. . .

You: *Crying*

2pBasically: *Sees you crying, runs up to you* Y/N, w-what. . .what happened? *Pats your back* I'm right here. . .*Hugs you* It's okay, go ahead & cry, after you calm down, we can talk. Y/N. . .I'm here for you.

You: *Crying*

2pCaRtOoNz: *Sees you crying, run up to you* Hey Y/N! Why you crying? You sad? . . .You know. . . *Lift your chin up* tears are one of the most interesting type of water. *Wipes your tear with his thumb* I can't freeze them. . .*Hugs you* So I'm not leaving you like this.

You: *Crying*

2pBryce: *Sees you crying, runs up to you* Y/N! What happened!? Did someone hurt you? . . .*Hugs you* My beautiful Y/N. . .don't cry. . .please. . .*Pats your head softly* Calm down, I'm right here, everything is alright. . .

You: *Crying*

2pDelirious: *Sees you crying, runs up to you* . . .!? *Tears up* .-. . .!? .-. . . *Hugs you*. . . *Sniffles* (Y/N, what happened!? I-I, oh no, did someone hurt you!? I-I. . . My poor Y/N. . .I'm here for you, please don't cry.)

You: *Crying*

2pOhm: *Sees you crying, runs up to you* Y/N, my love, why are you crying? *Hugs you* Don't cry. . .shhh. . .it's alright. Ohmie is here for you. *Softly pats your head* Everything is alright, my beautiful lover~, I love you so much, and I hate to see you sad. *Kisses your head*

You: *Crying*

2pDroidd: *Sees you crying, runs up to you* Y/N, why are you crying!? Are you hurt!? *Looks at his hands, then at you* D-Did I hurt you? I-I. . .*Tears up* Please don't cry, I. . .I don't want to see you sad. *Slowly hugs you* . . .Please, I'll do anything for you. . .

You: *Crying*

2pJiggly: *Sees you crying, runs up to you* Y/N, are you okay? *Observes you* . . .Are you emotionally upset? *Hugs you* Shhh. . .it's okay. Cry as much as you want, then you can tell me. *Carries you* Let's get you somewhere comfortable. *Kisses your cheek* My lovely angel.

You: *Crying*

2p407: *Sees you crying, runs up to you* Oh shit! W-Why are you crying!? Did someone hurt you!? If so, ohhhh, I'm sooo killing them! . . .*Hugs you* S-Sorry for yelling, I was so worried, and. . .please don't cry. You have me on your side, there's nothing to be afraid of. It's okay, baby. 

(Whose reaction did you feel happy that they cared about you~?

Comment if you have any suggestions for the 2pBBS to react~)

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