Comparing 1ps & 2ps

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You: *Compares 2pVanoss with Evan*

2pVanoss: THE FUCK DID YOU SAY? Me? Similar to that coward bitch? Oh, babe. . .I AM NOTHING LIKE HIM AT ALL! My 1p is a fucking coward, a failure to be a leader! COWARD! DISGUSTING! I don't get respect from numbers nor videos, I do it my own way! Agh! I'm gonna fucking destroy this place! That fucking bitch! FUCK YOU! *Starts smashing stuff, while talking shit about Evan*

You: *Compares 2pWildcat with Tyler*

2pWildcat: 1-1p? . . .I. . .*Frowns* D-Do you prefer me being. . .mean? I-I heard that my 1p is. . .REALLY mean. . .h-he's. . .t-toxic or s-something. I-I. . .d-do you prefer me being mean? I-I can t-try. . .i-if you r-really want. Um. . .*Tears up, shaking* I. . .I don't want to hurt you though. . .

You: *Compares 2pMiniLadd with Craig*

2pMiniLadd: . . .So that's what you think about me, deep inside. *Slams the book he was reading down on the desk* So I'm a lustful predator in your eyes, huh? I get it. FUCK YOU. I'm NOTHING like my 1p, you should know that. If not, get some surgery for your eyes & brain. *Walks out the house*

You: *Compares 2pTerroriser with Brian*

2pTerroriser: *Shock* W-What!? Y-You think I'm like that asshole!? I-I- no! I'm nothing like that dickhead! *Grabs your shoulders* P-Please, tell me that you're lying! J-Just joking right!? I-I'll prove to you! I-I won't do annoying voices! I won't make fun of you! I won't run away from my problems! I'LL DO ANYTHING! PLEASE! I-I don't use Evan to get p-popular or something! PLEASE. . .*Hugs you*

You: *Compares 2pMoo with Brock*

2pMoo: THE FUCK!? You think I'm a fucking coward like my 1p!? THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!? I'm 100 times stronger & manly than that piece of shit! I'll prove that I'm different! *Carries you on his shoulder* WATCH ME. *Goes outside*

You: *Compares 2pNogla with David*

2pNogla: . . .*Giggles* Oh Y/N, you sure love joking around~. *Hugs you* Oh Y/N~. . .*Gently grabs the back of your neck* That hurts my heart. Do you REALLY think I'm similar to that idiot? I don't wanna brag, but. . .I'm much smarter, faster, cleaner, stronger, and everything~. You do agree, don't you~? *Smiles, pulls away* Let's forget about you comparing me to that failure version of me~.

You: *Compares 2pLui to Calibre*

2pLui: *Shock* WHAT!? I-I didn't abuse or force you! I don't play around abusing girls! Um. . .w-what else. . .I. . .I treat you better! I will! Even more better! *Holds your hands* Tell me anything you want, and I'll do or get anything, even if it's impossible!

You: *Compares 2pBasically to Marcel*

2pBasically: . . .Y/N, please take a seat. *Puts you down on a chair, then sits down on a chair across from you* Ahem, Y/N, I will take your time to explain how I am NOT like my 1p at all. I speak the truth, not lies like 1p. I despise him, so please, after listening to me, PLEASE reconsider your comparison. Alright, first, I don't curse or rage like him. I minorly curse, but not so often. Second, I don't cosplay as a mermaid, I've been forced to wear something, and wondered how girl's clothes felt like wearing, but it's for data, not cause I'm into it or doing it as an entertainment. Third, I'm not a hypocrite, I don't bully someone & proceed to support an anti-bullying campaign. Fourth, *Continues listing all possible differences between him & Marcel for hours*

You: *Compares 2pCaRtOoNz to Luke*

2pCaRtOoNz: . . .Pfffft! *Laughs* Oh my god! That's the best kind of insult! Oh my fucking god! *Stops* You wanna go in a coma for 100 years? It's pretty fun. Well, I don't know shit about my 1p, nor do I care, but eh. Everyone's 1ps are wishing for death, so I'm assuming mine is no different from others. . . .What were we talking about? . . .Oh yea! *Laughs* My stomach hurts, babe! You're the best!

You: *Compares 2pBryce to McQuaid*

2pBryce: *Disgusted* Ugh. . .S-Sorry, Y/N, I. . .do I look like that fucking idiotic? Well, yea, cause we have same faces, BUT my 1p always gives me the creep by smiling, ugh. . .I don't know why, but it's creepy. I'm. . .not really a fond of him, he's a shade thrower apparently, and pretty rude too. I am kinda rude too, but at least I'm open. . . .How can I change your view on me? I don't want you to compare or think I'm the same as 1p. . .

You: *Compares 2pDelirious to Jonathan*

2pDelirious: *Shock* . . .! . . .! *Clenches his fists* . . .! . . .! . . .! . . .! *Frowns* . . . .-. . . (Y-Y/N. . .NO! I'm not like 1p! I'm not a cheater nor a bully! Nor a backstabber! Nor controlling! I'm NOTHING like him! Please. . .just. . .don't say that. . .I despise him. . .please. . .I-I'll fix if you think I'm the same as him. . .)

You: *Compares 2pOhm to Ryan*

2pOhm: Hmm? Oh~, I don't know if I should be happy or jealous~. My 1p, I do love him~, everyone in the crew likes him~, especially Marcy. *Giggles* I admire him standing up to bullies, I mean. . .I couldn't do anything to my bullies. . .I guess I am happy~, BUT. . .*Hugs you* I do feel jelly~. You love ME more than my 1p, right~?

You: *Compares 2pDroidd to Arlan*

2pDroidd: Oh, am I? I haven't heard much about my 1p, so I'm not quite sure what to say. Well, I just hope he doesn't fuck up & put dirt on MY name, that's all I ask for. *Smiles*

You: *Compares 2pJiggly to Anthony*

2pJiggly: My 1p? Well. . .I heard my 1p is likes to rage a lot. . .and childish. I prefer some maturity. . .but oh well. I don't have high hopes, since Tyler's 1p is a toxic garbage, and mine COULD be one, so. . .but *Smiles a bit* I'll give a benefit of the doubt.

You: *Compares 2p407 to Scotty*

2p407: HAH!? Me!? Similar to that earth's asshole shitstain!? Oh, that is a BIG insult! Actually, I don't know much about my 1p, but he does rage a lot, and pretty annoying. Also stupid! I can defend myself instead of a bitch doing it for me. I'm smart, or I won't be such a millionaire gambler, am I right~? Anyway, I don't like my 1p, so not another word from you about my doppelganger. Okay~? *Kisses your cheek* 

(Which one of their reactions did you understand their feelings the most?

Comment if you have any suggestions for the 2pBBS members to react~.)

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