Fighting & Break Up, then Get Back Together #1 (Fight & Break Up)

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(Requested by ShadowFow62 )

You: *Arguing with 2pVanoss*

2pVanoss: That's it! FUCK YOU! Get the fuck out of my base! I am done with you! You have no idea what I need to do to save my crew from sinking & shit! GET OUT! We're over!

You: *Arguing with 2pWildcat*

2pWildcat: *Shaking in anger* You're a horrible person. . .I can't believe this! I'm leaving. . . *Runs out with tears*

You: *Arguing with 2pMiniLadd*

2pMiniLadd: *Frustrated* FUCK OFF! I am busy, and stressed already! I don't wanna deal with your shit! I'm wasting energy by talking to your dumbass! Get out of my sight right now! We're fucking over! I wasted enough time being with you!

You: *Arguing with 2pTerroriser*

2pTerroriser: FINE! This is enough. . .you hate me. *In tears* I'm leaving you, not that you care at all. *Leaves*

You: *Arguing with 2pMoo*

2pMoo: *Punches you* FUCK YOU! Quit bitching, it's so annoying! I don't need a loser to weigh me down! Get out, you weakass bitch! If you can't handle who I am, then you should've never gotten close to me! We're over! *Leaves, slamming the door*

You: *Arguing with 2pNogla*

2pNogla: . . .I understand your viewpoint. However. . .I defend my view. Maybe we'll realize to see one view or the other. Right now, I would like some space, away from you. Maybe we weren't meant to be, before this escalate even worse, let's break up. *Leaves*

You: *Arguing with 2pLui*

2pLui: *Aims his gun to you* FUCK YOU. . .I see that you're just an asshole like my shitty brother! I fucking hate you! *Tears in his eyes* I thought. . .you were different, but you're just the same! Get out & never come back, or I'll fucking kill you! We're over, asshole!

You: *Arguing with 2pBasically*

2pBasically: . . .Your way of thinking is wrong. I may be a robot, yea, everything I say are facts, but sometimes, you have to accept reality! Good or bad, the truth doesn't change, and I don't care how you think anymore. I don't care. . .if you can't accept reality and face false reality, then I think we should break up.

You: *Arguing with 2pCaRtOoNz*

2pCaRtOoNz: *Shoots you in the arm* I'll give you one chance to get the fuck out of here with your stupidass mouth! Talking shit to me like you know everything, huh!? Man, why the fuck I chose to be with you? I should've went for Ohm. Speaking of which, since I guess I'm gonna be single, I could go fuck with him, right? *Grabs his phone, still aiming the gun to you* So. . .you gonna get out or what? You're not mine anymore.

You: *Arguing with 2pBryce*

2pBryce: Ugh, I am so done with you. I. . .I love you, but this isn't working. I. . .think we both could use some space & be alone. . .for I don't know how long. I'm tired of this. . . *Leaves*

You: *Arguing with 2pDelirious*

2pDelirious: . . .! . . .! *Aims his machete to you* . . .! . . . *Leaves* (ENOUGH! I am done with you! I will kill you if you ever say another word! I don't want to see you ever again. . .goodbye.)

You: *Arguing with 2pOhm*

2pOhm: I had enough talks, darling. This isn't going anywhere. . .*Grabs your shirt & pins you to the wall* Suit yourself, believing what you want, but reality is way harsh. . .I love you. . .but I have my limits, and you crossed it. Goodbye, my love, we're over. *Lets you go, then leaves with tears*

You: *Arguing with 2pDroidd*

2pDroidd: *Slams his fist to the wall, sparks flies* I understand. . .I get it, fine. I should've known that you'll turn against me as well, just like what my 'parents' did. You hate me, you were nothing different from them. . .fine, then we're over. *Leaves, slamming the door, making the light flicker with his sparks*

You: *Arguing with 2pJiggly*

2pJiggly: . . .I. . .I need space. This is really stupid. . .the topic was way too sensitive, but I am defending myself, no matter what anyone say, even you. If you can't accept me for who I am, then I guess we're not meant to be. We probably rushed into conclusion. *Leaves*

You: *Arguing with 2p407*

2p407: You know what? FUCK YOU! I've been trying & trying for your goddamn sake & this is how you repay me!? You don't deserve anything! Get the fuck out of my house immediately, you little whore! 

(Which one of their reaction made you feel sad or emotional? :( 

Comment if you have any scenario suggestions for the 2pBBS to react.)

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