Sickness #1

735 10 4

(Requested by AWolfsJourney )

You: *Cough*

2pVanoss: I got you some medicines. *Places bunch of medicines on the desk* I didn't know what to give you, so I brought all the medicines, and I'm gonna make a call to Mini, so don't go anywhere, alright? *Pats your head* I'll take good care of you till you recover, I promise.

You: *Cough*

2pWildcat: A-Are you okay? *Puts a wet towel on your forehead* Do you feel any pain? I-I'll get you some medicine, okay? I. . .*Tears up a bit* I-I'll help you get better. . .tell me if you need anything, okay?

You: *Cough*

2pMiniLadd: *Checks your temperature* Hmm. . .pretty hot. *Takes out his medkit, and takes out a medicine* This'll do. And. . .*takes out a water bottle* you need to be hydrated. Don't worry, I'm a medic, *pats your head* you'll feel better soon.

You: *Cough*

2pTerroriser: Oh no! I-I-I got you a curing potion! Oh, s-sorry I shouldn't be raising my voice. Um. . .d-don't worry, okay? This potion can help you heal faster. *Holds your hand* It. . .feels awful to see you in pain. . .I hope you'll feel better soon. Well, I am going to help you feel better. *Smiles* You can trust me.

You: *Cough*

2pMoo: . . .I'm no medic, but. . .I can get you something if you need. *Sets a chair beside your bed, and sits down* . . .*Looks at you* . . .*Pats your head* Fuck. . .I wish I can just. . .take your sickness away, pass it onto me. I'll heal faster, so there's no worries. *Blush* I'll stay right by your side. . .in case you need anything.

You: *Cough*

2pNogla: *Checks your temperature* Hmm. . .alright. Let me get you a wet towel & medicines. I'll get you new clothes, since you're sweating. *Caresses your cheek, and kisses your forehead* I'll be your nurse, till you get better. If you feel any pain, let me know, okay?

You: *Cough*

2pLui: D-Do you need water? A-A cough drop? Um. . .shit, uh. . .m-medicine! I-I'll go get it, d-don't go anywhere. Stay here, you hear me? I. . .*hugs you* I'm not gonna let this get worse.

You: *Cough*

2pBasically: You alright? *Checks your temperature* I'll get you some towels. I have water & medicine here. For sore throat, you should drink some teas. It isn't too high of a fever, so you'll feel better in no time, as long as you take care of yourself. And I am going to help you with it. *Smiles*

You: *Cough*

2pCaRtOoNz: . . .How do I take care of the sick again? Uh. . .I think Delirious said to give a wet towel or something. Hmm. . . *Puts his hand on your forehead, using his power* This works, hopefully I don't freeze your brain or something. *Looks at you* . . .You look pretty hot, you alright? You're sweating & panting, but we didn't do any activity on bed though.

You: *Cough*

2pBryce: *Checks your temperature* Not too high, but stay in bed. I'll take care of you. I, well, I'm not experienced, but I'll ask Mini & try my best. *Caresses your cheek* I am not going to lose you. I'll get you some medicine, then you can sleep. I'll be right beside you, so let me know if you feel any pains, or if you want anything. *Gives you a quick kiss*

You: *Cough*

2pDelirious: *Puts a wet towel on your forehead* . . . *Pats your head gently* . . . *Kisses your forehead* . . .? (Poor Y/N. . .don't worry, I'll be here & nurse you. Let's check your temperature, okay?)

You: *Cough*

2pOhm: Oh no, my love is sick! Don't worry, I'll be your nurse~. *Gets in the bed with you, holds you close* You can just pass the sickness onto me. *Kisses your forehead* You need to sweat a lot, stay hydrated, and stay in bed, okay? I'll get you medicines, water & towel soon. Let me give you love first~.

You: *Cough*

2pDroidd: *Checks your temperature* Hmm. . .I see. *Smiles at you* Don't worry, I'll get you medicines & you'll feel better in no time. . . .*Holds your hand & kisses it* It's gonna be okay. *Smiles disappears, starts shaking a bit* . . .It's gonna be okay. I am not letting anything take you away. *Places his hand on your cheek* I'll get you medicines. *Kisses your cheek*

You: *Cough*

2pJiggly: *Wipes your sweat with a towel* You need to take a medicine, can you sit up? Or do you need help? Oh, I'll cut some apples for you, fruits help you get hydrated & fill your stomach. Here, *Smiles* I'll help you sit up, my angel.

You: *Cough*

2p407: Oh shit! You're sick!? I-I gotta get you real good medicines! Um. . .I actually don't know how to take care of sick people, so I'm gonna call & ask Anthony. Y-You better not die on me, okay baby? 

(Which nurse would you like to have~?

Comment if you have any scenario suggestions for the 2pBBS to react~)

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