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Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 504: Rich or expensive
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The nurses in charge of the senior ward of the inpatient department think that today, their hearts are pounding, and they are about to jump out! !!

They want to know where is Liu Ye ’s boyfriend sacred?

In the morning, all of them on this floor suddenly marshaled. The patients and family members in other wards were not allowed to step out of the door. Patients who needed medical treatment were temporarily transferred to other wards. They must be at the leadership level. Characters, assistants, babysitters, and drivers were waiting around when they came to the hospital. What's even more bizarre is that these leaders readily agreed to this unreasonable request.

Next, the nurses saw the dean nodding his head and took the three old men to Liu Ye's boyfriend's ward, followed by a pair of young men and women.

At that time, other patients and their families were peeping behind the door.

Later I heard them say that the young men and women are not small. The man turned out to be the current CEO of Jin Tao Group. His father is the chairman and the woman is his sister.

Regarding the identity of the elderly, no matter who they asked, they looked like they were embarrassed. In fact, the nurses felt that the elderly were a little familiar, and they seemed to have seen it in the news on the National Channel. They did not dare to think about it, and did not dare to ask again.

In the afternoon, as soon as they changed shifts, they saw a young man hurried to Yu Zhan's ward, because the director had specifically told them to take good care of Yu Zhan, ensure Yu Zhan's safety, and do not allow any casual people to come and visit. No matter who it is, the name and identity must be registered, and the security at this level has doubled.

So they stopped the man and asked him to register. He was anxious, but still wrote his name, ID number and phone number, saying that he was a friend of Yu Zhan.

They said they would ask Liu Ye to come out and verify.

He Lushen said, "Don't you even know me?"

Looking at the face in front of them, they are very handsome, so confident, which star? Look at the name he wrote: He Lushen.

Seems familiar.

Wait, He Lushen! !! !!

Could it be He Lushen, the little prince of entertainment?

A nurse immediately took Baidu on her mobile phone. He Lushen had too much news. After searching a lot, he never shy away from the camera. All kinds of photos can be found on the Internet.

The nurses were stunned.

He Lushen said, "I can go in now?"

"Yes, you can," the nurse's head nodded like a rattle.

They looked at He Lushen and knocked on the door of the ward easily. Apparently, he and Liu Ye were also familiar.

The nurse found some gossip information about He Lushen and Liu Ye on the Internet, which said that He Lushen and Liu Ye had a leg, and then dumped Fu Fei Qian ...

What a hell, for a long time, He Lushen is the iron buddy of his boyfriend!

Why are they sure that He Lushen is Yu Zhan's iron buddy? Because Yu Zhan needs to perform several inspections in the afternoon under the request of experts. The inspections are on different floors and need to run back and forth. To run West, for convenience, the hospital provided him with a wheelchair. He Lushen accompanied and pushed the wheelchair all the way. The look of the saddle before and after the horse was more careful and nervous than Liu Ye. Gossip about changing clothes, they suspect He Lushen is definitely not good to those girlfriends.

If it is not the same sex, they think He Lushen is true love to Yu Zhan ... No, there may be true love for the same sex. The nurses suddenly opened their minds.

What surprised them even more was that when Yu Zhan went to check, two visitors came to visit. This time they did not know who they were without Baidu, a national uncle Wang Xiangqin, and his wife Blue Creek.

Suddenly, the mature male goddess on the screen suddenly appeared in front of himself. A group of girls were both excited and shy. Wang Xiangqin blinked at them and fascinated the nurses in front of his wife. "Hi, little beauty Who are Yu Zhan's ward? "

"XXX," the nurse reported the room number, and suddenly looked back from the male sex. "The patient is now undergoing an examination on the fourth floor. You and your wife must wait for a while."

Wang Xiangqin said, "Are there any places like a rest room ..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Blue Creek. "It's okay, we'll wait in the corridor."

As soon as Lanxi spoke, Wang Xiangqin didn't dare to say anything. The two really stood outside Yu Zhan's ward.

The shock in the nurses was beyond words. Oh my god, what kind of big brother is Liu Ye ’s male basin friend? Are the people who come to visit him one by one are swollen or rich ...

Several girls were not fans of Liu Ye because they received her and naturally paid attention to her and Yu Zhan ’s Weibo. They especially wanted to publish this on the Internet.

But their professionalism made them have to hold back their gossip-like heart.

After all the inspections, Yu Zhan and the three went upstairs ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ as soon as they got out of the elevator, they saw Wang Xiangqin and his wife in the corridor. The three were somewhat surprised.

Of course, the couple Wang Xiangqin saw Yu Zhan in a wheelchair at first glance. Lanxi was shocked. "Why are you in a wheelchair ?! Isn't it serious?"

Yu Zhan explained, "I'm in a wheelchair for the convenience of checking and I can walk," as he prepared to stand up, Lan Xi strode up and He Lushen to stop him at the same time, and said at the same time,

"Sit and sit, don't need to prove it to me."

"You are a patient, don't make a fool of yourself."

Then Lan Xi and He Lushen looked at each other again. As leaders of entertainment companies, they certainly knew each other and met in some business occasions. But not only that, He Lushen is not like Yu Zhanjian's forgetfulness. He has a bright mind and remembers some of his childhood. He knows the identity of Lanxi, and his parents also know. When Lan Xi invested the money from the divorce to start an entertainment company, he encountered many troubles, and his dad helped her get it behind the scenes.

Lanxi was also surprised to see He Lushen. She also read He Lushen's news on the Internet this morning, saying that he attended the premiere ceremony of a movie of his company in Modu last night. How come people are here in a blink of an eye?

"Long, long time no see."

He Lushen reached out to Lanxi first, his tone was very official.

Lanxi only gave him a virtual hold, then said loosely, "We are all here to visit the patients, so we will not pay attention to these false gifts."

Liu Ye answered Lanxi's phone call in the morning. Lanxi said she wanted to come and visit Yu Zhan, but she didn't tell the specific time. She was very upset and felt neglecting them. She also greeted them. Please ask Lanxi and Wang Xiangqin in the advanced house. They These celebrities are standing in the corridor, and have caused the curious onlookers of countless patients and their families ...

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