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Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 531: Sudden rise
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Lu Yuanning's singing could not find anything to criticize. An old work more than ten years ago directly brought the atmosphere of the scene to the peak of tonight. At the audience judges, more than half of the audience were far from landing. Ning sang this song together, everyone can remember the lyrics, Lu Yuanning's past glory is evident.

His second song was a classic Cantonese song from a Hong Kong male singer about the same age as him. The melody and lyrics were more bloody, which also caused the audience's chorus.

After Lu Yuanning sang, the applause from the audience lasted, and many audiences screamed and asked him to sing another song.

He said half-jokingly and half-seriously in Mandarin with a little accent, "If you vote for me to stay on this stage, I can continue singing for them next Saturday."

Such a blatant canvassing can only be done by big guys, not afraid to offend people!

If it wasn't for an account, he could only vote for one. Liu Ye also wanted to vote for Lu Yuanning, because he sang really well.

The number of online votes is updated in real time. Everyone can see that originally, Xiao Ke'er was far ahead of all the singers. However, after Lu Yuanning appeared, his votes moved particularly fast, and he rushed to catch up with Xiao Ke'er only a few hundred votes. The gap between the two can be seen from the bar chart. The height of the two is almost the same, and Xiao Kerer only wins with a slight advantage.

In the final stage, Lu Yuanning won the first place without any suspense. The 500 audience judges are reasonably allocated according to age. Except for teenagers, who do not know Lu Yuanning?

Xiao Ke'er's performance is worse. The title of online singer and influencer is indeed her biggest shortcoming. Some older audience judges are not very cold about her birth and her style of writing. She only has a small number of votes. In fifth place.

Xia Chuan has more votes than her. He is handsome and loved by female audiences (regardless of age). He ranks fourth.

There will be another round of judges' ratings. The three professional judge teachers are also three well-known singers. One of them is a friend of Huo Ming (Partner Xue Yunfei). Therefore, in the first two games, Xiao Ke'er's judges scored well. To put it bluntly, on this stage, it doesn't matter at all, it can't be mixed at all, otherwise the first scene will be wiped out, no, it should be said that it is not even qualified to participate in this show.

With this judge in secret, Xiao Ke'er ’s judges are ranked in the middle. It ’s not bad, Lu Yuanning is still ranked first. People come from a long distance from Hong Kong. They are super-savvy, and they really sing very well. Professional judges are very good. Give him face.

The results of the three parties were calculated by the computer, and the final total results were quickly obtained.

After getting the report card, there was a hint of surprise on the face of the show director.

The host said, "Is this grade reasonable?"

"This statement is not correct, and the results were selected by the audience, of course, it is reasonable."

"But Zhu Ke is just an online singer. Will she be dissatisfied with other guests if she ranks so high?"

"There is no way to be dissatisfied. All three results have been made public, and we cannot change it."


The leaders of the program group discussed and decided to follow this result.

The host took the transcript to the stage, and read the results of the third game to all audiences and guests. The first place was without any suspense, and it was Lu Yuanning;

"Second place ..." the host stretched his voice. "The second place is really beyond our expectations. This singer is going to fly tonight!"

Hearing this, Xia Chuan, sitting in the guest room, felt an ominous premonition, but he had to hold on to maintain a smile, because the camera was capturing the expressions of the singers in each guest room to create the tension before the results were announced. Suspense.

"The second singer in the third game is Zhu Ke!"

The camera immediately aimed at Xiao Ke'er, and Xiao Ke'er stood up in surprise, covering his mouth with disbelief, his eyes widened.

The host looked back at Xiao Ke'er's face on the screen and said, "Congratulations, this is our biggest dark horse this season!"

Xiao Ke'er's sudden emergence naturally caused other singers to retreat. Xia Chuan, the biggest step backward, fell to the sixth place. The seventh singer who was eliminated was an old man named Wu Yinghong, who was already forty years old. Wu Yinghong It is the kind of singer who sings a song or two to eat for a lifetime. She made a serious mistake in choosing a song this time, her performance was not good, and her three scores were not high.

The lens was given to Wu Yinghong, she has been eliminated, she can no longer disguise a smiley face, her expression is ugly and embarrassing, and some of it affects the quality of the program, the director quickly asked the photographer to switch to another lens.

The third episode of "Song of King of Hegemony" ended like this, with several companies rejoicing and worrying, but the discussion on Weibo was intensifying.

Several related topics rushed into the hot search list, and Liu Ye's birthday topics were crowded behind. The most compelling title is naturally Lu Yuanning's joining the "Song of King Song ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~" with no omen. The second topic is: # 网 红 小可 儿 beats a lot of senior singers, and his performance is second only to Lu Yuanning #

The video of the performance of the seven singers spread widely on the Internet. After watching the video, netizens thought that Lu Yuanning and Xiao Ke'er's rankings were deserved.

But Xiao Ke'er was too revealing this time. She made the five singers behind her feel unhappy. The fans of the five people did not wait for their idols to speak, and soon questioned.

Someone found a live video of Xiao Ke'er and Liu Ye canvassing votes, accusing them of maliciously brushing tickets!

"Without the online rating, Xiao Ke'er ’s live audience voting and judges’ ratings are very average, especially the live audience voting ranks only fifth! If she did n’t redeem the ticket, she could get second place? ”

"I feel that there must be a shady inside!"

"What a shame, isn't it that Xiao Kerer united the Internet celebrity Liu Ye and called on their fans to vote for her? The people who voted are expected to leave after casting, and have not watched this show seriously!"

"The show team is strongly urged to cancel the so-called online voting. This link is too unfair for traditional singers who have no Internet fan base!"

"Doesn't it seem ridiculous for the show group to see the rankings themselves, why do an online singer put these talented singers below?"

"I personally really appreciate Xiao Ke'er's songs. I don't know the meaning of her songs. The lyrics are based on the ancient sentences of the ancients. The style is elegant. , Don't say that I pretend to be so high, I'm just personal opinion, don't spray it if you don't like it. "

"Although I don't exclude online singers, it's a bit too much to give them a second place."

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