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Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 674: serve as hatchet man
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Tao Ji and Shi Jisong met each other from a young age. They had a small relationship, but their brothers had to settle accounts.

In order for Tao Hejin to agree to the marriage, Ji Qiansong throws out a huge dowry of 10% of the shares, but correspondingly, the Tao family also has to take 10% of Jintao's shares as an engagement gift.

Judging from the price of the secondary investment market alone, the stock price in the new quarter is higher than that of Jin Tao, so Tao Hejin puts it together in his heart and feels that this marriage is beneficial to his family. Moreover, Ji Qingqing has stupid qualifications and is in control. After marrying her, why don't they have no chance to annex the New Season Group?

Tao Zhiwei and Tao Hejin returned home. In the study, Tao Zhiwei urged his father to talk, and Tao Hejin told his son for the first time.

Tao Zhiwei frowned. "There is no such thing as losing pie in the world, and the Ji family does not need to lose money like this to make a fuss. No matter how bad Ji Qingqing is, they are their only daughters. They look good, even if they are not smart enough, they can find one. Visiting son-in-law, or recruiting a professional manager, at least the company and money are still in their Ji's house. If you marry me, then it may not be necessary. Haven't they thought about this problem? "

Tao Zhiwei does not think narcissistically that he is good enough to let Ji Jia give away his foundation for decades. He is charming again, he is also named Tao, not Ji!

As soon as the son reminded, Tao Hejin also noticed the difference, and then thought carefully about the abnormal performance of the family in these seasons-they seemed to be pushing him behind to break up with his daughter.

A dad and a grandfather are covering him, and Tao Hejin is also a person who has had a smooth life and has not suffered any setbacks.

Influenced by the elders of both sides, Tao Hejin and his wife did have a little preference for boys. In addition, his family has already passed on three generations of single transmissions. At that time, their second child wanted to have a son again, hoping that the two sons would keep the huge family business together.

Finally gave birth to Tao Zhiyao.

Tao Zhiyao was right. Her parents really didn't welcome her, so she ignored her all these years.

Tao Hejin was a good brother when Ji Qiansong was told. For example, he did not like his daughter. Ji Qiansong used this to encourage his daughter to bully Tao Zhiyao for more than 20 years. Ji Qingqing led the young The partners isolated Tao Zhiyao, and talking about her bad things behind her made her character more and more eccentric.

And these negative messages also spread to the ears of Tao Hejin's couples. This is also inevitable. In social occasions, there will always be people who mention their children, saying "I heard your daughter" over time. Tao Hejin told Tao Zhiyao Natural feelings are indifferent.

How terrible, Ji Qiansong was uneasy about the Tao family from that early on.

"I think that Ji Qiansong may be thinking the same as yours. He is thinking of Jin Tao. The basic purpose of his relationship with you is to strip her inheritance. After all, it is easier to deal with me than against two people. Many, Yaoyao is actually very smart. "

Tao Zhijin's only blood hit him, and Tao Hejin was suddenly awakened. He felt very scared, "I really only care about the benefits! I can't see through such a big trap."

"Ji Qiansong is low-key, good at camouflage, and uses his own daughter as a shield. We only see Ji Qingqing's stupidity, but forget the father behind her. You have left this position for too long, so you take it lightly."

In fact, Tao Zhi didn't even think about conspiracy at first. After all, in terms of pure interest, the marriage between the two was indeed a win-win situation. After learning about the identity of Yu Zhan and Song Junzhe from Ji Qiansong, he suddenly changed his attitude and left in a hurry and realized that something was wrong.

Why is Ji Qiansong "afraid" of Yu Zhan and Song Junzhe?

Tao Zhiwei made a bold guess because Song Junzhe's father owns 8% of the shares in the new season group, and Yu Zhan owns the influence left by his father and huge amounts of cash.

Ji Qiansong was worried that his plan would fall short.

Tao Hejin was frightened and frightened. He was sweating behind his back. If Tao Zhiwei had guessed it, then Tao Zhiwei and Ji Qingqing would have their lives in danger.

He still didn't want to speculate on his friends for decades with the worst idea, he thought he knew Ji Qiansong.

"Maybe we think too much."

Tao Zhiwei said to his father, "If you don't believe it, call Ji Qiansong now and say that you give up your marriage plan and see if he will become angry."

Under his suggestion, Tao Hejin made the call. Ji Qiansong could not hear any abnormal tone. He showed great regret. He repeatedly asked Tao Hejin, "Are you really no longer considering marrying us?"

Tao Hejin said, "Yes, I still respect the choice of children."

Ji Qiansong apologized to Tao Hejin inexplicably and hung up the phone.

Then broke the news of sweetjessica214. As the so-called face turned away, Ji Qingqing was estimated to have been shot again by her father.

At that time, Yu Zhan, He Lushen, and Song Junzhe were celebrating Chinese New Year with their elders. The elders were very happy about Song Junzhe's return. Just when Tang Daqing brought Tang Tu to the New Year, the four young people met face to face.

Tang Daqing also forced his son to "connect with each other", "make friends", and "extend the circle."

As soon as he said, the elders also followed.

Tang Tu had no choice but to go to the bar with Yu Zhan.

At the same time, Sun Weiwei posted the second episode of "Home for Spring Festival" on the Internet. Unlike yesterday ’s harmonious and cheerful atmosphere, tonight ’s “Sisters and sisters” Weibo, a voice of doubt was brought by sweetjessica214.

Someone asks ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ When they broadcast live, are all those who give rewards entrusted? Some people ask whether their tens of millions of fans are fake powder that "Weige father" paid for; some people ask , Is the video really taken by Tao Zhiyao? ...

Sun Weiwei only posted another Weibo post after the video was released, writing: "The clear one clears himself, the unfavorable one speaks by himself, everything speaks with the content of the work."

Loyal fans of "Ladies and Sisters" applaud in the message area:

"It's a fact that the video is good-looking, and it can't be done with more money."

"In the beginning," I am a veterinarian, "rewarded the princess and 嫚 嫚 so much money. After the couple relationship was revealed, no one scolded them. Why is the pure sibling relationship between" Wei Ge Dad "and Sister Tao Zi instead? Jealous? Is n’t it normal for my sister to start a business and my brother to give a reward of 1 million? I do n’t know who touched the glass heart. "

"Sister Taozi's Weibo so much of her videos are sought-after works? Would you rather believe in a mysterious blogger than believe in the influencer you have always liked? Is your love so cheap? Is it as long as Are strangers putting a fart and feeling fragrant? Is it smelly if you put it on yourself? "

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