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Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 517: Manual river crab
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Dabai's Weibo originally had only 10w + fans, and it rose to 15w + in a day, and there is a rising trend, because Yu Zhan made a special appearance to advertise for her, plus Tang Tu also responded to this Weibo, such celebrities The effect is rampant.

Many people are out of curiosity and want to check it out, but they ca n’t make an appointment. Because Dabai should give priority to the backlog of customers who have been sick these days and their old customers, they can only suspend new appointments.

The old customers knew her, and it was nothing. But Yu Zhan's clients are different. They saw the new veterinarian as a very fat woman, not only surprised but also questioned her level. As for whether she laughed at her shape in the heart, only they knew it, but Dabai used his own. Healing made these people shut their prejudiced mouth.

However, those who made a special trip but couldn't make an appointment broke the news on the Internet, saying that Dabai was a super-fat and attached a photo of himself.

This was something Bai Ying hadn't thought of before she changed her job.

Under the restrictions of the blacklist of the Veterinary Association, Yu Zhan's promotion of pet hospitals mainly relies on the Internet, which is regarded as a net red pet hospital with its own traffic. There are all kinds of people on the Internet, and there are all kinds of cattle, ghosts, and snakes. There can be no guarantee that everyone's quality is the same.

Even if Bai Ying had cured their pet ’s illness, they said thank you in their mouths, and they could turn their pictures on the Internet to attract people ’s attention.

After all, if you go to a traditional pet hospital and see a fat veterinarian, no one will pay attention to BB online. Bai Ying's photos were spread all over the Internet all of a sudden, her body shape was indeed fat and different from ordinary people, with gossip.

Yu Zhan's fans and her fans were surprised.

"Dabai himself is so fat? This tonnage has to be two or three hundred pounds."

"It's disillusioned. I've always imagined a beauty veterinarian."

"Oh my god, it's so fat. The buttons of the white coat can't be fastened."

"No wonder the net name is" Dabai ", it is indeed a big one, and it is a match with Dabai in the cartoon."

"Does this large body shape affect health?"


Netizens are mainly teasing, but there are also malicious personal attacks.

"It's a fat pig. It's disgusting. Get off."

"I hate fat people the most.

"This fat woman looks dirty. How good is medicine?"

"Women still have to manage their bodies. Does Fei Cheng have a man like this?"


In fact, whether it is ridicule or personal attack, it is hurting. For Bai Ying, there is no difference. From small to large, she has heard too much, but she has not been put in front of countless people like this. Public executions.

Even the little nurse gave her sympathy and cooperated with her for two days. The little nurse has changed her image of Bai Ying. The technique and efficiency of this fat girl are not as good as the metaphor, but she can't stop the bad mouth on the Internet Yeah.

Bai Ying simply uninstalled Weibo, and she saw it out of sight. Anyway, before she fell in love with Yu Zhan, she never brushed up Weibo. The Weibo app was also downloaded for Yu Zhan.

Those who scolded her only dared to be addicted to the Internet. As for the customers who came to the store, even if they thought so, they would not say it, otherwise who would see their pets? Do you have to wait until Yu Zhan is discharged?

Neither Yu Zhan nor Liu Ye expected this to happen. Neither of them was a fat man, and they could not experience the hostility of the world to fat people.

Yu Zhan first tweeted, "I am a pet hospital, not a brothel. I do n’t need a slim beauty to stand for my shop. I only need a medically skilled doctor to help me share the work. I do n’t care if this person is beautiful. It's ugly, it's fat or thin, and sick little animals don't even care. In their hearts, humans who can help them alleviate their pain should be angels. "

Liu Ye also posted a Weibo, "Why do some people never consider whether to hurt the other person's self-esteem when talking, not to mention that Dabai is just a girl who you do n’t know, and you humiliate her with words, revealing that you are even more Ugly and dark heart. Dabai is the real god, and I asked for it cheekily. Doctor Yu admires her. In the future, she will be Doctor Yu's left arm and right arm. Do n’t you want to get off Dabai? I ask you also It was also closed. "

After Liu Wei sent a Weibo, Yu Zhan made a phone call. This number was left to him by the elders when he visited the hospital. He said that as long as the call was made, any content on the Internet would be harmonious. They know that Yu Zhan is now half a net red, and he knows that his girlfriend is a net red, and there are many red and black. They don't want Yu Zhan to be dragged into some messy things, and such a small shelter, to them Said, just a sentence.

The call was connected, and Yu Zhanyi said his name, and the other person had already been angered in advance, and he respected him very much. Hanging up the phone, within five minutes, Bai Ying's photo was deleted.

Netizens who posted pictures were wondering ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ ready to post again, and then found that their account was blocked.

They felt chills on their backs. The first photo of this year was a river crab, how deep the water was. They were afraid that they would be checked by the water meter, and they hurriedly sent a microblog to apologize.

The netizens who had just been ridiculing also apologized under Liu Wei and Yu Zhan's Weibo, saying that they just lamented that Baibai was a bit fat and not malicious.

And more netizens who remain neutral or watch the hilarity just come out to speak now,

"These people are too busy to worry about whether they are fat or not, eat your salt, eat your rice?"

"Actually, I just wanted to say to Bai Dashen, Ignore such boring people. It is not necessary to be angry with people on the Internet."

"I took my pet to Dabai to see a doctor yesterday. After a week's illness, after her treatment, she is much better today. She is indeed a great god."

"People are just a veterinarian. It's really naive to hold onto her appearance and attack."

"I just want to ask, you say that people are fat and ugly. How beautiful are you? Post a photo and give us a look."

"I did n’t know if I was afraid of the photo? Sending photos without the consent of others is a violation of the right to portrait. Bai Dashen can make you crabs, and I can ask you for compensation."

"It's worthy of being the great white god. This has to do with the bar."


Netizens have misunderstood. They thought that Dabai's background was unfathomable, so they could delete photos. The internet's discussions about Dabai intensified. The more stir-up, the greater Bai Da's fame, her Weibo fans suddenly increased by tens of thousands. Soon people discovered this situation, ventilated Xie Fuxin, said that Bai Ying jumped to Yu Zhan's pet hospital, and also took a large wave of customers.

Xie Fuxin was furious.

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