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Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 565: Break on yourself
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Shen Mozhen's resignation immediately caused an uproar.

Her leader asked her coldly, if she had thought it out, and if she had taken it easy.

Shen Mozhen said, no, she decided to resign after careful consideration.

The leader had nothing to say. After hanging up, she immediately contacted Shen Mozhen's mother Yun Yun, and was very angry and asked her what was going on!

Unexpectedly Yun Yun was even more shocked than him. She didn't know that Shen Mozhen was on TV!

The leader said, "I'll just say that Mo Zhen is angry, and I won't take it to heart, nor will I talk to other people. You and your mother and daughter should communicate well first. There is something wrong with me, too. Maybe I said something wrong. To make her uncomfortable, young people, it is easy to be controlled by emotions. You should persuade her well, you can't talk about things like resignation! "

Yun Yan is performing outside at this time. She is a well-known yangqin player. Her performances are constantly inviting and she is very busy with work. Instead, Shen Mozhen ’s father, Shen Heng, is more leisurely. He does n’t have to go around to compose music. He spends more time at home.

Yun Yan's last night's performance ended at 10 o'clock. After returning to the hotel, she rested directly. The elderly people have the same schedule, and she is similar to other middle-aged people in their 40s and 50s. Don't like to see mess on the phone.

Instead of contacting his daughter for the first time, Yun Zheng first called his husband and asked him what was going on.

Shen Heng watched "Song of the King" live on Saturday night, but it wasn't Shen Mozhen who told him that he liked to watch this TV show.

Rao is so, he was shocked to see his daughter appear on TV without any preparation. Shen Heng does not oppose his daughter's TV show. He is often asked to compose music. He naturally has more exposure to the entertainment industry and is more capable of accepting things in the entertainment industry than his wife.

Besides, his daughter performed so well on TV, as a father is naturally happy and proud. Shen Heng felt that it was okay for Shen Mozhen to hide from him. It was just a show, and it was not a big deal. She might not feel it necessary to report to him.

Moreover, Shen Mozhen moved out of her home after graduating from university. She lived in a high-end apartment that her parents bought for her. She used to be independent since she was a child. She liked to have her own space.

It wasn't until his wife contacted herself that Shen Heng realized that something was bad.

Yun Yun asked Shen Heng to immediately call Shen Mozhen home, and she had already bought a ticket to rush back!

Shen Mozhen knows her parents better than anyone else. She already expected how her parents would be angry if she said the word "resignation".

This is why she had been hesitant to resign before, but now that she has the courage to speak up, she will also bear the consequences.

After Shen Mozhen got home, Shen Heng looked at her with a complex expression and said, "You go back to the room first, and wait for your mother to return to other matters."

Shen Mozhen remained motionless and asked his father, "Do you agree with my resignation?"

Shen Heng was silent for a moment before he said, "The folk band is a good unit."

"Good is good, but it's not for me," Shen Mozhen bowed her head. "Sorry, it disappointed you and your mother."

Shen Heng is really disappointed!

With a restrained character, he couldn't say anything about reprimanding his daughter. In this house, he always played red face and his wife played white face.

"If you think about it, how long have you been working, how do you know if this job is suitable for you?"

"I have been thinking about it for a long time, and I really don't want to stay in the folk orchestra any more! Every routine is the same as the routine business. I don't feel any sense of accomplishment and no work passion. It ’s all about life at a glance, so what ’s the point of my being alive? What ’s the difference between wasting time and wasting time? ”

The good-baby Shen Mozhen spoke to his father for the first time in this rebellious tone. When Shen Heng saw the decision in his daughter's eyes, he realized that he didn't know her at all.

How bad is this coveted job that others have dreamed of, so much so that she utters the words of "dull time".

"So what do you want to do?" Shen Heng asked his daughter.

After the same question, her mother came back angrily and asked her again.

Shen Mozhen replied, "I want to find resources to perform outside myself."

Isn't this the vagrant? !!

Yun Yanqi didn't hit a spot. "My father and I helped you arrange the work. If you don't do it, go and do these non-trivial things! Do you know how hard it is for young people studying folk music to be outside now? Looking for a job, do you know how difficult it is for the National Orchestra to enter? We are for you and don't want you to suffer outside. Why don't you know how to be grateful and cherished! "

Yun Zheng is an elegant woman, but at this moment, her fierce look is no different from that of an ordinary mother, and her anger makes the babysitter in the house hide from her room.

Shen Heng wanted to persuade her to calm down, but she was so swollen that she encouraged him too ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Shen Mozhen said to her mother unabashedly,

"Which decision did you and dad take against me from an early age, which I didn't follow? Which one of you is 'good for me', I have no appreciation? I have followed the rules for 23 years, but after all, I am not a string puppet in your hands, Looking back, I have become what you most expect, why have you never asked me, what is my expected look? I also have dreams. "

I have dreams too!

A word made Yun stunned.

Shen Heng patted her on the shoulder, "You just listen to the opinions of the child."

He has given in.

During his wife's return, he reflected for a moment, he felt that he and his wife were somewhat arbitrary.

But Yun Yan was very stubborn, mainly because of the work of the National Folk Music Orchestra, which she exchanged for her face and affection. Shen Mozhen's resignation was not just to beat her hard? How will she get along with the leaders of the folk band in the future?

Moreover, Shen Mozhen's path is also the path she has traveled. She thinks this path is smooth and there are no problems!

She said to Shen Mozhen, "What resources do you have? Your resources are given to you by me and your dad! Without our shelter, you are nothing! Your so-called dream is to moan without disease, and your life is too high. Do n’t worry about eating or wearing, do n’t worry about money, you do n’t know what the outside world looks like. You see how many young people of the same age as you, no money to eat, no money to rent, you talk to them about dreams test!"

"If you want to resign, you can. From today on, we won't repay your credit card. You are not allowed to live in the house we bought. The apartment and the home are all unavailable. You have the ability to go out yourself! "

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