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Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 587: new member
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Tang Tu also heard what happened to Shen Mozhen and his family. He was told by his mother. The original words of his mother were that Shen Mozhen came back from abroad. I did n’t know what was stimulated. The gentle girl suddenly changed her temperament. Arguing with his parents and making a farce about leaving home, saying that Tang Tu was right to break up with her, a girl with such a strong temper, he couldn't hold it!

Both a musician and a friend, his mother certainly spoke on the side of Shen Mozhen's mother.

Tang Tu listened to these words, and his heart was very unpleasant. Although he broke up with Shen Mozhen and was proposed by Shen Mozhen, he knew in his heart that he had changed his mind and he owed her. Former lover, how could he bear to see her homeless?

"No, I have to hurry up and search again in the past two days, lowering the conditions, I can always find them." Shen Mozhen smiled and refused. She didn't need Tang Tu's mercy and did not want to owe other people's love. Thoroughly, don't choke off the wire, it's unclear.

She made the boundaries so clear, and Tang Tu couldn't persuade her. She had a deep understanding of her outgoing personality.

It's just that he feels more unhappy, he can get 20 million yuan, but Shen Mozhen can't even rent a better house.

Sun Weiwei and Tao Zhiyao were not familiar with Shen Mozhen. They did not know that Shen Mozhen had been kicked out by their family members, but they could also guess by listening to their conversation.

Sun Weiwei thought about it and said to Shen Mozhen, "The villa we rent has a lot of empty rooms. You can live in it and you can just pay a little rent."

Li Xiaoru's eyes lightened, "Yes, yes, except for the remote location of the villa, there is no need to say other conditions! You can check in directly."

Shen Mozhen and Li Xiaoru lived together these days, and I heard she said about the villa, "The villa is where you work. Isn't it inconvenient for the occupants?"

"When we picked a house, we chose the biggest one, which was to take into account the living problems of the team members. The young girl moved several times in the capital and was very frustrated, and we will be a senior in next year. "I am not a local, and I will also face the annoyance of renting a house at that time. I discussed it with my sister, Tao, and the studio was also a place of residence, so that everyone can have a place to live in the future, and the price is nothing," Sun Weiwei said.

"There are ten rooms in the villa. Currently two are used for work, one for clothing, one for props and equipment, and the remaining six. Sister Tao has already selected one to make her own bedroom. You can choose another one. between."

Sun Weiwei talked about Shen Mozhen, but she still had some concerns. Li Xiaoru told her that the villa was a studio for "young ladies", but she was not a member of "young ladies" and rushed to live in another studio. Is it really suitable?

Unexpectedly, Sun Weiwei laughed when she heard the words, "This is not easy, wouldn't it be okay for you to join" Sisters and sisters "?"

Shen Mozhen is now a free person. In addition to finding a house to live in, she also has to find a way to make money to support herself. "Ladies and sisters" is a way to make money. It's just that the job came too suddenly. While she was rejoicing, she was not confident. "Can I really join?"

Li Xiaoru said, "Why not? Xuejie, you are the goddess of everyone, don't be arrogant. If you post a video of you playing Guzheng tonight, you will definitely get millions of likes!"

"I live in the villa alone at night, and I'm still a little scared. If you come, we can take care of each other." Tao Zhiyao said, "Moreover," Miss and sisters "just need a versatile girl like you , I sincerely hope you join in. "

Ms. Miao said, "I agree too!"

Jiang Chengfeng said, "I agree with both hands! Hey, from the boy's point of view, one more beauty can gain more male fans."

Liu Ye finally said, "Sister Mo Zhen Xue, you will not regret being a member of the" young ladies "."

All the members of the "Miss and Sisters" have stated their position, everyone is so warm and friendly, looking at himself with earnest eyes, what other reasons does Shen Mozhen refuse?

She smiled and said, "Okay, I'm joining‘ Ladies and Sisters ’!”

Tao Zhiyao immediately called the waiter, "Here is a box of beer! Today is Shuangxi Linmen, oh no, I would like to celebrate, drink and celebrate!"

Tang Tu said to the waiter, "Don't listen to her, come in a box of Coke."

Tao Zhiyao was unwilling, "Who eats Chuanchuan and Coke?"

"You are all girls, what wine to drink, and Yu Zhan and I have to drive while waiting, not to drink alcohol," Tang Tu's words are very convincing.

Tao Zhiyao was powerless to refute. She saw Tang Tu's clear eyes, frowned, and put his head away.

When Tang Tu ’s mother talked about Shen Mozhen, she also mentioned the daughter of the Tao family, saying, “The recent trend is really strange. Everyone has run away from home. The Tao family has a daughter named Tao Zhiyao ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ I don't know if you remember, she also had a big fight with her family and left! "

When Tang Tu didn't know Liu Ye, he already knew Tao Zhiyao, because they were exactly the same size, and the elders often used preaching. Tao Zhiyao is now Liu Ye's friend. He naturally asked, "Why quarrel?"

"Specifically, I also listened to what others said. It seems that after graduating from college, Tao Zhiyao did not work seriously. She kept her parents from doing live video shooting on the Internet. In fact, I do n’t think it ’s okay. The type of work for young people now There are many kinds, but the Tao family is very conservative, not as good as ours. "

Tang Tu's mother was vague, and Tang Tu went to inquire on her own before she learned more details. It turned out that Tao Zhiyao's ups and downs had never been known to her parents living in Europe. It was her brother who helped her hide it. Came down.

As a result, as soon as their parents returned to the country, the people around them immediately told them in disapproval, ridicule, and lively ways that when they were not in the country, what good things Tao Zhiyao did, even their villa became Live background!

The anger of Tao Zhiyao's parents can be imagined. They not only reprimanded Tao Zhiyao with the strictest words, but even Tao Zhiwei did not escape this calamity. They believed that he was helping and abusing him. What disappointed them even more was that when they criticized and taught Tao Zhiyao, Tao Zhiwei even stood on Tao Zhiyao's side, spoke for her, and accused them of being too negligent as parents.

That night the Tao family broke out the biggest family conflict in history. Tao Zhiwei's father even said that he regretted giving the company to him.

On the second day, Tao Zhiwei called Yu Zhan and said that he was short of funds and could not buy the shares of Xinghe in the way of the previous AA.

Remember the first domain name in this book:. Tang San Chinese website mobile version Read URL:

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