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Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 608: Start counterattack
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Cheng Hongni is a white-collar worker in a small company. Although she is a local, she does not need to rent a house. She is no different from young people who come to work in the capital. In the crowd, she is too ordinary.

She did not expect that one day she would be followed by tens of thousands of people and she would make headlines.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, Cheng Hongni, who has to go to work tomorrow, was lying in bed and ready to sleep. Her girlfriend suddenly called her and said in excitement, "Nier, your Weibo was reposted by the big V !!!"

"What Weibo?" Cheng Hongni was a little confused and didn't respond.

"It's the Weibo that you wrote" Gray Grey. "

"Huihui" is the cat who died of an infusion.

Cheng Hongni had no sleepiness for an instant. It has been more than a month since her cat died. In order to get justice for her cat, all she could think of was to use it—find a hospital, lodge a complaint with the relevant department, and beat her up. The hotline and release were exposed on the Internet, and it turns out that these are not useful for birds!

The hospital and the relevant department stood on the same line, and turned a deaf ear. The long hotline suggested that she go to the animal husbandry and veterinary department, and that's it. The reason for her to give up the complaint was that what she wrote on the Internet for a long time Except for her friends and colleagues who helped forward, few people saw it and the number of comments was pitifully small. She used to see a lot of people spread justice through online public opinion. How could it be so difficult to get to her?

Her friends said that her opponents are too powerful, whether in reality or in the online world, she is small and pathetic, and those successful examples are because the protagonist spends money, they have a team behind them and a pusher, and she Just an ordinary person, nothing.

Her emotions ranged from the original grief and anguish, and now she gives up and struggles, her heart is ashamed. She has no hope of getting justice, and has deleted the apps of Weibo and Public Comment.

Cheng Hongni didn't believe it. "It's been so long, and my Weibo should sink to the end. How can I be seen by Big V?"

"It's true, you can check it on Weibo, and it's the super influencer Liu Ye who reposted you!"

Cheng Hongni froze,

Liu Ye!

The young cat breeding circle in the capital, who doesn't know the big net red Liu Ye who started out as a cat.

She quickly re-downloaded Weibo, logged in again, and was stunned by the numerous comments and private messages that popped out.

"We can all understand your mood. The pain of losing a pet cannot be experienced by people who have not raised cats and dogs!"

"It's so uncomfortable. May the cat meow no pain."

"That's the truth. Not only the capital, but many pet hospitals and veterinarians in other places just make money and don't take animals' lives at all. They think that small animals die when they die. , So it's right to be right and right. "

"That's the truth. No matter whether it's a hospital for humans or an animal, no hospital will admit the medical cause."

"The pet medical market is inherently chaotic, prices are shouting randomly, and related regulations are also chaotic. Doctor Yu has already exposed the industry inside in" Meng Chong Hospital "before."

"My cat is ill. I would rather buy medicine and treat it at home rather than at a pet hospital. Unless I have to do so, many pet hospitals have really big problems, high fees, and they can't cure the disease."

"I'm so mad. This Weibo is all crying. Be sure to expose this pet hospital so they can't open it!"

"Yes, there are many people and strong power. We are your strong backing. Let's help forward it together and let more people see it!"


Cheng Hongni looked at everyone's messages, covered her mouth, and cried with joy, the frustration of the lone soldier fighting was swept away, and she felt that her body was full of strength at this moment.

She first wrote on Liu Wei's Weibo, "Thank you."

Within a minute, Liu Ye replied to her, "Don't have to thank me, I am also a cat owner, I can appreciate your sadness, and I want to help you as much as I can."

Reposting a Weibo was just a hand for Liu Ye, but she completely changed the direction of the whole incident. Because after Liu Ye reposted, Tao Zhiyao also reposted this Weibo, and she still reposted it with her personal account and the official account of "Miss Sisters".

Tao Zhiyao wrote, "I'm a standard cat slave. I can't see this kind of thing. I don't understand. Isn't a pet hospital a cure place? How can cats be alive and bounced in the hospital in the end? If this blogger The Lord is true, then this black heart hospital should be banned! "Tao Zhiyao didn't know the deeper end of the matter, she just brushed Liu Xuan's forward, and she was just a cat-loving person, filled with indignation. Her retransmission increased the credibility of the matter and further expanded its influence.

Many fans of Liu Ye and Tao Zhiyao are individuals or collectives related to pets, and some of them are small Vs. At one time ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Red bean mud "Weibo was reposted on a large scale and was Spread and be discussed.

Prior to this, the netizen "under the camphor tree" had been helped by Yu Zhan and gained some important resources. She met hundreds of netizens who were also pitted by Fuxin Pet Hospital and formed a rights protection WeChat group.

"Under the camphor tree" sent the group ID private message to Cheng Hongni, and Cheng Hongni joined it happily. After entering the group, she realized that she was not alone and there were many people who had the same experience. Everyone told her that it was very early. Some people have questioned the Fuxin Pet Hospital, but this hospital is very powerful. Everyone just lost a little money, and in the end they left it alone.

However, the situation is different this time. The time is approaching the Spring Festival. At this time of the year, the passenger traffic of pet hospitals is at its peak. After Yu Zhan ’s pet hospital was closed, a large number of his original customers transferred to Fuxin Pet Hospital. And this group of people are all senior netizens, and they are not the masters of swallowing. In particular, some people learned from the gossip that the owner of Fuxin Pet Hospital is most likely behind the blockade of Yu Zhan ’s pet hospital, and their hearts were even more angry.

Eighty percent of the group members are Yu Zhan fans and regular customers. Under the suggestion of "under the camphor tree", Cheng Hongni sent all the relevant evidence she found to the group.

The next day, a section titled #Pet medical industry is chaotic. Pet hospitals are focused on money. In the end, is it a cure or a death? # 的 新闻 spearheaded by a few well-known media outlets.

The news content described in detail the medical cases of Cheng Hongni and "Under the Camphor Tree". In the article, she directly named the Fuxin Pet Hospital, implying that it violates professional ethics. In the interests of business, she exaggerates and delays her illness, deceives, intimidates pet owners, and violates the law treatment.

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