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Home » Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star TFCS » Chapter 564: Not cold
Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 564: Not cold
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At this time, everyone was rehearsing on the stage. There was no one in the lounge. Li Xiaoru's footsteps were not small. When she came in, Shen Mozhen noticed it. She turned to look at her, looking confused, as if asking her Follow what you do.

"That ... Xuejie, I didn't follow it on purpose," Li Xiaoru was a little embarrassed. "I don't look well, I'm worried about getting sick."

Shen Mozhen froze for a moment, involuntarily touched his face, and asked, "How bad is my complexion?"

"It's bad, it's white, there's no blood at all."

"I knew I would put on my makeup again."

Li Xiaoru was more worried, "What happened?"

Shen Mozhen was a little hesitant. She and Li Xiaoru were not familiar with each other. The relationship between them was based on Liu Ye's connection. She didn't know Li Xiaoru.

Li Xiaoru also realized that she asked abruptly that she and Shen Mozhen were not friends! Li Xiaoru's character was very carefree, but not two hundred and five, she felt Shen Mozhen's defense.

Li Xiaoru felt that she should make a point. She said, "I have always been my idol. I like it very much. I have seen the guzheng performances just after entering school. I have heard many deeds. For me, it is an out of reach fairy. At that time, I hoped that it would be nice if I could follow the last sentence. "

Li Xiaoru was suspicious of pretending to lick a dog. Even if she was in a bad mood, she was also teased.

"I'm not that cold."

From childhood to age, there are too many people who admire her and too many people who like her. There are countless people who want to be friends with her. She is used to various compliments. Li Xiaoru's words have not left any ripples in her heart. .

Shen Mozhen looks gentle, has a good temperament, respects the old and loves the young, is humble and courteous, and can take into account everyone in interpersonal relationships. Anyone who knows her will give her a high evaluation. Her peers worship him, older She admired her, but her true friends were few, and she didn't realize it was another sense of coldness.

Li Xiaoru said earnestly, "No, it is actually Gao Leng. I have observed that, except for Tang Tu, Wen Fangfei, and professors of the Guzheng Department, the attitude towards others is the same. There is no difference, oh, oh It's an exception, and I don't think anyone would dislike her. "

Shen Mozhen's expression changed a little. Li Xiaoru said that her heart went up, and Li Xiaoru had misunderstood a little bit-now she is no longer close to Tang Tu and Wen Fangfei.

Tang Tu didn't say anything. Wen Fangfei's performance of the incident made Shen Mozhen put her heart on her. She doesn't like people who are too emotional. It's too much trouble to cope with. If it wasn't for packing up Wen Fangfei, she wouldn't Will plead with Liu Ye.

After she graduated, Shen Mozhen never contacted Wen Fangfei, and every time she sent messages to her, she sometimes had a bad time abroad, the response was slow, and sometimes she got busy, so she forgot to return. Over time, Wen Fangfei also understood her attitude. So much so that she knew Shen Mozhen was going back to school for rehearsal, Wen Fangfei didn't come to her. And she did not say to ask Wen Fangfei for a meal.

At this point, Shen Mozhen could not find anything to refute Li Xiaoru for a while. Is she really an indifferent person?

Li Xiaoru was afraid that Shen Mozhen was angry. "Don't mind what I said just now, in fact, I just lick my face and want to be a friend."

Li Xiaoru was embarrassed. She felt so confessed to Shen Mozhen that she was so cheeky and blushed.

Shen Mozhen saw Li Xiaoru's concern and kindness in her eyes, and there was a touch of emotion in her heart. For the first time, someone asked her to be a friend so straightforwardly.

"Although I have nothing to play except the piano, I have a good character. Really, I can guarantee it! If you don't believe me, I will testify for you," Li Xiaoru patted himself already. Very flat **** said.

Shen Mozhen fluttered and couldn't help laughing.

Seeing her smile, Li Xiaoru was relieved.

Li Xiaoru's careful appearance reminded Shen Mozhen of his school days when the boys confessed to her, but the words and love letters written by those people were far from the girl's sincerity and did not require any pleasant modification. The most straightforward sentences could Move her.

If those boys knew that Shen Mozhen originally liked the simple and rude type, would he regret the fact that he was bare-chested.

"We have already performed the ensemble, and of course we are friends," Shen Mozhen said with a smile at Li Xiaoru.

Li Xiaoru didn't jump for joy, but asked her worriedly, "Can you tell me, why aren't you happy?"

This girl is really a little bit awkward. She really looks like Liu Ye. Shen Mozhen sighed, "It has something to do with our performance on Saturday ..."

Two days have passed since their performance, and the discussion on them on the Internet has not stopped. Hot search charts, news, self-media ... their names, photos and videos are overwhelming ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Everyone uses their own This kind of beautiful words brought Liu Ye and her four accompaniments to the altar. The lowest-profile Shen Mozhen, his resume and experience were also picked up in detail.

Netizens call the talented women!

There are also people who listen to the songs she played on the Internet.

Seeing so many people like and support their performance, Shen Mozhen, who has worked without waves, has a very strong sense of accomplishment, and she is more sure that this is the life she wants.

However, on the second day of the program's broadcast, Shen Mozhen received a call from the leader of the Chinese Orchestra, and the other side scolded her with his head and face covered.

There are two reasons for the leader ’s anger. First, Shen Mozhen is a person with a work unit. She should respect the organization's discipline. Any performance should be reported to the orchestra, and she did not tell anyone in the orchestra to participate in the "Song of the King" Silently appeared on TV!

Second, the TV station did not have the permission of the folk music ensemble, and used the words "Chief of the National Folk Music Orchestra" as subtitles to introduce Shen Mozhen's appearance. It is obviously in the influence of the folk music ensemble. If it is reported in advance, no problem, but Without a word, it won't work!

The leader told Shen Mozhen that the folk band had contacted the television station, and the other party promised to delete the introduction. The band would report her criticism on Monday, and the leadership was still studying how to deal with her.

Shen Mozhen asked how to deal with her.

The leader said that it might be a salary deduction or the cancellation of her role as chief guzheng.

Unexpectedly, Shen Mozhen said in a very considerate leadership tone, "Sorry, it's your trouble, but you don't have to worry about it, I will resign."

There was no movement on the other side of the phone for a long time. There was no way. The leader was so surprised that Shen Mozhen had to repeat it again, "I plan to resign."

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