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Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 670: Add fuel to the fire
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Now that there are so many beautiful women in the villa, can Ji Qingqing think that one of them is Tao Zhiwei's sweetheart?

Ji Qingqing's eyes glanced at each woman again. Among them, there are four really beautiful women, Liu Ye, Shen Mozhen, Yang Huayue and Chu Taro.

Ji Qingqing knew Liu Ye. She had a boyfriend, so she was ruled out first.

She has also heard of Shen Mozhen. After the famous door, the talented girl of Guzheng, she has seen her in some high-standard social occasions. If Tao Zhiwei likes her, the two of them would have been together for a long time. Happy to see it happen, Tao Zhiwei can't hide it.

Then only Yang Huayue and Chu Taro remained.

Like Tao Zhiyao, Yang Huayue has been sleeping, waking up passively, finding a piece of clothing, so anxious that she did n’t even sit in a wheelchair, and limped out with a cane. The three were standing on the second floor of the living room and looking down. During her illness, her appearance and spirit were naturally inferior to that of a healthy person, and she was a delicate beauty.

Looking at the appearance alone, she is not as good as the Chinese taro, moreover, she got up early and dressed neatly, and Yang Huayue didn't even wash her face ...

Ji Qingqing naturally passed Yang Huayue in her heart, and she concluded that Tao Zhiwei's sweetheart was Chu Taro.

Chu Tan also noticed Ji Qingqing's extremely unfriendly eyes. She was inexplicable. She didn't know this woman at all. Why was she so hostile to herself?

However, with the elders present, Ji Qingqing would not expose her nature as she did before, and she would have to be sensible and ladylike. Even the remarks about filial piety are appropriate, and they make sense, and people cannot find a place to refute.

Therefore, Tao Zhiwei and Tao Zhiyao are speechless. They really care about themselves and leave their parents at home.

Tao Zhiyao could not see Ji Qingqing's villainous look. She was accused by her father just now, and then seeing her father and Ji Qingqing acting like father and daughter, she resentful feelings in her heart, because her father has never been so close to her! He is better to outsiders than to her biological daughter.

Her father was really blind and deceived by Ji Qingqing's disguise.

Or was it because of Ji's wealth that he was blinded by his interests?

Tao Zhiyao said to Ji Qingqing, "Don't you see that? We didn't leave home to enjoy ourselves, not to oppose our parents, but to avoid you. Chinese New Year, we want to stay with our family members. Freedom, rather than that, we would rather be with friends. "

Ji Qingqing's face was so ugly that she didn't expect that Tao Hejin had learned the lesson first. Tao Zhiyao dared not know how to converge, and he spoke well to her. The word "outside person" was an insult without swear words and brought her father in. ,

Like the invisible man, Ji Qiansong suddenly took her daughter's wrist, pulled her to her side, and said to Tao Hejin, "Yao Yao is right, we shouldn't rush to your house last night."

"After you handed Jin Tao to Weiwei, you and your wife lived in Europe for a long time and did n’t come back often. We did n’t see a few of them all year round. Neither of us was thriving. My wife and I wanted to borrow this. It ’s a rare opportunity to be with your family for the Chinese New Year and have a lively picture. I didn't expect Yaoyao to have such a big prejudice against us. "

"Now think about it, it is indeed that we are not thinking carefully and are too rash, I apologize to you, to Yaoyao, and only apologize. Father and son, father and daughter have no overnight revenge, I hope you do n’t get angry because of us, Xiao He said Right, the first day of the new year should be happy. "

"We're not ashamed to stay here again, so we leave first."

Jiang is still old and hot. Ji Qingqing is completely incomparable with her father. Ji Qiansong talked, his voice was gentle, and he didn't show any water. He retreated as if to persuade Tao Hejin, but he poured oil on the fire.

Tao Hejin's cold-tempered temper really got him exploded.

In the case where everyone did not respond, he stepped forward and gave Tao Zhiyao a slap, and all of them suddenly stopped by the sudden change.

Tao Zhiwei rushed over immediately to protect his sister. He looked at his father in wonder. "Dad, if you have any anger or dissatisfaction, please come to me. All the consequences will be borne by me. You must Hit me, hit me. "

Tao Zhiyao covered his face, bowed his head, motionless, and said nothing.

Zhang Pei, another parent who was present, couldn't stand it anymore. Even if the other person was a rich man with a high status, she would blame him.

Zhang Pei said, "Your daughter is a big girl in her twenties. Girls and boys are different. They have strong self-esteem, sensitivity, delicateness and have their own ideas."

"Father can be tough with his children, but not to degrade the children, or to hurt the child's self-esteem without understanding. Is your daughter really so incompetent in your eyes? There is a degree in everything, always denying her, always Suppress her, and one day you will destroy her! Your daughter has also become independent from the family, not your possessions. You have contradictions. You should communicate well. Impulsive beatings will not solve the problem. "

Zhang Pei really stood on the perspective of her parents. She persuaded Tao Hejin that she had childcare experience. She had only one daughter. She stood up from frustration. She knew how hard it was to be a parent.

Tao Hejin's mind was seduced by Ji Qiansong at that moment. After playing Tao Zhiyao, he regretted it. He used to teach his daughter often, but he never hit her. Zhang Pei was sincere, and what he said was very reasonable. He felt even more guilty. But things have already happened, has it made him soften her daughter in front of so many people?

Seeing Tao Hejin's expression seemed to be shaken, Ji Qiansong gave her daughter a wink.

Ji Qingqing understands ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ There is no part of you here, "she squinted at Zhang Pei, very contemptuous.

"None of you speak here."

He Lushen returned this sentence to Ji Qingqing intact. He originally offended Chu Taro because of this sentence, so now he hears the words "nanny" and "maid" and is nervous and annoyed. .

Ji Qingqing didn't expect He Lushen to hit her directly. The two knew each other, but never talked. This was probably the first sentence He Lushen said to her.

"On the first day of the new year, I don't know who has no etiquette. Calling the word" dead "outside is really bad luck." Song Junzhe wore a suit, his lazy tone, and a hint of anger.

Song Junzhe was not looking for differences. Ji Qingqing came to the yard and said that Liu Ye ’s brazier was used to burn paper for the dead. Song Junzhe ’s room was on the first floor, and he heard this sentence as soon as he opened his eyes.

And he looked at Ji Qingqing's eyes, as if looking at a mess of rubbish.

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