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Home » Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star TFCS » Chapter 602: Pick a gift
Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 602: Pick a gift
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No wonder now that everyone is running to real estate, Zhang Pei and Liu Ye worked hard for a year, and the money they made was not as good as the odds after the land appreciation.

Zhang Pei's gratitude to Yu Zhan need not be said. At the beginning, Yu Zhan strongly advised Zhang Pei to buy her warehouse through loan inside information. Of course, this also requires Zhang Pei to trust Yu Zhan. The land has been deserted for a long time. There was no movement to start before. Yu Zhan said out of nowhere that the land would appreciate. Who believes?

Zhang Pei didn't know how to express her gratitude to Yu Zhan. She thought it would be better and more convenient for her daughter to say thank you. Compared with the benefits that Yu Zhan helped them get, it is a small amount of money. Zhang Pei is also worried that the money is too little and the gift is not good enough. Yu Zhan hates it.

Liu Ye also wanted to thank Yu Zhan. He had given her so many things before. She should have given back gifts, but what gift to buy became a big problem.

What does she think about Yu Zhanqi first? After thinking about it for a long time, he felt as if he lacked nothing. She did not have Yu Zhantaobao's account password, and could not help him empty his favorites.

After thinking about it, Liu Ye decided to give him the most everyday things, such as clothes and shoes, which could be used at least.

She took a time after school and went shopping in a luxury mall in the city center. Without experience, she also specifically invited Tao Zhiyao to help her choose.

When it comes to shopping, Tao Zhiyao is very interested and very happy! She said that she has a supreme VIP card in this mall and can buy anything at a 10% discount.

The two agreed to meet at the mall. Liu Ye got out of the taxi and saw Tao Zhiyao standing in a sheltered place, looking down at his mobile phone. It had just snowed the day before yesterday, and now the snow has not melted. Only twelve degrees below zero, Tao Zhiyao was exposed to the cold air with a face exposed, and was frozen red.

"Sister Peach," Liu Ye called her, distressed. "Why don't you wait for me in the mall, standing here is too cold."

Tao Zhiyao raised his head, and then smiled, "It's only a few minutes before I get cold, and you can see me here at a glance."

Tao Zhiyao has a good habit. She has never been late, either on time or on time, or a few minutes in advance. She said she didn't like having others wait for her, so she would feel uneasy.

She doesn't have the slightest pride of the big lady. She thinks that others should wait for her to be justified. She will think from the perspective of the other side.

Liu Ye thought, I do n’t know which man is blessed to make Tao Zhiyao such a good girl become his girlfriend. At least when dating, do n’t spend time waiting for someone.

"Why did you start?" Tao Zhiyao waved in front of Liu Yan's eyes. "What do you want?"

Liu Yan said very honestly, "I'm thinking about what your future boyfriend will look like."

Tao Zhiyao: "..."

She patted Liu Ye's head lightly, and said angrily, "You are immersed in love, have you seen that single person like me is not pleasing to the eye?"

"No, no, I just think you are too good. No man seems to be worthy of you."

"Well, even if you can talk, my sister thinks so too!" Tao Zhiyao said proudly, "looking around, they are all crooked dates, I don't look at any of them!"

Tao Zhiyao has never been short of people to chase. When she was in college, she received hundreds of confessions. The vast majority of those people had the same thoughts as He Qisi-after chasing her, she could struggle for less than ten lifetimes. There are very few people who either have too much value or have very different family conditions, and she can't convince herself to get along with them. As Ji Qingqing said, it is difficult for people like them to find a door-to-door account and like what they like.

The two walked into the mall together, which belongs to one of the most upscale malls in the capital. Each counter is a luxury brand. Upon entering the door, in addition to the heating, there is also a smell of expensive perfume.

As far as I can remember, even Liu Ye, the former owner who likes shopping, has come to this mall a handful of times. It's too expensive here! Here, she can only buy a few big-name cosmetics.

Probably the reason for working days. The shopping mall is empty and there are more purchasing agents than customers.

"Yes, why do you suddenly want to buy things for Yu Zhan?" Tao Zhiyao asked Liu Ye, "His birthday is here?"

Liu Yan shook her head. When she received her birthday gift, she asked Yu Zhan's birthday, and his birthday was in April. Liu Ye told Tao Zhiyao about the appreciation of the warehouse.

"Song Junzhe," Tao Zhiyao remembered the somewhat strange name, and suddenly realized, "Oh, I remembered it, and he would come back!"

Tao Zhiyao has also heard about Song Junzhe's parents, but these are not the point. "Yu Zhan is really stingy, so good inside information, I will go to store a lot without telling us." Of course Tao Zhiyao was joking She knew that without Song Junzhe's permission ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Yu Zhan would not tell Liu Ye's mother at all.

It seems that Yu Zhan's friends are very satisfied with Liu Ye.

The two were chatting and chatting. Tao Zhiyao is a regular customer here. No matter which counter is in, the shopping guide can call her kindly and enthusiastically. "Miss Tao, welcome."

Tao Zhiyao Haikou exaggerated, but she has never bought men's clothing before, and she doesn't care what her brother and her father are wearing. "Nevertheless, I still have the ability to appreciate."

She picked a few good men's trench coats and let Liu Ye choose them. Liu Ye instinctively looked at the price tag. Actually, it had to be 20,000 or 30,000, and even nearly 100,000 ...

The men's coats are all dark-colored, with similar styles. She didn't see anything special. She touched the fabric of the clothes. Is this kind of clothes made of gold?

The shopping guide was very responsible to introduce the two of them, saying that this year's new models, catwalk models, and so on celebrities passed through. Of course, they recognized Liu Ye, and felt that her Internet celebrity was definitely not bad money, so they vigorously promoted it.

Liu Ye is not short of money now, but she has survived the hard times. She and her mother made hard-earned money. It is not worthwhile to spend money before spending money. Shop around, and consider whether Yu Zhan likes it. It's impossible to wrap everything with a big wave like the rich man's money!

Tao Zhiyao patiently accompanied Liu Ye to turn around all the men's clothing counters on the first floor. Liu Ye picked flowers and hadn't chosen it yet. She was a bit embarrassed. Tao Zhiyao said, "It's okay, you should walk more when shopping , Especially you, are too busy to die, don't come out often, it's good to see more. "

As they were about to go up to the second floor to take a look, a woman's voice suddenly sounded behind them, "Tao Zhiyao! It really is you!"

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