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Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 622: Live now
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Yang Huayue violated He Lushen's promise and told the whole story to the "young ladies and sisters." After listening to her remarks, Liu Ye and others were shocked and worried about her injury.

Yang Huayue repeatedly emphasized on the phone, "It's really okay, otherwise the doctor won't allow me to leave the hospital. Besides, I'll be back the day after tomorrow, and you won't be worried if you see me."

As a result, everyone was more worried when they saw Yang Huayue at the airport.

Yang Huayue was sitting in a wheelchair, his left leg was covered with plaster, flat on a flat plate, a circle of gauze wrapped around his face, and he was wearing a heavy down jacket. The whole person was swollen from head to toe, like a sphere, causing a lot of The airport passenger's gaze, even without the gauze on his face, would not have been associated with the glorious star Yang Huayue at all, and they were judged as two.

It ’s so terrible, Yang Huayue could still wave at them with a smile, and said, "Oh, why are you all here? It's enough to pick up one person!"

It was ridiculous for Liu Ye, she could not imagine how much pain Yang Yangyue had endured in silence during this time.

The others are frowning. Everyone has a lot to say to Yang Huayue, but the airport where people come and go is obviously not a suitable place.

We walked very close, and everyone noticed that Yang Huayue pushed the woman behind her in a wheelchair. She was dressed in a simple dress, and the long cotton dress she wore was the worst street style. Her hair was succinctly behind her head, and she wore a Mask, can't see clearly.

Yang Huayue introduced, "She is my friend Chu Taro. After I was injured, she was in the hospital to take care of me."

When they heard the name of Chu Taro, Liu Yan immediately thought of the photo they had seen, and they didn't realize that this humble woman was a super beauty.

Now that she was determined to leave the entertainment industry, Chu Taro naturally gave up her glorious image without burden. In the more than 20 days that she took care of Yang Huayue, she had not applied makeup, never touched herself, and followed the female care workers in a hurry .

So much so that the doctors, nurses and nursing staff did not know and did not recognize her as an actor. They all thought she was Yang Huayue's little assistant.

As for He Lushen's two assistants to Yang Huayue, a man and a woman, they are all old fritters in the circle. Yang Huayue and them are still in the running-in period. They are not familiar. There is also a layer of things in the middle of the chat.

The male assistant was not good to take care of Yang Huayue in person, and the female assistant was unwilling to condescend to serve her. The two of them took turns every day to bring Yang Huayue for meals. They also monitored Yang Huayue for fear of revealing her injuries.

It lasted for about a week, and the two assistants couldn't hold on. The assistants were only subordinates and not relatives. They were not obliged to take care of the people in the hospital every day. They were pestered in the ward, but they were a bit annoying and obstructing the nursing staff. Working, Yang Huayue sent them back to the capital, and they took Yang Huayue's large luggage by the way.

Yang Huayue wanted Chu Taro to leave too, and she was very impressed in the eyes of Chu Taro ’s efforts. The elder sister and her had no relationship, and their friendship was only a meal at best. Chu Taro had no obligation at all. Regarding her, she said Chu Chu was insincere and false. She had already withdrawn from the entertainment industry and was about to "return to her hometown". She could not do anything to stop her. Chu Tao could do this. It was really good character. Yang Huayue feels that it is worthwhile to get a true friend if he is injured.

Fearing the influence of public opinion, Yang Huayue has not been picked up by anyone else since she was hospitalized, discharged, and now arrives at the Capital Airport. Many people are prone to troubles. Besides, there aren't any people here.

Yan Tong asked Chu Taro to be good at the end, and sent Yang Huayue home. He also asked Chu Ya to get a nanny after he arrived in the capital, and he reimbursed the expenses.

Jiang Chengfeng walked over and said to Chu Ya, "Sister, you've worked hard. Let me push the wheelchair."

This honorable title sounded warm to the ears of Chu Taro. In the entertainment industry, no matter whether she was older than her, or smaller than her, the actors and staff members called her by name and yelled at her. Who left her without any status? In this line, people without status are not worthy of being respected.

Chu Yang was next to Yang Huayue when she answered Liu Ye's phone call. She asked Yang Huayue, "Tell them, are you not afraid of them leaking out, or are you afraid of offending?"

Yang Huayue only said one sentence: "They are more trustworthy than He Lushen."

At this moment, after seeing these young people's concerns about Yang Huayue, and then thinking about He Lushen and the cast's various faces, Chu Taro somewhat understood Yang Huayue's thoughts.

Everyone originally wanted to send Yang Huayue directly to her apartment, but looking at Yang Huayue like this, they couldn't relax.

Liu Wei asked Sun Weiwei, "Can you arrange Sister Huayue to live in our studio villa first? There will always be someone in the villa who can take care of her."

Sun Weiwei thinks this is a good idea! "Of course, there are plenty of empty rooms."

After Chu Tao handed the wheelchair to Jiang Chengfeng ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ said to Liu Ye ’s girls, “You ca n’t take care of it, you need to ask the babysitter to take care of Huayue.”

"It's okay, I'll call the babysitter tomorrow," Tao Zhiyao said, "her housekeeper has the telephone number of the housekeeping company manager."

A few girls think very thoughtfully. They are surrounded by Yang Huayue, Yang Huayue smiles and is very happy. Chu Tan feels that she is a bit redundant here. She is a 30-year-old woman and little girls in her twenties. After all, it's a bit out of place. She handed Yan Tong's business card to Tao Zhiyao and told her that the nanny would reimburse him.

Then she smiled at Yang Huayue, "It seems my task can finally be completed, then I will leave first, and we will have a period later."

After speaking, Chu Tan smiled at several young people and walked towards the crowd.

"Sister Chu Ya, wait a minute," Yang Huayue called her, "Where are you going? Isn't your house already rented out?"

Chu Taro turned around,

"I'm staying in a hotel. It will be one night to see if I can buy a train ticket to go home tomorrow."

Chu Tan only carried a small backpack, and her bundling rolls were mailed home. She is now in the capital with no concerns and can leave at any time.

When it was time for separation, Yang Huayue was very reluctant. If Chu Ya left the capital, the two of them might never meet again.

Sun Weiwei said, "Sister, if you don't dislike it, come to our studio to rest."

Suddenly Chu Ya shook her head subconsciously, "I'm afraid you are inconvenient."

"We are all girls, what's the inconvenience, it's not safe for you to live outside the hotel by yourself," Sun Weiwei said, hurriedly, "you are Huayue's friend, that is our friend!"

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