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Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 680: Offended
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"Shhhh, no barking is allowed," He Lushen warned her in a low voice, afterwards, how did he feel like a hungry raper? But looking at Chu Tao's weak and poor eyes, his throat tightened again.

Head down to kiss her eyes.

Chu Taro struggled madly and insisted on exercising for more than ten years. At this time, it came in handy. He Lushen didn't expect her strength was so great that she was freed by her carelessness. She ran to the door and fled. Before he could open the door handle, He Lushen chased her, pressed her behind the door, and questioned her face to face.

"Isn't this the result you want? What are you going to run? It's this time, and it's interesting to play with it."

Seeing He Lu deeper than her, the fear in Chu Ya's eyes slowly turned into doubt and suddenly understood what was going on. However, she was still scared and shivered. "You have been sleeping at noon, and your aunt is worried that you are hungry. Stomach, before she leaves, let me help you bring you lunch, and you can eat it when you wake up. "

He Lu froze. He turned back and saw a bowl, plate and chopsticks on the table, and a glass of juice beside it.

"Now, can you release me?" Chu Ya's voice finally returned to normal, and she also looked up and looked straight at He Lushen.

He Lushen didn't dare to look into her eyes and immediately let go.

"Sorry, I misunderstood," he said shyly.

"What's wrong? Do you drag a woman into your arms when you see it? Is it your instinct? You are so anxious, so hungry, you ca n’t open your mouth to ask what happened? People like you follow when you are in love. What's the difference between animals? People like you make me sick! "

Having said this, Chu Tan opened the bedroom door and left, and the door was closed in front of He Lushen. He couldn't forget that Chu Ya looked at her extremely disgusting gaze, which was more disgusting to him than before.

In this kind of gaze, he was sure that he really liked Chu Taro.

After listening to He Lushen's narrative, Yu Zhan, Song Junzhe, and Tang Tu were all sweaty and silent.

Song Junzhe felt that he had listened to a super big joke. He wanted to laugh, but he could n’t laugh. He said to He Lushen, "You have already offended people before you can determine your own heart. This is a bit difficult to do. I do n’t know what to say. What's up, come on Zhan. "

"You are stupid like a pig!" Yu Zhan stared at him, scolding him mercilessly, "I really want to punch you."

He Lushen didn't refute it anymore.

"I also want to slap myself," he slaps his face, "I already know that I am wrong, and now I just want to change Chu's attitude towards me, even if she doesn't like me, it doesn't matter if we are not together, as long as she Don't hate me. "

Song Junzhe hehe, "Don't think about it, it's impossible, it's harder than climbing the sky. You will be farther away from Chu Taro in the future, it is estimated that she will not hate you."

Yu Zhan also thinks that, "It's best to keep a distance from her. I think she won't want to see you again in a short time."

"Valentine's Day is approaching. I think you should take this opportunity to apologize to her and show your heart." Tang Tu, who has never spoken, has a different opinion from Yu and Song.

Tang Tu hopes that He Lushen can fight once. He always regrets his failure in Liu Xun. Earlier, if he shows his will, earlier, if he doesn't want to be so hasty, he can't help lonely with Shen Mozhen to determine his love. Relationship, hold your own heart, and wait for the girl who really likes it, Liu Ye may not miss him.

He wanted to see He Lushen succeed in Chu Taro. In this way, his "if" of self-consolation was established. He could feel better in his heart, and he could let himself go and completely forget Liu Ye.

He Lushen's eyes brightened, just like looking at the savior, looking at Tang Tu, "What's your good idea?"

Yu Zhan and Song Junzhe persuaded him, and co-authoring him did not give up.

"I'm not good at this either," said Tang Tu, who could not help crying or laughing. He would have grabbed Liu Ye from Yu Zhan if he could be a girl. He looked up at the singer who was singing **** the stage and said casually, "such as singing something of."

"Forget it, I think for myself," He Lushen couldn't sing, and he couldn't make any sounds.

This year's Spring Festival and Valentine's Day are very close to each other. The seventh day of the first month is Valentine's Day, which means that He Lushen has less than a week to plan how to turn the taro's heart.

However, Tang Tu's words reminded Yu Zhan that he should prepare for Valentine's Day with Liu Ye in advance.

After suffering bitter water with friends, He Lushen was not so annoyed. He returned to a normal cynical state and said to Song Junzhe, "You don't care about me, you go dance."

Song Junzhe was sitting next to him on the sofa. "If you don't go, I'm not alone."

He Lushen did not want Song Junzhe to be disappointed. He also apologized for Yu Zhan and his temper tantrums. He stood up and said, "Let's go, let us be together."

Song Junzhe bent a corner, and then stood up, "This is pretty much the same time, when it is high, hgih."

The two walked together towards the dance floor, and the small contradiction just disappeared.

Only Yu Zhan and Tang Tu were left on the seat. After drinking the cocktail, Yu Zhan poured himself a glass of wine with Tang Tu. He asked, "Your phone looks pretty good."

Tang Tu did not expect that Yu Zhan would be interested in his mobile phone. Maybe two people are alone. He had nothing to say. He responded, "It is very easy to use. The flagship model of the XX brand has the best performance in all aspects." of……"

Young men ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ No matter what kind of character they are engaged in, they have the same hobbies for electronic products. Tang Tu talks about mobile phones.

Yu Zhan nodded and asked, "When did you buy it?"

Tang Tu replied casually, "I bought it as soon as it was released last November."

When he finished speaking, he suddenly remembered that when he bought this phone, he bought two in total, one blue and one pink, and the pink one was sent directly to Liu Ye as a birthday gift by the merchant.

Had it not been for Yu Zhanti, he would have forgotten it.

At the premiere, Tang Tu paid special attention to it, Liu Ye still used her old cell phone, and did not know whether she had received the cell phone he sent. He was restless and a little inexplicable. He didn't know what Yu Zhan asked about this question, did he want to test his attitude?

But he couldn't explain it well. He had a different mentality at that time. Before that, he stayed with Liu Xie every day to shoot movies. To get into the show, Liu Ye has to get into the show. He just wants to get out of this unrequited love, and he can't get rid of it. All the time, all his heart is Liu Ye.

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