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Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 591: Underestimate calligraphy
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This kind of thing still has to rely on consciousness. Liu Ye had no way to let everyone obey her instructions. When she saw that everyone had gone almost, she closed the front door.

A classmate in the Department of Classical Literature of Liu Ye also took the regular script class. She sat in the back row and immediately stood up to help her close the back door when she saw this.

Liu Ye smiled at him, "Thank you, Xiong Jie."

Other classmates immediately cast their envy on the boy, entrusting Liu Xun's blessing, and now her classmates are little known in school.

The most famous of them is the class leader Liang Shengnan and Xiong Jie. When Xiong Jie was the first person to shoot the video, the green baby in the calabash baby was the shape of his mouth blowing against the air, so that everyone noticed the smoke that suddenly appeared.

Xiong Jie is small and thin, wearing heavy glasses, with a low profile and extremely introverted personality. He did not communicate much with Liu Ye. Before the video became hot, he belonged to the most inconspicuous class of students in the school. Now he is studying and living The change has not changed much, but on the way, some classmates will greet him. Xiong Jie did not complete the credits of the public elective course in the previous two school years, and was just three credits away, so he chose this regular script course.

Looking at this large classroom that can accommodate a hundred people, Liu Ye also only knew Xiong Jie.

Class started formally, Liu said, "Dr. Li has taught you the origin and development of regular script, writing postures and methods, and writing skills in previous lessons, so I will not repeat them here. I will focus on regular script. The characteristics and structure of the glyph structure, I hope everyone can get started quickly to cope with the upcoming exams. "

Some classmates raised their hands and asked, "Liu Ye ... cough ... Teacher Liu ..."

He changed his name to "Mr. Liu", and there was a laugh in the classroom. Liu Ye himself felt that the title was strange, and said with a smile, "I'm not a teacher, just call me Liu Ye."

The student thought of a suitable title in the laughter and said, "Sister Liu Xie, I want to ask how to take the exam at the end?"

This is the most concerned issue for all students. Dr. Li's absent-minded way of class has polished everyone's interest and passion for calligraphy. Now everyone just wants to hurry up to get credit for the exam, and don't expect to learn anything.

"When Dr. Li started the course, he should have said the assessment method. I still follow the rules he formulated." This is Liu Ye's most basic respect for his brother.

Dr. Li was only disqualified by Professor Su, but he still had to prepare his doctoral dissertation in the school. Liu Ye met him several times at the Institute of Calligraphy. As always, he ignored her and looked worse. I don't know if it was because the first draft of the dissertation was rejected by Professor Su, or because he refused to accept Liu Ye's taking away his lecturer opportunity.

Liu Yan originally wanted to find him to use his previous courseware as a reference. Seeing him this attitude also dispelled his thoughts. Fortunately, Xiong Jie is an honest and hard-working learner. Dr. Li's previous lessons were so poor, but Xiong Jie did not miss a class, and he took notes carefully in each class. It was by referring to Xiong Jie's notes that Liu Ye knew what Dr. Li had said before.

Another student said, "Sister Liu Xie, I think you are a student like us. I'll tell you the truth here. Dr. Li's lectures are very good. I don't think I have learned anything, so I might as well buy a regular script to learn by myself. "After hearing his words, some people were laughing and some were following along.

The classmate had the courage and went on to say, "I am a calligrapher Xiaobai, and then I took this course, thinking that I could learn a little bit of fur. In the end, I was still a little white. I believe many people here are in the same situation as me. If At our level, writing so-called calligraphy works, as a test score, isn't it ridiculous? It is not impossible to write, because I am afraid that it is a ghost and a symbol.

"Yeah, when the assessment score is too low, it will affect our weighted average score."

Liu Ye did not expect her classmates to be so real. In fact, she will definitely let the water out in the final exam. As long as what she writes can tell what it is, she can pass, and she is a little bit more beautiful. She must be able to go to ninety. It's not important. Besides, in just one semester, there is only one class per week, and I really can't learn anything.

Liu Ye said, "The purpose of this course in the school is not to cultivate calligraphers, but to arouse everyone's interest in calligraphy and value their own characters. In this way, you can find master copybooks in your free time, even without a teacher's instruction. Copying, calligraphy itself requires diligent study and long-term accumulation. No matter one course or ten courses, it is not enough. Master leads the door to practice in an individual. Whether it is me or Dr. Li, he only acts as a guide. effect."

"My words may be awkward, but I still want to say that instead of practicing by myself, just by listening to a few classes, I can expect to write beautifully and neatly. .com ~ You do n’t have to worry about the exam. I can guarantee that I wo n’t embarrass anyone. As long as everyone writes the words as much as possible, they can pass the exam. "

Liu Ye's words were very convincing. Everyone applauded. Some people said, "With your assurance, we can rest assured."

There are also many people who feel ashamed because they are all three minutes hot, influenced by Liu Ye's award-winning calligraphy and the high price of his works.

At that time, the public calligraphy elective system was opened, and everyone went to grab it. After all, they grabbed this course. Excitedly, they bought pens and inks from Taobao, and found that calligraphy was difficult to write! How can Liu Ye and others write so easily?

It is typical to look at people without burden.

They swept everything into the drawer without insisting for two days. There are even people who have never written a writing brush before class.

They overestimate themselves and underestimate calligraphy.

This is the status quo of modern young people's perception of traditional culture. Is mobile phone not good-looking? The game is not fun? Or is it fun? Why spend time on boring calligraphy?

Therefore, there are more than twenty students who simply did not take this course and no one appeared. Anyway, it is a publicly-selected course, and the subject is suspended.

It is no wonder that after the concert that day, Vice Minister Guo found Liu Ye and talked with her for a long time, so Liu Ye and others arrived late for supper.

Vice Minister Guo is still anxious about making calligraphy documentaries, but his son is now eating and drinking in the United States. It is impossible to count on his son.

But he did not give up the idea of ​​promoting traditional Chinese culture to young people. When he saw Liu Ye again, he thought of borrowing her influence on the Internet.

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