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Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 529: Match 3
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Liu Ye just complained helplessly, but did not expect Yu Zhan to say, "Since there is no place to live, come to my house, anyway, my house is big enough."

Liu Min was shocked. She saw Yu Zhan's smile and the ecstasy of her friends around her, her face became red immediately, "What are you talking about!"

"I just provide a workable solution," Yu Zhansha said, "It takes time to unpack a package. I don't want you to do it all at once. That's pure physical labor and easy to get tired. I hope you open every carton. , Mood is full of expectations. "

In fact, Yu Zhan also wanted to say that Liu Ye had better open a package a day, and he thought she could probably open it until the day they got married. But he knew that Liu Ye was thin-skinned, and he would not say it in front of so many people.

He was just joking anyway.

Yu Zhan's words sounded very reasonable. Li Xiaoru rubbed his arm with the elbow of the Minjiang River, and whispered, "Well, look at someone's boyfriend!"

Jiang Chengfeng is aggrieved,

There is a great **** around to set an example for himself. He also wanted to do his best to be good to Li Xiaoru. The problem was his current ability, there was no way to help Li Xiaoru empty his favorites. However, he is convinced that this dream will one day come true.

Everyone talked in the ward for a while, and after confirming that Yu Zhan really recovered completely, they didn't stay long and left.

Li Xiaoru is going to rehearse, Jiang Chengfeng sends her back to school.

Miao Miao has work to do.

People have only recently learned about the firing of Xiao Miao from the theater. In fact, after the fire video was broadcast, the theater leader called Miao Miao and asked her to go back to work, but she declined. It ’s not about who I hate, but Ms. Miao feels that she is not suitable for the work of temporary workers in this system. She does as much or even more work as a make-up artist in a regular job, but receives much less money than a regular worker. At first she embraced Li Sitong's affection, but when she first arrived, she worked hard to care about it.

Now, she has done her own job on Weibo, makeup some models, influencers and celebrities, as well as wedding and makeup. The price of each order is not low. Even so, her schedule has already reached February next year, because She didn't schedule her work calendar too full, and she had to set aside time for the "Ladies and Sisters" team.

Now that she can make so much money, why should she return to the theater again, look at the face of her boss and colleagues, and find relief?

Sun Weiwei is preparing for the establishment of the "Ladies and Sisters" studio. All their previous collective activities, such as live streaming and video shooting, were conducted in the large living room of Taojia Villa. Taojia Villa has also become theirs. A stronghold.

However, not long ago, Tao Zhiyao's parents returned to China. Tao Zhiyao was very sorry to tell Sun Weiwei that her relationship with her parents was not very harmonious. Her parents could not understand the job of the Internet celebrity for the time being, so they could not go to her home to take pictures The video is live.

Sun Weiwei said of course that it doesn't matter. There is now enough funds on the team account to set up a studio. The so-called studio is a small company.

This is easy for Sun Weiwei, who knows the process of registering the company. Her father also knew the people from the Bureau of Industry and Commerce. As long as the materials were in place, she could get a business license immediately.

But first they need a fixed office address. So this weekend, Sun Weiwei plans to go with Tao Zhiyao to find suitable studio locations around the city. Yu Zhan gave them the phone of the real estate agency manager who had previously found him, saying that this person was quite reliable.

As for Liu Ye, she didn't stay in the hospital more. The replenishment of the Westland Company arrived tonight, and she had to go to the company to work overtime.


At eight o'clock in the evening, the third "Song of the King" will be broadcast on time on TV and the Internet.

In the last game, Xiao Ke'er was fourth, so this game, her third appearance (6-4 + 1), Xiachuan's second appearance, the finale performed tonight's replacement singer.

When Xiao Ke'er arrived in the background, he knew that the substitute singer was Lu Yuanning.

Lu Yuanning is a big man in the music industry. He is a Hong Kong native. He is 39 years old. He is the same generation as Wang Xiangqin and Jiang Lin. Lu Yuanning made his debut 20 years ago. He is an original singer who is mainly composed. He used to have every record on the top of the sales charts. Every title song hit the streets and alleys. Won the highest award in the record industry.

However, when Jiang Lang was exhausted, after 35 years of age, Lu Yuanning rarely produced works, so that in the past two years, he frequently appeared in mainland variety shows to make money.

The skinny dead camel is bigger than the horse. Even if Lu Yuanning is out of breath, his popularity has not been affected in the circle. Therefore, he appeared in the background and attracted the attention of many staff members. They called "Ms. Lu, Mr. Lu" constantly, and other singers came over to say hello to Lu Yuanning ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Lu Yuanning was a young child. One of her idols, she also wanted to say hello to Lu Yuanning, but when she saw Xia Chuan approaching, she thought about her identity as an online singer, worried that Lu Yuanning looked down on herself, and for a moment, she entered her dressing room and was about to appear Shape.

Xiao Kerer will also sing two songs this time. The first one is her own song according to the rules. She chose "Getaway"; the second one she chose the famous song "Old Wasteland" by a well-known female singer. . The song "Old Wilderness" is slightly difficult, and the chorus part is particularly high. Xiao Ke'er has never sung a song with such a high pitch before. She has been practicing this song hard this week, not only to challenge herself, but also to win Audience applauded and better ranking.

Her goal is to reach the top three in the finals.

She did not expect that her biggest competitor, Xia Chuan, thought so too, and his second song was also going to be soaring.

Xia Chuan came on stage before Xiao Ke'er. After he sang, the response was particularly enthusiastic. The audience all stood up and applauded. His fan group even higher up his brand, called his name loudly, was excited, and was always safe.

Xia Chuan thanked everyone with open arms, put his fingers on his lips, gave fans a kiss, and his posture was not so handsome, and the female audience in front of the scene and the TV were fascinated.

After he got off the camera, the camera kept talking to him. He greeted every guest. Everyone was a film emperor, apparently in a competitive relationship, but on the surface they looked like brothers and friends. He patted him on the shoulder, and someone even gave him a hug.

Xia Chuan came to Xiao Kerer and said to her, "Sister Kerr, you have to cheer!"

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