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Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 619: Minor injury hospitalization
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After the exam, the winter vacation has come, but everyone's work tasks are piled up into a mountain, and they can't relax for a moment. Liu Ye and theirs are meeting in the studio today to distribute the tasks at hand.

In order to work, Jiang Chengfeng was not in a hurry to buy a train ticket to go home. He planned to go back one day before New Year's Eve. He told his parents about his situation. Jiang Chengfeng's parents are both high school teachers in small cities. They are more open-minded and their own work is very busy. They have to make up classes for high school seniors. Even if Jiang Chengfeng goes home early, they cannot take care of him.

Sun Weiwei they already knew that Liu Ye had commissioned Jiang Chengfeng to help her make a software. As for what they did, they didn't bother asking about it. It was a matter of others. They couldn't help, so don't mix it. However, correspondingly, Sun Weiwei also eased Jiang Chengfeng's task in the "young sisters" team. She did not want to make Jiang Chengfeng too hard.

The topic returned to the video mission of "Home of the Spring Festival" curated by Sun Weiwei. Tao Zhiyao said, "The shooting of this video is not difficult. The key is to determine 7 subjects. First, sister Hua Yue is still filming in the ancient capital. Well, we don't know when she will return. "

"It's weird, isn't she acting in a small supporting role, why did she spend so long in the ancient capital?" Xiao Miao, who hadn't been silent, asked, puzzled.

She said that everyone also felt weird. They seemed to have not seen Yang Huayue's information for a long time.

After Liu Hua opened Yang Huayue's Weibo and became a celebrity star, Yang Huayue posted Weibo every three minutes. The last Weibo date turned out to be Christmas last year. She posted a photo with an actress in the crew. Both were wearing costumes, one facing the camera refill and the other facing the scissors hand, smiling happily. The photo essay was a simple sentence, "Merry Christmas!"

"Who is the actress next to Sister Huayue?" Yang Huayue is already a big beauty in Liu Ye's eyes, and this woman is more beautiful than Yang Huayue, but Yang Huayue ’s victory is stronger than the other person, and she has not been her Suppressed looks, each has its own advantages.

Tao Zhiyao stared at this face for a moment, "a little familiar, but I can't remember her name all of a sudden."

"Chu taro, she seems to be called taro, is a little star," said Miao Miao.

At the same time, Liu Ye also saw netizens saying this name in Yang Huayue's Weibo comment, because some netizens asked who she was below.

Sun Weiwei said, "As soon as you say the name, I'm a bit impressed. She should be an old actor. I watched her idol drama in junior high school, especially with a mental disability. The whole drama is supported by her face. Live. It turned out that she was still in the entertainment industry. I haven't seen her in a long time and thought she was married. "

However, the focus of the question is not on the gossip of Chu Taro, but on why Yang Huayue disappeared.

Liu Ye also searched Yan Tong's Weibo and "Zhanbeifeng" official blog, the above content is normal, especially "Zhanbeifeng" official blog will release a few stills every day, see the description of the text, this play is in Can be killed before the Spring Festival.

Looking up at these photos, Liu Ye looked forward to the faces of many actors, such as the actress Fu Feiqian. Every day, she still has her stills out. She who plays the princess still looks gorgeous.

There were still Yang Huayue's stills before Christmas last year. Strangely, after Christmas, Yang Huayue's shadow could not be found in the official "Bei Beifeng" official blog.

Liu Ye felt a little unusual. If Yang Huayue's film killer left the crew, she would not even send a message on Weibo, and she would not hear of her returning to the capital or receiving a new drama.

"Sister Huayue, is there anything wrong?" Jiang Chengfeng asked worriedly,

Others also expressed anxiety.

Rather than just thinking about it, instead of calling Yang Huayue directly, Liu Ye dialed Yang Huayue's number. Unexpectedly, the call was soon connected. Yang Huayue's brisk voice came, "Xiao, why are you calling me suddenly?"

Liu Ye turned on the hands-free key. Everyone heard Yang Huayue's words and looked at each other, her voice was not the same, they thought they were more attentive.

"Sister Huayue, are you in the capital now?"

"Do you have anything?"

Yang Huayue did not answer Liu Ye's question directly. Liu Ye frowned gently. "We have a video, and I would like to invite you to participate in the filming. I don't know if you are free."

"When is the video shot?"

Sun Weiwei gave Liu Ye a gesture, and Liu Ye nodded, "Maybe the day after tomorrow will start shooting."

"So anxious, I can't participate anymore, I'm outside."

"Where are you? You haven't tweeted for a long time, and we don't even know your status."

Liu Ye clearly felt that Yang Huayue paused for a long time after hearing this sentence, as if she was making up a reason. She asked tentatively, "Are you still in the ancient capital?"

Yang Huayue didn't answer her ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Liu Ye asked again.

Yang Huayue sighed, "Hey, forget it, I won't hide it from you. I suffered a small injury when I was filming. Now I am in the ancient capital hospital."

Liu Xun's heart twisted. What minor injury did she have to stay in the hospital for nearly 20 days, and she still cannot be discharged? Why didn't the wind of the crew and media news come out? Why didn't Yang Huayue send Weibo to inform fans?

"Sister Huayue, I'm calling you on behalf of‘ Ladies and Sisters ’. Everyone is listening, we are worried about your situation.”

Anxious Tao Zhiyao got to the phone and said, "Sister Hua Yue, where did you get hurt? Which hospital in the ancient capital? I bought a ticket tonight and went to see you!"

"No more, no more," Yang Huayue said quickly, "I will be discharged the day after tomorrow and return to the capital the next day."

"Then we will pick you up at the airport the day after tomorrow."

"There are two flights at night. Which flight do you take?"


Yang Huayue was very moved when I heard you every word from you. These days, she has been wronged by Tianda and she is also very miserable.

But she dared not be angry.

Yang Huayue's original role in "The North Wind" was very small. It only took about 4 days to complete the filming. After she signed the contract with Huaguang Media, He Lushen asked the director and screenwriter to pay attention to her. She added drama and shots, and extended her role from 4 days to 14 days.

However, Yang Huayue felt unusual from the first day when she reached the crew of "The North Wind". She had already reached the ancient capital as promised, but the screenwriter did not make any changes to the script, and first filmed other plays. She was left to do it. Waited, waited more than a week, then started filming her part.

During this period, she paid for all her room and board.

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