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Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 593: Net Red Teacher
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The complete video lesson of Liu Kai's regular script class was posted to the Internet by the classmates. The title that the student took for the video was very simple and rude: "Sister Liu Xie gave us a calligraphy class!"

This title immediately caught the interest of netizens.

"How did Liu Ye become a teacher?"

"She seems to be a junior, isn't she?"

"Looking at the cover, it should be in the class at Capital University."

"Capital University really dares to try it, let a student take a class, aren't you afraid of problems?"

"Curious about how students teach students."


Before you look around the country, there are often strange things such as "the most beautiful teacher", "the most handsome math teacher" and "the youngest professor". However, netizens think that these things are compared to Liu Xie's teachings. They are little witches, because they are at least real teachers, and Liu Ye is a real Internet celebrity.

Aiming at the gimmick "Internet celebrities as teachers", they also have to open the video to see!

The video content is still a bit long. The total length is more than forty minutes. The publisher did not edit at all, no filters were added, and it was sent intact. Netizens saw a long progress bar and they were a little bit embarrassed.

However, for Liu Ye ’s beauty and her appraisal of her teaching ability, it ’s better to watch it for ten minutes first, and the content will be boring and then turned off. Everyone thought so in the beginning. Packed up, seeing the last second from the first second, there was no distraction, no dozing off, no fast forward, and some people even watched it and wanted to see it again.

"The ponytailed Liu Ye is so tender, she doesn't look like a teacher at all. She has no deterrent at all. Hehehe, I don't know what the students in the audience think."

"This kind of scum shot can't hide her flourishing beauty."

"At first glance, I thought Liu Ye was doing a TV series on campus."

"Hey, this is the teacher of others and our own teacher, the difference is so big that I don't want to talk, I admit I'm envious."

"The problem is that Liu Ye is also really talented. She teaches calligraphy very carefully."

"Unexpectedly, I actually watched videos online to learn calligraphy, and I even took notes (laughing and crying)."

"I think Liu Xie's words about the status quo of examinations and calligraphy are very reasonable. Practicing characters is not a day's work. Even the book sage Wang Xizhi has studied for 19 years. We modern people are too impetuous. It's not easy to calm down and write. "

"I'm convinced. The title is not deceptive. Liu Ye really did a good job in this class! From shallow to deep, the characters written and demonstrated by myself are simple and easy to understand. I feel that elementary school students can follow the instructions."

"If I had such a beautiful and beautiful teacher who taught me calligraphy when I was a kid, no matter how difficult calligraphy is, I will definitely stick to it!"

"Upstairs, it's too late to learn now."


The video quickly swept the Internet, and the number of viewers increased in units of 10,000 people. What's more, the Capital University official blog reposted this video shortly after, and the text explained in detail why Liu Ye was a student. You can be a teacher, including showing the membership certificate of Liu Ye who has been certified by the National Calligraphy Association, and some photos at the calligraphy auction. Talent has nothing to do with age. Some real calligraphy teachers may not have these achievements.

Capital University also emphasized that this is a bold attempt and a special case of the school. The school just wants to promote the education of traditional calligraphy culture, so that more students will become interested in calligraphy and promote traditional Chinese culture.

Moreover, the regular script class is a publicly-selected class of calligraphy. It is chosen by students according to their own interests. It does not record any professional assessment scores. Even if they fail the exam, it has no impact on the students themselves.

All in all, it's about participation.

After being officially certified, this teaching video by Liu Ye is all the rage in universities. Even the official blog of the Conservatory of Music also reposted this Weibo, with a text saying: "Words and music are both arts. I hope that our students can practice their characters and cultivate their morality after class."

This was the intention of President Wang. He found that the enthusiasm of Liu Liuye was too great for the school. Parents of art students who have consulted with the school's admissions office these days are more than twice as high as before.

Liu Ye ’s performance at the concert is not particularly outstanding, but it is also remarkable. The song “Flying Birds” has already firmly topped the major music charts.

The words that Xia Chuan circulated on the Internet were also seen by President Wang. His impression of Xia Chuan was even worse. He found that the boy was dealing with him specially. He wanted to please Liu Xie, and Xia Chuan poured dirty water on Liu Xie.

Principal Wang asked Professor Yang for the first time and said, "You student does n’t have a check on his mouth. I do n’t know what to say or what to say. As a graduate of the Conservatory, he has no sense of collective honor and no man. The responsibility of talking with a girl is endless. I don't care about his personal grudges, I hope he doesn't mention our school in public in the future! "

This statement is very important ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ On the bright side, it is a lesson for Xia Chuan. In fact, he is reprimanding the students taught by Professor Yang for lack of morality and brain.

He was so angry that he didn't sleep well. He called Xia Chuan the next day and scolded him with his head and his face scolded. "I thought for you kindly, but you pulled me into the pit. Where is there no shady in the world? You yourself How did you enter the Conservatory of Music, do n’t you have any idea? Now when you encounter a bit of injustice, take the school out and talk about it. You have graduated, but I still teach here, have you never considered my situation? "

Xia Chuan was originally snatched by Tang Tu and Yu Zhan for the hot headlines. He was so depressed that he was about to die. He was inexplicably scolded by his teacher. He was so angry that he was about to explode. Offended Professor Yang, he must not eat.

Xia Chuan could only delete Weibo silently as he did last time, so that the fans who had spoken for him before and helped him scold Liu Ye had a feeling of being deceived. They were busy with idols for justice, justice, and idols. But they retreated halfway, without a word of explanation, weren't they just asking for nothing?

"Natsukawa played fans as monkeys twice in a row, is it interesting? I took off the powder!"

"I turned black directly, and I don't believe anything he said."

"I also find it strange that Liu Ye is so hot. Any video that teaches calligraphy has tens of millions of praises. She is not a professional singer. Well water does not violate river water. Does she have to wear small shoes for Xia Chuan?"

"They all reached the final of" Song of King Song "."

"Cut, Liu Ye is the first place and Xia Chuan is the third place. You said that Xia Chuan did the same for Liu Ye!"

"The truth may be upstairs."


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