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Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 561: Overwhelming
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At the end of the concert, the lights were all bright and applause rang through the audience. One audience member first stood up and applauded, while other audience members followed him one after another.

Liu Ye stood on the stage for so long, and finally saw Yu Zhan, who was the one who took the lead to stand up and applauded. She blinked at him, a little naughty and very cute.

What a savvy person the photographer was, he immediately captured the man interacting with Liu Ye in the auditorium and gave him a close-up.

"Oh, this male audience is so handsome!"

"His smile is so good !!!"

"This guy is so handsome. The male audience around him is dim by him."

"Halo, are you all blind? You can't tell that he is Doctor Yu?"

"(Covering mouth) Dr. Yu is a group of friends and relatives who come to cheer on his girlfriend."

Once reminded, netizens came to their senses. The male audience was Yu Zhan. This is the first time he appeared in a high-definition lens. It is still dynamic. No wonder many people did not respond.

Compared to a star who is packed and dressed up, Yu Zhan in the shot is as simple as a passerby, and it is for this reason that the audience finds his face high.

"Dr. Yu's vegan looks so beautiful. If he puts on some makeup, can he not make his debut?"

"I strongly demand that God make his debut!"

"The name of the Great God is well-deserved. He has the value of a fairy, and his eyes are foul!"

"I also think his eyes look good."

"I think he has a beautiful face and a very straight nose!"


The netizens' messages were completely distorted by the photographer. All of them went to comment on Yu Zhan's looks, and countless refills, colors, drooling and rose expressions appeared in the barrage, which was like the scene when Tang Tu just appeared However, Yu Zhan ’s footage is only less than thirty seconds, far less than the time of performing on the stage, and much more than that of other audiences.

What's more interesting is that after discovering this treasure audience, the photographer has hardly given other viewers close-ups, and even those beautiful women have been ignored by him. Every once in a while, he let Yu Zhan's face appear on the screen and show him. The viewers of the live broadcast can't help but doubt the photographer's sexual orientation.

Today is the qualifying match. In order to pretend to be mysterious and create a tense atmosphere, by the way, more advertisements are inserted to make money. The review time will be longer than the first four games.

After Liu Ye was singing, she was arranged into a guest room. She asked the leading staff, "Can my friends be with me?"

The other side was surprised by her request. He said, "I ask the director."

He called the director, who said he was in a good mood.

The director and the main creative staff of the show team were very happy when they watched the peak ratings and the number of live webcasts. Tonight's show hit a new high since the launch of "Song of King of Hegemony", and the number of Internet viewers has exceeded 130 million, which is really a very scary number.

No one has any objection to inviting Liu Ye to participate in the contest, and they dare not chew her, Xiao Ke'er and He Lushen's tongue behind her. This girl is a big guy, and she can sing two songs casually. Burst point, even her boyfriend's appearance can make traffic rise.

It is indeed the hottest net red, where it goes, where it goes.

Several directors have discussed it. No matter how many votes will be cast later, Liu Ye must be promoted! In accordance with this momentum, waiting for the end of the fifth season, Liu Ye will definitely let them win the year-end award this year!

No one talks with money and can't live with their income,

Whoever said that the net red is low, they are anxious with whom!

Liu Ye and his four accompaniments all came to the guest room. As soon as their hips were seated, the host came to interview them, and the camera was aimed at five people at the same time.

The five were people who often lived and worked under the spotlights, and were not stage frightened at all, smiling generously and waving at the camera.

"I didn't think I could see so many handsome men and women today," the host began with a boast and a familiar look, and said to Xiao Ke'er, "Xiao Ke'er is our old face. Last time, you were eliminated from us I ’m sorry, I ’m so glad you are back in this way! ”

Xiao Ke'er was in his heart. Do n’t believe the host ’s mouth. When she was eliminated last time, this person also said that she was too young, lacked on-site experience, and performed poorly.

The host also said to Liu Ye, "I checked it a moment ago and found that you are the youngest performing singer since our show started!"

Liu Ye smiled and said, "That's really my honor, but I'm not a singer, I'm an internet celebrity. Participating in" The King of Songs "was very sudden from start to finish, very hasty, very unexpected, although I always I pay close attention to "The King of Songs", but I never thought I could stand on this stage. In my mind, "The King of Songs" is a very sacred selection program, ... "

Since Liu Ye mentioned "Internet Red", the host's face was a bit uneasy ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ He always felt that Liu Ye was sarcastic about their show, but he couldn't point out the problem.

He could only smile awkwardly, for fear that Liu Xie would tell the inside story of the show, such as Xiao Ke'er's accompaniment, leg socks, etc. Fortunately, Liu Xie "knows advance and retreat", without talking nonsense.

The host took the opportunity to change the topic and said, "Although Liu Ye is an Internet celebrity, she used to be a student of the Piano Department of the Capital Conservatory of Music. Later she transferred to Capital University and knew the piano and the guqin. She is a truly talented woman."

After receiving the instructions from the leaders, the host who also looked down on the Internet celebrity began to hold Liu Ye, and also directly smoothed out Xia Chuan's stigmatization of Liu Ye.

"On the professional level of music, I am far behind my three friends," she refers to Li Xiaoru, Shen Mozhen, and Tang Tu. "Xiao Ru is an excellent student in the piano department. Mo Zhen's sister and Tang Tu are both outstanding graduates. They have the ability to hold individual concerts independently. During this time, they will also rehearse for a very important concert. I am grateful for their busy schedule to accompany me. "

Shen Mozhen smiled, "You don't need to be so polite with us."

Li Xiaoru snickered, "Well, this is a chance to show up in front of people all over the country, and I can't wait for it."

Tang Tu raised his eyebrows lightly, and said in a single tone, "You were my concubine two months ago, and you are in good service for your concubine."

Liu Ye knew he was joking, and laughed.

"Oh my god, would Tang Tu be so stingy!"

"Raising an eyebrow, it's so unreasonable."

"He really does T_T with Liu Ye."

"I want to watch" Han Gong Qiu Yue "quickly. I want to see their sweet interaction."

"It's too fast for you guys! I was just licking Doctor Yu's face just now!"

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