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Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 642: Trading back
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Crossing Almighty Net Red Chapter 642 Trading Repentance

Seeing this scene, Mao Yuchen suddenly burst into tears, rushed up like an arrow, immediately picked up the cat, hugged it in his arms, and stroked it.

It's an adult cow pastoral cat. It's smarter than breed cats. When it was caught by boss Wu, he already had precautions. Boss Wu held his neck and threw it down. He had enough time. Foot on the ground. Mao Yuchen touched his whole body and found no problems for a while, but the cat shivered in her arms, exhaling heavily.

"You are perverted and cold-blooded. Spread the anger on an innocent cat. If it is a kitten, you are likely to have been killed by you now," Mao Yuchen yelled at boss Wu.

"A stray cat, what if I fell to death?" Boss Wu said fiercely. "You are a working girl, a couple, and go away. There is no part of you here."

At the same time, a few hooligan-like men next to Boss Wu stepped forward and looked fierce with Mao Yuchen.

Mao Yuchen didn't have a trace of fear, staring coldly at Boss Wu, "You broke my cat, and of course I have the right to ask you to talk about it. If there are any problems with his body, I won't let you go."

Boss Wu sneered, "How do you‘ do n’t let me go? ”Let me pay for medical expenses? Okay, you tell your boss to return the warehouse to me, and I will take your cat to the pet hospital immediately.”

Mao Yuchen was originally the character of a female man. She was furious, picked up a brick on the ground, and pointed directly at Boss Wu's face. "If my cat has any three lengths or two shorts, I will kill you!"

Boss Wu froze, seemed to be calmed down by Mao Yuchen's fierce vigor, and then he laughed loudly, and the men around him laughed wildly, dismissive, "Huangmao girl, go and inquire about my name, want me I'll kill you silently, believe it or not? "

Liu Ye and Zhang Pei were also very angry with Boss Wu for throwing cats, but such impulsive shouting would only make things worse.

Liu Ye stepped forward, pulled Lao Yuchen, and whispered, "Calm down, put the brick down, you first put the cat in a safe place, and simply check it. If there is any problem, tell me immediately, remember, the cat's Life is more important than his life. "

Mao Yuchen suddenly recovered her senses. She listened to Liu Xie's words. While dropping the bricks, she gave her a serious glance at Wu.

Liu Ye tried to calm himself and said to boss Wu,

"Boss Wu, you need to talk about integrity. When you and my mother handled the change of property rights, Yuchen was also present. She told me that you were smiling at the time and said," I finally dealt with this hot potato. "You did n’t want it. The warehouse is exactly where we want to buy it. It was a matter of the best of both worlds and harmony. Why did you make the relationship so rigid? "

Boss Wu sneered, "If I knew this land would go up in price, you kneel and begged me, I won't sell it!"

"It ’s hard to buy thousands of gold. I knew early. According to your statement, if I know the lottery number for tomorrow, if I know which stock will hit the limit next month, if I know the gold trend next year, what other books do I read and what work do I just sit down? Just wait for the pie to fall in the sky at home. If you buy something online, the price may drop as soon as you buy it the next day. Do you still go to the other party to make up the difference? Mr. Wu, you also do business, if everyone It ’s all like you doing business, do you think there are rules and orders in the world? ”

"You are a local here. You are well-informed and have a wide network. You do n’t even know that the land will increase in price. My mother and I have no ability to predict. How can we think of things in a few months? We are planning to I ’ve been doing business for a long time, so I thought about buying this old factory building and using it as a company's place of business. How desolate this neighborhood used to be, you know better than us, we do n’t expect to make a fortune by buying and selling land in this location, and we did n’t expect ourselves With so good luck, I accidentally bought a piece of land that is about to appreciate. "

Liu Ye's remarks were clear-cut and sincere, as if she really knew nothing about the inside story of appreciation. Indeed, Zhang Pei borrowed Yu Zhan's money to buy the warehouse from behind Liu Ye, but the two of them also told her the causes and consequences later.

At the premiere last time, Liu Ye was calm when he lied for He Lushen. She probably had some deceptive experience. She was even more blushing and heart-beating at the moment.

Boss Wu was dubious, "What do you mean by bad luck?"

Liu Ye nodded. "Yes, I said just now, and after buying something with you, it's the same reason."

"Hehe, I choose to return the goods!" Boss Wu stared at Liu Ye. "I was almost caught by your clever teeth again. The influence of the net red is really good. No wonder you can mix it better. I have suffered a loss here. Once, when I was once, I wo n’t be fooled by you again! Do n’t talk nonsense, I refund the money, you return the warehouse, otherwise ... ”Boss Wu looked around and said indifferently,

"My brothers are not in vain. In case of uneasiness, I started to smash your warehouse, smashed your car, and hurt your cat. Don't blame me for not saying anything ugly Forefront! You women are not our opponents. If you want to spend the Spring Festival, do things happily. "

The words were so horrible, he suddenly turned around and pulled out a bank card, "I don't want to conflict with you, there are 8 million in it, it depends on how you choose!"

Boss Wu wanted to get back to his warehouse with all his heart. Liu Ye knew that he couldn't make sense with this kind of person ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Before going downstairs, she called the police. The nearest police station is not far from the warehouse. After so long, the police have not yet come. Obviously, boss Wu colluded with the local police, and it is no wonder that he dared to be so fearless.

Liu Ye also sent a WeChat message with Yu Zhan. Yu Zhan did not reply. Just now the mobile phone in her pocket vibrated for a while. Yu Zhan should have seen the message. But Yu Zhan came at least half an hour.

The location of the warehouse is remote. Except for the vacant land surrounded by Song Tai Real Estate on the opposite side, there are wasteland nearby. Usually it is sparsely populated, not to mention the fact that it is inaccessible during the Chinese New Year.

Liu Ye is not afraid of Boss Wu. She installed high-definition recording and video cameras in all directions inside and outside the warehouse. Even if Boss Wu has a good relationship with the police in this area, he will not be able to handle the police in the entire capital.

But it will still take time for the more distant police to arrive at the scene. What should I do if Mr. Wu has any violence during this period? There are only three women on their side. That old security guard, Liu Ye asked him to monitor in the security room and not to come out. The opponent has nearly twenty young men, and a man can beat them with a fist.

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