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Home » Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star TFCS » Chapter 589: New boss
Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 589: New boss
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The cancellation of the show was originally a shameful thing. Xia Chuan took Liu Ye out to say that it was to calm down the resentment of his fans, and the main reason was to search for it.

Xia Chuan and his company thought that participating in "Song of the King of Hegemony" would be a hit, but the result was not satisfactory. The reality was that they were snatched by Lu Yuanning, Xiao Ke'er, and Liu Ye, and of course they also snatched hot searches. He was very unconvinced, but he could not seize the opportunity of this concert, pretend to be a victim, and hype himself.

If Liu Xun did not respond to Xia Chuan, it would be a guilty conscience, which proves that what he said is true. If Liu Xuan responded, and argued with him on the Internet for another one or two times, it would be better. rise.

In any case, it can be like Xiachuan's wish!

His abacus was good and fine. The few people here were eating by the flow. How could he not see his purpose?

Tang Tu asked Yu Zhan, "Can I announce the renewal of my contract with Xinghe now?"

Yu Zhan seconds understood his intentions. "Of course, no problem, I have to tell the public sooner or later. It is also possible to publicize" Late Ming Dynasty Dream "in advance."

Five minutes later, Tang Tu posted a Weibo post, "I have reached a settlement with the new owner of @ 星河 电影, and I will continue to work in peace at Xinghe Film and Television, and will soon cooperate with director @ 叶 安 电影 again, the new drama" "Late Ming Dynasty Dream" Please enlighten me a lot. "

The cancellation of Tang Tu and Xinghe Film and Television is the big news in the entertainment industry. The two sides have been deadlocked for almost two months, and there has been no following. As a result, Tang Tu's appearance rate has decreased. His fans and the entertainment media have paid close attention to him. trend.

They had previously made various speculations and inferences about which entertainment company Tang Tu would jump to in the future. The only thing he did not think was that Tang Tu would shake hands with Xinghe Film and Television. After all, Xinghe Film and Television was going to go bankrupt. It ’s already like this with the original company, how could it still stay?

Therefore, as soon as Tang Tu's Weibo was sent out, it immediately attracted great attention from all parties. Not only did the fans leave a lot of messages to ask about the situation, but also the media of all sizes quickly reposted his Weibo.

At this time, who cares about the little things of Xiachuan anger and Liu Xun, isn't that a concert program was cancelled, the impact is not small, it is not painful and itchy, where is it better than Tang Tu's future!

What's more, Tang Tu is more red than Xiachuan, and he has more than twice as many fans.

In order to show the authenticity, Tang Tu also sent a photo of two beer glasses clinking. He just had a drink with Yu Zhan, and was inspired by Tao Zhiyao to take this clink photo.

"Yesterday we were still discussing the future of Tutu in the fan group. Today you suddenly told us that you are not out of contract?"

"You can't just talk nonsense in a job change. The whole world knows that you are going to change jobs, and you don't jump in the end. If you change to ordinary people, you will definitely wear small shoes in the future.

"The key is that Xinghe Film is not going to die? So many good companies don't go and have to stay in this broken company? And they have to participate in the filming of" Late Ming Dynasty Dream ". The previous fire seems to be the crew that burned . "

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