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Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 533: Off-class banquet
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At the end of the day, everyone saw He Lushen and Yang Huayue laughing and leaving the company side by side, and at the door of the company, Yang Huayue actually got on He Lushen's car!

So publicity! So high profile! So amazing!

According to He Lushen's previous routine, this is the rhythm of open romance!

Gossip was first brewed in the entire Huaguang Media Capital Branch, and then spread out at the speed of light.


Liu Ye had four lessons on Tuesday afternoon. She only had two lessons. After the second lesson, she immediately went to the restaurant to prepare for the banquet.

There were too many attendees at this banquet. Everyone came from different circles. There were principals, presidents, directors, and superstars. These people must be careful.

Liu Ye's pressure is a little bit heavy and she's a little nervous. She doesn't consider herself to be a person who can control each other.

Holding large-scale events is also a science, otherwise how can there be a special contractor company, Liu Ye has to treat the celebration party as a very important job.

She didn't bother Tao Zhiyao any more. She contacted the bus company and rented two buses, one for the classmates and the other for the employees of the company. Others had a car or a taxi.

The previous night, she also stayed up late to make a seating chart, each seat corresponds to a name, so as not to be embarrassed to sit wrong, such as let the professor sit at a table with the star, what topics can they talk about?

When Zhang Pei arrived at the restaurant, Zhang Pei was already on the scene. She was communicating with the person in charge of the restaurant. To her surprise, Yu Zhan was also there.

Today Yu Zhan is very formal. He wears a black suit, a gray-blue shirt, and a blue tie. He wears his thick coat on his arm. He is very tall and handsome.

These days, Zhang Pei, who is too busy to take care of her image, also puts on a dignified and elegant dress with short hair, which shows that she is capable.

In comparison, Liu Ye didn't pay much attention to her dress. She came directly from school, wearing old down jackets, jeans, and dozens of snow boots on Taobao. She was particularly studentish.

As soon as Zhang Pei met Liu Zhe, he praised Yu Zhan and said, "Xiao Yu came to help at noon. He knows more than us, and he has thought of some details."

Yu Zhan smiled, "I don't have much experience, but I often attended such occasions when I was a kid, and I saw many of them."

"You, it's just too modest," Zhang Pei now doesn't want to explore Yu Zhan's identity. Anyway, he thinks he is a rich second generation.

Yesterday, Zhang Pei asked Yu Zhan to come to the bank. She wanted to transfer 6 million yuan to him in person. Yu Zhan even said, "Don't panic, I don't worry about this money."

Zhang Pei didn't eat this set, and owing money was not good. She owed her anxiety. Besides, Yu Zhan was not bad, and it did not mean that they could spend his money as they deserve!

On the phone, Zhang Pei begged Yu Zhan to come to the bank to meet him. Yu Zhan was afraid that his mother-in-law was angry, so he had to drive over and borrow money, and it was rare to ask the debtor to pay it back.

Yu Zhan took back his 6 million yuan, and Zhang Pei gave him 100,000 yuan in interest. Yu Zhan refused to accept it. The two wanted to quarrel in the bank. The bank employees came over to persuade them, and the employees wiped it off. The cold sweat on their heads, they often receive rich people, but still feel that the rich people's world, they do not understand. Fortunately, these two were in the VIP room and were not seen by other customers!

Anyway, in the end, Yu Zhan still accepted 100,000 yuan, there was no way, Zhang Pei directly bank transfer ...

Zhang Pei was not very satisfied with Liu Ye's dress. "You should be more formal."

Liu Ye said, "We are not holding a high-end banquet. I hope everyone is more relaxed and comfortable. The dress is simple and decent. My classmates are also dressed like me. They are too formal, and they will be uncomfortable."

Liu Ye is really inexperienced. Her classmates, company employees, and even teachers do not dress up for this purpose, but she also invited some so-called high-end people. They will attach great importance to their appearance at any banquet .

This restaurant not only hosted Liu Ye's banquet tonight, but also a wedding in the banquet hall on the first floor. Liu Ye didn't really want to be crowded with other people. However, she booked the banquet too quickly, these days are good days, especially for marriage, and the slightly better hotel banquet hall can't wait to be booked by the newcomers one year in advance. Liu Ye consulted, the only one in the entire capital that is upscale and has an empty hall, and only available today!

Going to the second floor inevitably passes through the entrance of the first floor banquet hall. At the request of Zhang Pei, the stairs on the second floor are all covered with large red carpets, each bouquet is tied with a bouquet, and it looks like a festive wedding venue next door. It's almost the same, so I thought the upstairs was also engaged in wedding banquet.

Liu Ye's company employees were the first to come. Forty people, including hard-working workers, had just come from work. They thought that the celebration party that the boss said was just a small restaurant ~ www. mtlnovel.com ~ Please invite everyone to eat. Where do you think the place to eat is so upscale, some workers saw the newcomers and groomsmen and bridesmaids welcomed on the first floor, and asked the others, "Should we still have to prepare money?"

Everyone laughed, Liu Yan laughed, "Everyone just eat happily tonight, don't worry about the rest!"

The guests at the wedding banquet heard laughter, and then saw a group of five large and three thick migrant workers who frowned, thinking that the people who got married on the second floor were low, and the groom's mother complained, booking the restaurant at a high price six months in advance Aiming at its height, she has a lot of face in front of relatives and friends. As a result, this group of people instantly lowered the style, and she wondered whether to find a manager to give a little money back.

On the second floor, there is a particularly luxurious ballroom displayed in front of you. At a glance, there are a dozen round tables. The large golden chandelier on the roof shines down. You will feel that there is no difference between ordinary banquets, but if you look closely, the tables are very spaced, and there are only 8 chairs with each table, and guests will not feel crowded when sitting inside. All the dining tables are covered with big red tablecloths, and the curtains and tables are covered with flowers of strong colors, and they have a colorful feeling. Every detail reveals a word: money.

They realized it was true! Banquet.

Everyone has participated in the banquet, and everyone knows that the host must be the place where the host, the leader and the boss sit. However, Liu Ye did the opposite. She arranged all employees at the first four tables, which is the so-called Theme.

Sitting in this position, everyone was not only flattered, but also a little restless. They looked at the back and were a little curious about whose seat it was.

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