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Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 539: Liquidated damages
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Qiu Jing felt that he had been fooled by Yang Huayue.

When she heard the news that chilled her, she was still working overtime in the company. On her desk, she was piled with dozens of employees' resignations and messy financial accounts. She was confused and disturbed about the future of the company. She was unwilling, wouldn't she have ruined her hard work in the past thirty years?

Her assistant Zhou Qian knocked on the door at this moment and told her that Yang Huayue and He Lushen had spread the sky-scandal.

Qiu Jing became angry and shameful. She thought of Yang Huayue's future and financial situation with good intentions and exempted her from liquidated damages. The family had already found a home, and could not wait to clarify the relationship with her.

She said to Yang Huayue on the phone, "Since you're ruthless, I don't leave any feelings for you. We act strictly in accordance with the terms of the contract. Before you break the contract, you will pay 1.8 million in liquidated damages.

1.8 million! ?

Yang Huayue was blown into sweat by this amount.

1.8 million is not much for a second-tier star, and earned a few films. The problem is that Yang Huayue has been in a state of unemployment. The last amount of money in her bank card was also used to reward Liu Ye.

Now she is poorly clanging, let alone 1.8 million, she can't even get 18,000.

"You have promised me to waive liquidated damages. How can you go against it?" Yang Huayue's tone also became angry.

Qiu Jing said indifferently, "I just verbally agreed with you, and our termination agreement did not specifically mention this."

Yang Huayue was annoyed. When she signed the agreement, she was so happy that she didn't pay attention to the details of the agreement. She really could not play this old fox.

Qiu Jing continued, "You and our contract have two years and two months to expire. Strictly speaking, you should pay 2.2 million. I still see you and me working together to get rid of you. Part of it. "

One month is 100,000 compensation for breach of contract. This was explicitly stated in the original contract, and Yang Huayue also knew it. The reason why Tang Tu has not yet signed a deal with Xinghe is because of this. Soon after he signed the contract with Xinghe, the artist contracts of Xinghe were signed once every five years. According to this compensation method, Tang Tu had to pay around 4.5 million.

Those who are rich don't want to lose 4.5 million at once. Tang Tu refuses to accept the amount of 4.5 million, and Qiu Jing is so stupid that he has to go to legal procedures.

This has evolved into what it is now. Xinghe Film and Television also has a certain responsibility. Whoever makes Gao Jindong the top of Xinghe will affect Tang Tu's future. If he does not cancel the contract, Tang Tu will have a sudden decline in income, just like Yang Huayue.

In the past, the relationship between Tang Tu and Qiu Jing was closer. This is the reality. In the face of interests, the so-called alumni's feelings and understanding and kindness are weak.

Qiu Jing is also struggling. It can be said that she unearthed Tang Tu in one hand and made him popular, but the calamity was about to fly.

Gao Jindong's injustice, but she came to blame. The management hired by the company noticed that the company's operating conditions were not correct, and offered to resign. It was useless to hold back their resignation report. Coming to work, now Qiu Jing is almost a betrayal.

1.8 million and 4.5 million can not change the status quo of Xinghe is about to decline, but she always wants to fight back.

"The ancients said that the actor is ruthless, not without reason," Qiu Jingru told Yang Huayue.

This sentence is undoubtedly a great insult to Yang Huayue, she sneered, "I think that I choose to change my job is a wise decision. I know that you are not pleasing to the eye because of Gao Jindong, who made me my own. But have you ever thought that I have worked for Xinghe for nearly three years and made at least tens of millions of dollars for you. Which command did you use in the past that I did not obey? Which one of your requirements did I not implement? I am not like other artists What is the dispute between you and you, and how much money you share with me, I accept, all of which you ignore directly, but also find 1.8 million from me, huh, the hard work I paid, in the end you will say one sentence. "The opera is ruthless" summarized, who in the end is really ruthless? You really are a black-hearted capitalist, even in the end, you must squeeze out my last drop of blood! "

Probably because he was so angry, Yang Huayue said these words and forgot to control his own volume, which was a bit hysterical, and was just heard by Liu Ye who was going upstairs and the siblings Tao who arrived late.

Yang Huayue pressed the hang-up button heavily and came out of the corner of the stairs. She saw three pairs of eyes looking at herself at the same time, and she was startled.

Liu Yan frowned and asked her, "Professor Qiu wants 1.8 million from you?"

Yang Huayue knew that Liu Wei, who was clever, could nod, and nodded. "She knew that I had signed a contract with Hua Guang, and asked me to compensate for liquidated damages."

"Isn't it a good idea to cancel the contract peacefully, and this person is too credulous!" Tao Zhiyao was indignant. Both she and Liu Ye knew Yang Huayue's economic status and let her sell 1.8 million now. Instead, let her sell directly kidney!

"Business doesn't tire of cheating," Tao Zhiwei said lightly, with a common look.

Yang Huayue glanced at this unscrupulous smile ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ a luxurious man, she didn't have any thoughts to explore who he was at the moment, she said to Liu and Tao, "I can only mortgage my house, first A loan of 1.8 million was paid to Qiu Jing, and then He Lushen worked honestly and repaid the debt a little bit. "

The method she said is exactly what Zhang Pei used to do, but what is not needed is that the house mortgaged by Zhang Pei has no loan, and Yang Huayue has to repay her own luxury house every month.

Tao Zhiwei asked her, "Does your house have a loan?"

Yang Huayue said yes.

"In this case, I'm afraid the bank will not lend you money," Tao Zhiwei said with experience.

Yang Huayue asked anxiously, "What should I do? Or I'll sell the house directly ..."

"Don't worry," Tao Zhiwei appeased her. "It's not difficult to do this."

Yang Huayue looked at the man's eyes. His eyes had a calming power. Although she didn't know him, his words made her convinced.

Liu Yisi, who happened to be Sun Weiwei's father, was at the banquet. She asked him to ask Yang Huayue what to do.

Tao Zhiyao was thinking that she or her brother would lend Yang Huayue 1.8 million to solve the urgent need.

Yang Huayue also calmed down. This is Liu Ye's banquet. She can't destroy the atmosphere. She has to wait until the end of the banquet.

In the banquet hall, Yang Huayue saw Liu Ye leading the brothers and sisters of the Tao family to Yu Zhan and He Lushen. Yu and He both stood up and talked to the man, and she realized that this person was Tao Zhi Tao's elder brother, Tao Zhiwei, is also the gold master who once rewarded her with a lot of money-"Weige father".

He was younger and more handsome than she imagined, and he was a real young talent.

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