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Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 576: Deep water
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Yu Zhan concealed Liu Xun because he didn't like things to be done before he said the results first, which would make people look exaggerated. Now that he has officially become the chairman of Galaxy Films, there is no need to keep her secret.

This news really shocked Liu Ye more than the seizure of the pet hospital. She asked silly, "How much did you spend to buy it?"

"The plan is 1.1 billion, but the plan can't keep up with the changes, and finally spent 1.34 billion."

Yu Zhan's relaxed tone, as if the unit of the amount is not 100 million, but thousands or tens of thousands. In fact, this money was also a huge expense for him. He was not rich enough to spend hundreds of millions of yuan without blinking. He said so, just to reassure Liu Ye.

He was afraid that Liu Ye had misunderstood that he bought the film and television company for her, although in fact there are some reasons for it. He told Liu Ye that it was Tao Zhiwei who saw the potential of Xinghe before pulling him into the gang.

"So, is Sister Taozi also a major shareholder of Xinghe?"

Now the ladies and sisters are so busy that they are too busy to meet each other. Tao Zhiyao and Sun Weiwei rented a villa in the outskirts to be used as a studio for "young ladies and sisters". The lease period is five years, and the rental time is longer, and the rent can be much cheaper.

The decoration of the villa is relatively simple and needs to be re-arranged. Sun Weiwei went to the villa to work with Tao Zhiyao after class every day. Tao Zhiyao set up a public props clothing room, and moved all the clothes in his cloakroom that were not commonly used and usually impossible to wear out to the villa.

Sun Weiwei took a live photo and sent it to the group for everyone to see. Liu Ye felt that Tao Zhiyao had emptied her cloakroom. She even bought a large bed and placed it in one of the rooms. Stance in the villa.

Probably no one has worked as hard as Tao Zhiyao.

During the day, she still shoots "Meng Chong Hospital" 4 with Ye Ziliang. Liu Ye trusts them both and rarely asks about their work, but every night Ye Ziliang will send a WeChat report to her to report the progress of her shooting. It is estimated that it will be about ten. In mid-February, "Meng Chong Hospital" 4 will be able to meet with netizens.

Liu Ye asked Yu Zhan Xinghe Film and Television in detail. The focus of the call was completely taken by Yu Zhan. Liu Ye had forgotten the business!

When she hung up the phone, she remembered that she had not yet asked Yu Zhan who instructed to close his shop behind him!

Yu Zhan was really not in a hurry. He posted a Weibo to inform netizens that the two pet hospitals in his name were indeed blocked by the staff of the District Industry and Commerce Bureau this morning. He also gave the Industry and Commerce Bureau to The reason for the punishment was written exactly, and a photo of the ticket was attached, which stated that a fine of 200,000 yuan had to be paid within the specified date.

Few celebrities, like him, publicly and publicly disclosed everything. Those netizens who had suspected him of operating illegally saw this content, but felt he was wronged!

"It's been a long time. It turned out that the pet hospital had to go to the public security bureau for the record."

"The veterinary assistant even asked for a practising certificate (shocking)? I'm also going to sign up to be an intern at Doctor Yu's shop ..."

"Do you know how to say that the punishment of the Bureau of Industry and Commerce is reasonable?"

"I flipped through the relevant regulations, and this punishment is really fine. It just feels a bit too sloppy, too rigid, as if it was deliberately looking for a reason to punish it. It doesn't make people feel better."

"Did Dr. Yu offend anyone?"

"The one upstairs, you know, everyone already knows."

"Hey, don't say anything, Doctor Yu is too difficult!"


Seeing the familiar names on the hot search list, the employees of Galaxy Films were very entangled. Is Dr. Yu the chairman of their company? !!

If so, it's too scary!

The owner of a small pet hospital that can be penalized casually by the Bureau of Industry and Commerce in the name of an unnecessary one is definitely Ronaldinho, but he can easily buy their company.

The water inside is too deep!

They are so scared.

But if not, how could there be such a coincidence in the world? Film and television company employees also usually go online. Some of them soon found the name of Tao Zhiyao, the company's third-largest shareholder, who appeared in the list of producers at the end of "Meng Chong Hospital", and this Tao Zhiyao was still "small A member of the "Sisters"-a sister Bai Fumei who often wears a mask, her Weibo is called "Peach is a little fairy _ Tao Zhiyao".

Can you have the same name and the same name at the same time? Yu Zhan and Tao Zhiyao are also people around Liu Ye. Looking at Liu Ye 's future development trends, they must be rooted in the entertainment industry. The purpose of her boyfriend and her friend to buy Xinghe Movies and TVs can hardly be explained. Thinking terribly.

Staff think about Dr. Aite Yu on Weibo and ask him, you are the chairman, can you still be hung up by such trivial matters?

But no one dares to do this ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ They don't even dare to publicize Zhan 's true identity online. The company is coming back to life, and the prospects are great. They can cherish this job. The employees of Huaguang Media are not treated so well! They don't want to be fired because of their big mouths.

They are just so anxious, why haven't netizens paid attention to the change of shareholders in their company!

Netizens certainly don't pay attention to these. The share purchase of Yu Zhan and Tao Zhiwei is very low-key. Qiu Jing has not sent any messages to the outside world, so that everyone still thinks that Galaxy is on the verge of bankruptcy!

Qiu Jing also learned about this from the Internet. She wanted to offer affection for the first time, to show her performance, and to troubleshoot her boss. She happened to know the leaders of several industrial and commercial bureaus. They belong to the municipal bureau, which is higher than the district. Level one. She was just about to dial Yu Zhan's phone, and suddenly realized that Yu Zhan had the ability to become her leader.

Don't worry about her.

Yu Zhan just left the seal on the door of his shop. The next day, he went to the District Industrial and Commercial Bureau to pay a fine of 200,000 yuan.

He asked staff at the scene when his pet hospital would be back in business.

The other party looked like two to five thousand and eighty thousand, his face was ugly, and his attitude was very impatient. He said, "The documents are not uniform, and they will be out of business for at least three months. You should go back and get these certificates, and come back and check again after three months! "

Yu Zhan ignored the cold face, and smiled and asked patiently, "If I can do it next week, can't I resume business next week?"

The other side said rightly, "Administrative punishment is so prescribed! If every self-employed person makes a mistake and pays for it, then how binding is the punishment on you?"

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