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Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 594: Focus on calligraphy
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Some cool-headed fans of Xia Chuan, after so careful analysis, felt that they had been shot by Xia Chuan, and they all expressed their desperation. Therefore, when Liu Ye quickly increased the powder because of the calligraphy video, Xia Chuan dropped the powder at the same speed. The drop was too fast, too powerful, and too ugly. Xia Chuan had to contact the agent to the water army company, and bought a lot of money for himself. Zombie powder, full of face, is also a kind of psychological comfort.

Liu Xie left Xia Chuan behind for a long time, but she did not expect that her attitude of trying it out and helping to represent this regular script class would cause such a great response on the Internet.

First, there were hundreds of people who applied to add her WeChat. The red circle behind her new friend became 99+. She couldn't see it. Some of them were students in the regular script class.

Liu Ye, like other teachers, left her WeChat and email address at the end of the ppt. She said that if she had any questions, she could add WeChat or email her. The classmate who uploaded the calligraphy video remembered to give her contact information to the mosaic, but there were The classmate spread her WeChat on campus, which led to many non-optional regular script students who did not know her also added her WeChat.

She doesn't dislike it. Her WeChat role is similar to that of her cell phone address book.

With Liu Ye ’s online popularity nowadays, under normal circumstances, her Weibo fans have increased at a rate of about 10,000 a day. If there is a specific event, such as a video of her singing at a celebration concert being edited by Tao Zhiyao, When posted to the Internet, her songs are pushed to the home page by music websites, etc., then her number of fans will increase dramatically, and it can increase by more than 100,000 in one day.

She has more than 10 million followers. She doesn't really care about these numbers anymore. She didn't eager to increase the number of fans as she did when she first started as an internet celebrity. She held the idea of ​​following the fate, how much to increase, not to force, Just don't drop the powder.

However, the less you care, the more unexpected surprises you have. After the calligraphic video spread all over the Internet, her Weibo gained more than two million fans in one day.

Many people leave messages on her Weibo to ask her questions about learning to write, such as what kind of writing brushes and papers to buy for regular script; for children to learn calligraphy, which font should they learn first; for beginners, which regular script master Copybooks are better ...

Everyone took her seriously as a Kai script teacher, which really made her feel ashamed.

She quickly posted a Weibo to clarify the facts, "I'm glad everyone pays attention to me because of calligraphy, but I am only entrusted by my teacher to temporarily replace the class. I am a regular script beginner like everyone. Because of the foundation of the script, I write The regular script can be read, but it ca n’t be researched or proficient. The content of the explanation is only taught by my teacher. I am equivalent to a setter. If you have any questions about regular script, you can directly go to my teacher ’s Weibo. Leave a message @ 苏 老头, but the teacher is in a hug, and I have been busy with work recently. You may not see your questions. Or you can leave a message on my Weibo and wait for me to collect the questions and present them to my teacher. Look, and reply in unison. "

Liu Ye's humility made her unfamiliar with her, and she can be red for no reason.

In response to some shallow, common questions in calligraphy, Liu Ye also answered on Weibo, such as the choice of pen and paper, the writing posture and the way of holding the pen.

In the end, she said on Weibo, "Practice the character must be calm, be good, and be good. You can't be impatient, perfunctory, and can't change the font style at will. If you choose one, you must persevere and practice solid basic skills. Think about learning other fonts. "

"A lot of classmates asked me, it ’s not too late to learn calligraphy from now on, I can tell you with certainty that it is not too late at any time! As long as you insist, one day you will see results. In addition, I recommend a few here Calligraphy masters' Weibo, they often share some calligraphy writing experience, all are talked about from experience, very useful! "

Liu Ye recommended the judges whom he knew at the calligraphy exhibition including Cheng Zikun and Chen Jianqiu, and also wrote Wu Qu and Zhou Buyi's Weibo, with each name indicating the typeface they are good at. Zhou Buyi and others have been on fire for a while at the Calligraphy Exhibition, but they are not Internet celebrities, and there is no breaking point that can continue to ferment. After the limelight passes, apart from real calligraphy lovers, ordinary people will not pay special attention This group of people.

Everyone is convinced of Liu Ye's words. Besides, a search on the Internet shows that these people are famous and surnamed characters in the calligraphy industry, so pay close attention to it!

As far away as the ancient capital, Zhou Buyi found that his Weibo, which had not been enhanced for a long time, suddenly started to increase its popularity. He easily found the source, because the following messages on his Weibo were all in the same format: "Hello Teacher Zhou, I am Liu Ye recommended Come over ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Zhou Buyi laughed and sprayed, Liu Wei is Teacher Liu, he has become Teacher Zhou? He sent Liu Wei a WeChat, "You are really good friends, all the time, no Forget to bring me! "

Liu Ye hadn't contacted Zhou Buyi for a while. He just greeted him and asked him how he is doing.

Zhou Buzhen said, "How can I have the nourishment you have in my life, except for normal class, I just go to the teacher's side to learn the word, nothing special."

Liu Ye asked, "Did Vice Minister Guo contact you?"

"I'm a little Luo Luo, why did he contact me?" Zhou Buchao laughed, "presumably he has forgotten me."

"No, he can remember the two of us very clearly," Liu Yan thought of Vice Minister Guo again, and asked, "Are you free during the winter vacation?"

"Not for the time being, I guess it is just staying at home for the Chinese New Year. It seems you have something to find me."

"It's not me. It's Vice Minister Guo. He wants us both to promote calligraphy to young people."

"How to publicize? Do you make a documentary as he said before?" Zhou Buzhen remembered this shortly. "I don't think it works. Documentaries are usually very long. Calligraphy is boring for ordinary people. The combination of both On one piece, visibility is zero. "

In fact, Vice Minister Guo has given up on the idea of ​​making a documentary. He asked Liu Ye to figure it out by himself. He said that young people have more ideas and are more flexible than him!

Vice Minister Guo spoke casually, but Liu Ye felt the pressure. She felt that he was assigning tasks to him. After all, Vice Minister Guo was the upper level of the cultural department. Liu Yehong was too conspicuous. The upper level must notice her. He hoped that Liu Ye, as an internet celebrity, would set an example for the public, especially young people and minors, and promote more positive things, including traditional culture.

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