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Home » Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star TFCS » Chapter 578: Important guest
Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 578: Important guest
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The live broadcast of the audience's admission ended after Zhang Pei entered the scene, the camera switched to the stage in the concert hall, and the show was about to begin. President Wang's secretary checked with him which other VIPs did not arrive.

At this time, a low-key black car stopped at the entrance. Two people got off the car, one was Yu Zhan, and the other was a bearded alien.

The two were familiar with each other and talked while walking.

President Wang rushed to meet, not for Yu Zhan, but for foreigners. This person is Mr. Martin, the director of the Department of Piano of the Julia School of Music in the United States. It was President Wang's invitation to come to the concert and exchange visits in order to revive the piano department of the school.

In the morning celebrations, Mr. Martin was still sitting at the viewing table.

Principal Wang's English is still good enough for daily communication. He stepped forward to say hello to Mr. Martin, who was more enthusiastic than him and gave him a hug.

Principal Wang certainly noticed the young man beside Mr. Martin and heard him speak English as fluently as his mother tongue. Principal Wang thought he was a translator for Mr. Martin.

Without waiting for President Wang to ask questions, Mr. Martin introduced him actively, "He is my friend YUZHAN, and his girlfriend is performing tonight. I look forward to her performance very much!"

As mentioned earlier, after Liu Ye was expelled from the Conservatory of Music, Yu Zhan contacted Mr. Martin for the first time and expressed his willingness to use a large donation to invest in Liu Ye's admission.

After seeing Liu Ye's performance video, Mr. Martin was willing to write a recommendation letter for this Chinese girl even without money.

Unfortunately, Liu Ye later transferred to Capital University through the relationship of Professor Su, and did not need an admission letter from an American university.

Since then, Mr. Martin has also maintained a long-term relationship with Yu Zhan. On the one hand, Liu Zheng's Guqin performance made him very amazing and unforgettable; on the other hand, he also learned Yu Zhan's identity from his network. A young man from China, but in several cities in the United States Owning expensive real estate, such a house, Martin believes that he can't afford it in this life.

Yu Zhan's richness made him stagger. The so-called high society was originally a society of money and power, and becoming a friend with such a rich person is definitely not harmful to Martin himself.

As soon as Martin arrived in China, he sent a message to Yu Zhan.

So, in the past few days, where is the mess at the pet hospital in Yu Zhan, he has to consider the work content of Xinghe Film and Television next year, and receive Mr. Martin.

President Wang naturally asked Yu Zhan, "What is your girlfriend ...?"

Yu Zhan answered with a smile, "Liu Ye."

Principal Wang was surprised, and looked at the young man from head to toe again. What a talent! What made Headmaster Wang strange is that the seat number on Yu Zhan's invitation was actually in the back row of the main seat, right behind Tang Daqing, and a place with excellent vision.

The concert hall has a limited capacity, and each seat in the auditorium has been reasonably allocated. Even the students of the school are only qualified to observe the scene.

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