Chapter Four

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When I catch up with her, we run to through parts of the city that I've never been to.
"You've never used the train before, am I right?" She asks me while we run.
"No. But I've seen the Dauntless use it before. We don't have to jump on like they do, right?"
"Of course you haven't. And sorry man, its the only way." She tells me with a wild look in her eyes.
Fear finds its way to my heart again, and I cannot feel my legs. We stop in front of an abandon building and wait for the train in silence. I look back from where we came from. We must have ran at least a mile or two.
"Where are we going, anyway?" I inquire between breaths.
"To my brother's. He transferred to Dauntless a couple years ago and I hope he'll know what to do." She looks at me. "What were your results?" she asks. I question whether to answer her or not, but by now I guess it doesn't even matter.
"Dauntless and Amity" I say, and it feels even more abnormal to hear from my own mouth.
"Thats odd." She replies "Two very different factions."
She's scaring me with these words, so I change the topic.
"What were yours?" I ask.
"Candor and Dauntless." Brave and honest, she's practically a solider.

The train comes down the tracks seconds later.
"You ready?" She shouts over the roar of the wheels against the track.
I nod, but thats a lie - I have no idea what I'm doing.
"Lets go!" She yells.
We begin to run again, and the aching in my legs continues. The girl extends her hand to the wagon and grabs on to the first cart of the train and hops in. She makes it look easy. She holds out her hand to me and I throw the box in the cart, then take it. I jump as high as I can, but my legs miss the floor of the wagon and dangle just above the tracks. I scream and take Marie's other hand to pull myself up. She tugs on my arms as hard as she can and I land in the wagon right beside her feet. The girl starts to laugh and eventually, I begin to laugh as well. How can we be laughing after two extremely dangerous and life threatening events? This whole day does not make any sense.

I take time in the train to go through what happened today to calm myself down. I take continuous deep breaths and try to slow down the rate of my heart as best as I can. I look over at the girl as she picks at her nails and wonder how she can be so relaxed after what we went through.
"Hey, whats your name?" I ask her to distract myself from panicking.
"Marie Thomas. Yours?"
"James Wood."
She nods and continues to pick at her nails and soon, the ride becomes awkward. She seems to know her way around the city and how to jump on a moving train - which is strange for a Candor. Her brother must have taught her these things and I wonder how he never got caught. I open my mouth to ask her about him, but she stops me.
"Hey, whats in that box you got there?" Marie asks.
"Oh, its the syringes that they were going to..." My voice shakes. I'm not ready to accept that my school was trying to kill me.
" use on us." I finish.
"Ah, what did I tell you?" She says. "But keep those close by. They might come in handy later on..." She says, with a grin.

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