Chapter Thriteen

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I run faster then I've ever ran before, and make it to the front of the group. Then without notice, I turn rapidly to the side and sprint to my Amity home. Lucas and Marie shout at me from behind, but I ignore them and keep running. The tall grass scratches my face and I continuously brush my eyes so I am able to see straight. When I make it to the entrance , I burst through the front doors and turn right. I don't need to think about where I am going because my brain is wired to my destination from the countless days of walking back home from school. I run through a long hallway and dart through another set of doors that lead to the village area of Amity. I run in the direction of my house and try to ignore all of the Amity eyes on me. Mom and Dad are still out in the farm, but Kay should be at home - doing her homework at the table. Then it hits me. None of them have no idea what happened to me, no idea where I've been. A heavy weight sits on my chest when I think of how worried they all could be. I shake my head and keep running on the legs that I can no longer feel.

I make it to my house and approach the door with force, but when I have it open, I push it slowly the rest of the way - like an Amity would. I jog to the dining room and let my eyes search for Kay, until I see her long brown pony-tail on the wooden stool in the kitchen. I knew she would choose Amity.
"Kayleigh!" I shout in relief.
She turns around with a jolt and knocks over the cutting board she was dicing an apple with, and sprints up to hug me. Her arms feel like my own personal shield from everything thats happening right now. My force field that will protect everything and anything that comes my way.
"James!" She sobs. I can feel her tears press against my cheek.
"Where were you? What are you wearing? What happened?"
"We need to leave; Now."
"Why what is- your neck..." she stares at my tattoo, jaw dropped.
"We don't have time."
"But James!"
"C'mon!" I grab her wrist and run to the door. Just as we make it out of the house, I run into a tall, thin figure. It's Dove. I use no words to address her, instead I grab her hand, and run to the outside of the house. We stop at the side of my home that faces a garden, and I look around to see if anyone is watching.
"Okay." I begin, "My test result was mixed. Its called Divergent." I tell the both of them.
I tell them about escaping school and about Marie and Lucas and Training and Arnold and lastly, our plan. Both Dove and Kay look beyond in shock.
"James..." Kay says. "I..."
"Look." I interrupt. "You can either stay here and potentially get hurt by Officials," I wince. "Or you can come with us and survive." I try to persuade them.
They both look lost and scared, but after a few seconds of thought, they nod.
"Okay, Lets go." I say.

I guide Dove and Kayleigh back the way I came. Dove yells something behind me, which I don't hear over my heart beat. My legs try to keep up with my thought process, but they aren't in unison. Just as I set my legs at a fast but steady pace, a large pair of hands throws me to the ground -again.
"What do you think you're doing, you idiot?" Lucas shouts at me while my body slams against the wet grass. As soon as my back hits the ground, Lucas grabs the collar of my shirt and pulls me close to his face.
"You threw us off and now were all screwed. Im gonna kill you!" He yells at me through his clenched teeth. The Amity me would sit back and take in the screaming, but I'm not just Amity.
"Killing me in front of Amity? Now I know where you stand as a well-minded human being." I say to him with an edge in my voice.
I wriggle free from him and pick up my sister and Dove, a little more rough than intended. Marie and Arnold stand in the field across from the fence, waiting for us. Lucas stands there looking at me so cold that my finger tips turn to ice, but my ears are as hot as fire.
"Now are we just gonna stand here or keep going?" I snap at Lucas before he can get the last word in. I run past Lucas and leave Dove and Kay behind, hoping they can keep up.

I dart right past Marie and head in the opposite direction she stands in, and continue our escape.
Only then does my mind begin to wonder what lies beyond the fence, beyond Amity. All I can see is green. Is this it? Is this all that is left of the world? It can't be.
I look back to make sure everyone is keeping up, but no one is there to check on. I don't see Lucas - or Dove, or Kay, or Marie, or Arnold. My eyes search the grass all around me until they lock on one thing and one thing only.

The Erudite trucks that circle Amity.

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