Chapter Twenty-One

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Marie guides me to the other's jail cells. I try to keep up with her, but she's fast.
Really fast.
We run into a locked metal door that reads, Cell numbers 26 - 34. I point my gun at the lock and fire, as if I have experience with this. We run down another hall until the prison cells are one door away. The door is guarded by two Erudite guards who are armed with guns much larger than mine. We wait around the corner of the hallway and think of a plan.
"Fire the guards in the leg. We'll run through and get Lucas and Dove." Marie orders me.
I nod, and proceed with the plan. I fire at their thighs, they both make a grunt sound and fall to the floor. Marie and I race to the door, and I fire at the knob as if my gun is a key. Marie stops at the guards and derives both of their guns. I stop too, and pat down the Erudite guards for keys for the cells. I kick the door open the rest of the way and Marie leads while I try to keep up with her long legs. We turn the hallway and I see her through the rusty metal bars. I see Dove's pale face, but she's still gorgeous. She sits on the cold stone floor, playing with her fingers, shivering. Lucas sits next to her with his hands folded and his eyes closed.
"Dove! Lucas!" I yell, without thinking who else might hear.
"James, Marie!" They shout as they stand from where they were sat.
"How did you get here? When did you get here? Are you okay?" Dove explodes.
"I'll explain later. But right now we need to leave. As soon as were out, we head straight for the fence, okay?" I say. I fiddle the keys in the lock of the cell until I find the one that fits, and I turn it. Dove runs out from the cell and hugs me, tight.
"Thank you," she whispers in my ear.
"Thank you."
After she pulls away I look around. Dove, Marie, and Lucas all stare at me.
"So whats the plan?" Lucas' questions me.
Lucas is asking me what were going to do next. He's letting me be in charge.
Suddenly, the lights shut off and an ear-splitting alarm goes off, that makes all of us jump.
"Lets go!" I shout over the noise.
We all sprint for the door as Marie hands one of the guns from the guards to Lucas, and keeps the other for herself. Dove looks back at me and holds out her hand. I take it and squeeze it tight, as we run back up the hall.

"The lobby is full of Erudite and armed guards. How are we gonna leave?" I shout over the alarm, as we emerge to the stairs that leads to the lobby.
"We have guns. We can shoot and run." Marie suggests.
"We're cutting it too close. James says that the lobby was full of guards when he was there, but now there are probably guards on every floor, looking for him, looking for us" Lucas replies.
We stand there for a moment and let any ideas come across us. Finally Dove speaks up.
"I know what we can do. The woman's bathroom here has small windows over every stall. We can make it out of one of those if we can get to the first floor."
This can work - we just have to make it to floor A. Then we will be free.
I look around and see that everyone thinks her plan through, and nods in approval. Lucas starts for the stairs, and we run to freedom.

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