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Dazai forgets his lunch

Akutagawa :- Dazai san , you can have my bento.

Dazai :- Thanks but no.

Akutagawa :- Umm but dazai san -

Dazai :- Don't you know akutagawa skipping lunch will increase your gut power so i am doing that and  will become strong enough to beat anyone . So right now your enemy is no more atsushi but the hunger inside you. Endure it and you will also become strong.

Akutagawa :- *leaves with sparkly eyes* Dazai san said that now i wont eat lunch for the entire week.

Atsushi coming to dazai's desk :- I feel bad for akutagawa.

Dazai :- Ohh atsushi kun what have you brought. Never mind just give it to me . 

Atsushi :- °_° 


In a famous photo of Akutagawa he is posing with this thumb and pointer finger in a V-shape under his chin. Because Dazai idolized Akutagawa he copied the pose which can also be seen in the anime.

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