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Kunikida :- " So what's everyone doing tonight ?"

Dazai with sparkly eyes :- " Kunikida kuuuuuuun ~ are you going to treat us !?"

Kunikida :- " No you bandage wasting device. I was planning that maybe we all could go to watch fireworks. "

"Yayyy i am in " ranpo shouted.

Kouyou and yosano :- " We too " while the others nodded their head

Tachi , gin and higuchi :- " Can we also join ?"

Kunikida :- " Yeah sure. Okay then it's decided , let's meet at 6 p.m in the evening at the park."

"Okay" everyone said in unison.


Atsushi :- " Here everyone i brought sparkles. "

Akutagawa :- " You're late sushi . I was waiting for you . "

Atsushi :- " Umm...sorry "

Naomi :- " Fufu look at you two being all lovey dovey "

Kyouka :- " Woww sparkles. "

Kouyou lightning a sparkle :- " Here kyouka take this one. "

Kyouka lighted the sparkles along with kenji , lucy and ranpo.

Dazai :- " Ahh the weather's so nice today . "

Chuuya :- " Umm dazai come with me . "

Dazai :- " What happened chibi "

"Let's go there " chuuya said pointing to a higher mountain .

Dazai :- " Ehh mountain climbing. Could it be that you want to do something you can't do infront of others. "

Chuuya :- " Stop making assumptions idiot and follow me. "

Dazai followed behind him without saying a word.

After a few minutes chuuya decided to break the silence .

Chuuya :- " This is a place i've always wanted to come with you. "

" Ohh " dazai said as he smiled to himself.




Dazai :- " Chuuya if you're tired i can give you a piggy back ride. " he said teasing the little ginger.

Chuuya :- " Are you stupid ? "

Dazai :- " Why ... but we always used to that before "

Chuuya :- " We were kids then . Anyways we are about to reach there "

Dazai :- " There isn't a single track over here. Where are you taking me. Could it be that you've finally decided to comit double suicide with me. " *sparkle sparkle *

Chuuya :- " Ehh forget about that idiot. Look over here ."

Chuuya removed the small bush infront of him and stood on a cliff while dazai followed him. Dazai 's eyes widened as he saw the most beautiful scene in his life. The sky was dark blue with millions of stars shining above them without a trace of cloud.

Chuuya looked at dazai's face and was happy seeing the other's excitement.

Dazai :- " Chuuya this is so beautiful. "

The ginger gave him a small smile and nodded in his direction. He then checked the time on his watch and stepped closer to dazai .

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